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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 559 through 564 (of 1,209 total)
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    • #329651
      mrc s

      Is this world the branch of the highest spiritual world (ein sof)  where G-d resides?

      • #329707

        Hey mrc,

        If you’re referring to the “root” of existence, this is what the creature discovers once the final correction has been completed for every piece of the soul that was shattered.


    • #329650
      mrc s

      Is G-d in the world of ein sof or higher?

      • #329706

        Hi mrc,

        Kabbalists explain that “the Creator” is the degree above the one who perceives Him. Meaning, the force that governs all of reality by the quality of bestowal is currently concealed. If one moves closer towards building that quality in themselves, they can then feel that He is concealed. The revelation of that governing force occurs when a person reaches equivalence of form…on that degree. The next degree, the pattern continues until the final concealment which Kabbalists label as the 125th degree.



    • #329465
      Tiago Casellato

      Hello, KabU Team.

      Probably a silly question. Can taking anxiolytics or antidepressants mask the feeling of descent necessary for progress in Work in the Ten? Can the increased activity of neurotransmitters with a calming and sedative effect on the central nervous system somehow give the feeling of filling a void that should be felt and filled internally by Light?


      • #329507

        Hi Tiago,

        It is only possible to influence the state of descent through working with the right environment and the Kabbalistic texts. If one carries out their advice, then they hasten the descent, and if one is negligent in their work, then the descent may be prolonged. The calculation is only with respect to the controlled environment of the group, the books, and the teacher, and not what a person does or doesn’t do in their life outside the group.


    • #329321
      mrc s

      What pleasure/purpose comes from suffering?

      • #329460

        Hey mrc,

        Suffering is felt by being disconnected from the purpose of creation. If we don’t feel the purpose of creation acting at every moment, then by default we are existing in our ego which by definition means we don’t sense the Creator.

        If we are led only by pleasure/pain then pain is just another aspect of how He directs us towards the goal. If we feel the goal then the pain is accompanied by purpose which is a totally different pain since His love behind that feeling is also accompanied with that sensation, but the purpose is always the same – to lead us closer to the end of correction.




    • #329319
      mrc s

      What is more important: free will or pleasure?

      • #329459

        Hey sorry mrc, I thought I answered this…I guess it got lost.

        I would say the aspect of free will actually depends on your attitude towards pleasure. Of course we can only seek pleasure, the question is, “for what sake?”.

        If the pleasure is more important to us than “to whom do we give the pleasure by receiving it?” then we won’t be able to realize our free will. If however, we only want to exist in order to give pleasure to the Creator by receiving, this is the place in the system of creation that grants us to as if stand on our own two feet and exist next to the Creator.

        So if you’re asking, “what is more important?”, the answer would certainly be free will, however, without the pleasure in the equation we couldn’t realize this free will. So in that case, you could say both are equally important.


    • #329113
      Troy Albright

      I recently received a “cross” necklace from my mother for my birthday. She knows I study Kabbalah but I doubt she knows exactly what it is. I feel obligated to wear it when I’m around her because it was a gift. Any instructor’s or friends have input regarding what Kabbalah says about this? Thank you in advance.

      • #329138

        Hi Troy,

        I think we would say just wear it if you know it’ll make her happy. No reason to have it become a cause for conflict or increase any kind of tension.

        We all experience these kinds of situations, so that’s normal, but don’t think putting a cross necklace on your neck brings you closer or further from the path. Remember, the most important is the intention…”intention” for what? “to do good.”


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