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  • #33838


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    • #364539
      mrc s

      Is being humble means thinking that I’m ugly, unimportant etc?

      • #364636

        Hey mrc,

        This has nothing to do with physical attributes but instead how one regards oneself with respect to others. For example, if I want to achieve the goal myself, then what I want to be more important is for others to achieve the goal.


    • #363261
      mrc s

      If outside is only light

      How can it block

      Me to get past

      A wall, isn’t light


      • #363949
        mrc s

        If I move forward to a wall I’m blocked, light is transparent ya?

      • #363422

        Can you rephrase this one?

        • #364022
          mrc s

          If outside is light why I can bump into a “wall”?

    • #363209

      can you have a group with girls?

      • #363291

        Hey Michael,

        Mixing isn’t something that was ever done in the history of the path. That’s actually the natural way. We may want it to be different, thinking it could in some way be beneficial, but in reality it is just distracting and unnatural for the spiritual path. Women need to be surrounded only by women and men with only men. If it still seems there wouldn’t be any conflict there, just stay on the path a bit longer and it will become clear.


    • #363161

      Was The  Ball HaSulam rejected by certain jewish communities? If so, Why? 

      • #363290

        Yes, of course. This was particularly in Poland where the dissemination of anything that wasn’t strictly adherent to what was accepted by the religious leaders in the area was perceived basically as threatening. There were many tactics to undermine the efforts of BHS which eventually led to his expulsion but mainly escaped due to the coming war and he tried to get as many Jews out and explain to them the danger ahead, which of course was not accepted.

      • #363162

        i heard my instructor Giani say something along the lines that, when Baal Hasulam Released books, they started to flood other Kabbalah books to overwhelm his books so no one would read his, Unless i miss heard Giani, don’t quote me on that. 

    • #363119

      I am finding a conflict between my religious beliefs  the beliefs of Kabbala. It has now got to the point where I have to decide which belief I should commit to and follow. It’s not an easy decision because I have grown to love and have concern for you all. Unfortunately, three of our zoom meetings are on a Sunday and this makes it difficult for me to attend my worship meetings. What I decide it’s going to be a difficult decision, but I feel the need to make a decision soon in order that what whatever, I decide things can settle down. I would value your support, prayers and advice.

      • #363289

        Hi Stephen,

        Exactly. You’ll need to pick one. We never suggest any kind of blending, this will always just lead to more confusion. Perhaps you’ll need more time considering what your goals are and what’s most important to you. If you do decide to commit to this path, we’ll always be here.


    • #363116


      I am currently speechless. Since I was a child I used to spend hours and hours “seeing” inside of me how this world was not a real world but just a movie (that was my childhood reference back in the ’70s) and that we all referenced to this movie in different ways. That even things a colors (eg. red) was actually perceived differently by every one and only our naming things made us collectively believe they were the same for the whole collective. I also remember trying to have conversations with my parents asking them why no one understood earth was not really a little rock in the universe but rather an “eye” of the Universe (now I’d have better words for it) through which the Universe itself was “looking down” on itself like we might look down at ants, meaning we can see the whole colony at once as one big organism.

      I also tried to explain to them God was not a man up there in the sky (raised catholic) but rather it was the Whole of everything but they thought I was just going trough a “phase” and tried to shut me up.

      Then I saw lots of pain very early on in my life and never found anyone capable of explaining to me why humans would persist in hurting each others instead of supporting and helping as we were, ultimately, one big organism.

      Needless to say I was alone in my visions and words and no one, literally up until now that I found KabU, has ever, ever supported my feelings.

      At the peak of my despair, some 12 years ago, I cried with all my heart out to the Universe fro help and understanding and I was literally take by the light. I did not bring the full memory of the experience back with me, but what I remember is the knowledge I had been shown the reason behind everything and that is was so simple, and so… easier? than we make it to be, and also, the first thing I remember when becoming present to my body again was my laughing. As if I had just heard the funnies joke of my life. And the light. For about a week after that my vision was completely different. I SAW God as the Essence of everything, in between the spaced of the atoms as if there was no separation at all and all outlines, border, differences only came out of me naming things that way and therefore giving them a form outside of me. I tried talking about my experience with people I thought were spiritual but had little luck as they were most interested in “secret messages” I might have received more than the unity I felt with every being and thing.

      Despite slowly loosing that vision and feeling and not finding others to really share my knowledge of how we’re really all connected as one behind our perception of being separate, I have never been able to un-know. Even as I tried to “give up” everything spiritual given the extreme loneliness I felt for so many years after that experience, I could not un-know. Ever. And I tried. I tried tell myself I had hallucinated out of desire or will, but I could never forget how connected we are and the sheer, complete essence of LOVE that is ALL. I would be the one looking at the most hated being and dare say out loud: “he’s probably just in a lot of fear an loneliness and had no way to know he can be anything different” reversing on my nasty comments.

      Now I found KabU and have to work on my ego, and feel blessed I went through 12 years of darkness to get to a community that was right an arm length away from me this whole time, yet hidden so good! I see this was for a good reason yet instinctively I tend to say and think a little more pissed. But hey, working on it!

      Anyhow, what I can’t believe, still, despite watching video after video after video more than I eat and drink, is how REAL this all feels. For the first time in my life I feel I’m in the right place.

      Please, beside reading all the suggested books and watching all the video I can stay awake to watch and learn, what is the best way for me to attain more? I feel I waited my whole existence for this. I am not Jewish and no no words of Hebrew and this is frustrating as I feel I’m missing out on deeper understanding of writings. I want to understand more! Please how do I go about it? Thanks for your work and support.

      • #363288

        Hi Simona,

        Sounds like you’re coming along terrifically. There is always room to “add more” but this is in relation to your connection to the environment. At the end of the course you’ll find yourself with others who also want to advance towards the goal and this will be all you need in addition to what you already mentioned–cleaving to the books, teacher and group. Continue what you’re doing and each day you will feel new discernments on your path.

        Best of luck!


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