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Viewing 6 posts - 853 through 858 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #304822
      mrc s

      Is disliking a person a sin, or just honest

      • #305244

        It’s nature. Our nature.

        You either agree with it or want to rise to the level of the speaking degree and become similar to the Creator.


      • #305190
        Jesse Block

        I beleive its a manifestation of your egos desire for them to be or act in a way that is of benefit to you. I don’t think that’s a sin, but perhaps an opportunity to identify what part of your ego is  put off my them and understand if an opportunity for correction has presented itself, or if there is an opportunity to learn something about yourself.

      • #304823
        mrc s


    • #304810
      mrc s

      What’s the difference between loving people and do good to people?

      • #305243

        As I answered below, this is only where you can aim yourself towards them through this quality of bestowal. “Love” is this complete goal where you feel them as you do yourself. Doing good maybe could mean you simply with not cause harm which is a less active state. There’s a lot to unpack here but I think Jesse is onto something. Who do you intend will enjoy? You or them – the Creator?


      • #305191
        Jesse Block


    • #304808
      mrc s

      Is it better to do good to those who hates me or do good to me?

      • #305242

        Hey mrc,

        “Doing good” is only to equip the intention to bestow. Since we have to start in a group that mutually supports one another in this goal, we’re not engaging in people outside of that circle who might hate me. If I feel the friends in the group hate me, we consider this a great “help from above” since I’m surely in need of the Creator’s help and He must help me overcome. There must always be a foundation on which you can bestow. We can call it hatred, rejection, repulsion etc. – and above that “love” or bestowal.


    • #304427
      mrc s

      Since I studied Kabbalah I got the urge to punch god, complain, and curse Him isn’t that wrong.?

      • #304682

        Hey mrc,

        If you’ve learned anything in your time here, you should have heard on a few occasions, “none else besides Him”.

        As impossible or illogical and incorrect as it sounds and feels, we learn He’s the one that sends us those thoughts as well. You could also say that having such an attitude to Him is better than not having any attitude at all. Being in a state of indifference is worse than all of them – even though He would have sent us that state as well…

        There’s a lot to get into, but these are the scrutinies of a person on the path. One needs to go through many states and receive impressions from them such that they can finally begin relating to the upper force correctly.

        Best of luck!

    • #304423
      mrc s

      Why I feel more pleasure reading Kabbalah books other than The Zohar.?

      • #304672

        Everyone is different. Some feel drawn to different texts. Some people feel drawn to the Zohar, yet it’s important to emphasize again that the “reading” of Kabbalistic sources is not to be inspired by them, to feel good, to feel like I’m coming closer to spirituality – but rather a yearning to undergo spiritual changes – from becoming a receiver to becoming a bestower.


      • #304428
        mrc s

        Or The Zohar is intense and for great people?

    • #304422
      mrc s

      Is it impossible that a person studies Kabbalah and suffer more.?

      • #304671

        The definition of suffering changes. You start redefining from bitter/sweet to truth/false.

        Suffering becomes a measurement for bringing the Creator joy by wanting to be like Him, bestowing back to Him – can you do this or not? Did you receive such conditions that you’re unable to? If yes, this is suffering.

Viewing 6 posts - 853 through 858 (of 1,206 total)
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