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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 1,210 total)
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    • #339367
      mrc s

      what if g-d hates me? can i do something to make him love me?

      • #339400

        He does not act against His nature which is only one of complete bestowal. The created beings are the ones that perceive that differently. “We were as dreamers”, and each one has their own path towards revealing the true reality.

        • #339407
          mrc s

          in the bible i guess i remember writed that he hates the wicked?

    • #339366
      mrc s

      how if i cannot pray to make me not lazy because im lazy to pray and i cannot pray to… until i cannot pray whatsoever about it?

    • #339365
      mrc s

      if i feel suffering is g-d fail me?

      • #339398

        Suffering is an indication that there’s something to correct. All He wants is for us to come closer to Him. According to the root of our soul, this is how He relates to us. We just have to trust in the meantime that it was all certainly Good that does Good, and He is just waiting for us to reveal that ourselves.

    • #339364
      mrc s

      i feel stuck between not loving g-d and not hating him, why do He give suffering?

      • #339397

        We don’t understand why He behaves in certain ways with us. We didn’t ask to be born, yet when we are, we develop into wanting to know more about life and existence. We can only comprehend and feel the entirety of reality if we reveal all of it, including what we perceive as negative forces. It’s all in order to expand our perception and bring us to a higher awareness.

    • #339363
      mrc s

      Does physical miracles exist besides the tanakh?

      • #339396

        If it exits, it’s not a miracle. Meaning, if nature allows for it to happen in our world, it’s not a miracle. The only miracle the Torah speaks about is the miracle of the created being receiving a new nature, that of bestowal because this is truly un-natural–against nature.

    • #339362
      mrc s

      if i feel its against physical laws to be what i want is it true or not?

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 1,210 total)
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