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Viewing 6 posts - 865 through 870 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #304253
      Juan Londono

      I’ve been studying the videos on the kabu YouTube page for over 15 years and shown them to many friends over the years.  Lately I’ve felt so drawn to the wisdom of kabbalah and my entire life experience feels like it’s drastically changed.  I see the creator in a completely new way and I’ve been finding myself always thinking about him.  I’ve started to experience giving pleasure to the creator with my heart while i receive pleasure during my daily life.


      I finally joined the kabu group here and am excited to learn more.


      Lately I’ve been finding myself full of laughter is this normal?  I feel almost born again with the eyes of a child when i look out at the world.


      I want to know more about Adam ha rishon.  Is the physical universe a creature that is united to the creator, does adam embody the whole seen and unseen reality?  Two parts one that gives and the other that receives?


      Thank you ❤️

      • #304502

        Hi Juan,

        Yes, what you described is normal and something everyone goes through.

        Adam HaRishon is the collective soul consisting of all the united parts of creation. In this unified vessel the light of the Creator is received. This is the purpose of creation, and this entire physical reality is only in order to help us acquire an independent desire for connection with the Creator.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #303981
      ali malekzadeh

      Hi there

      I want to  thank you for all the great courses/YouTube videos.

      By the way, one more thing I would like to share with u guys
      Something has happened inside me and I’m confused (kind of happy and worried)
      I no longer have the desire to do my normal activities and all I want to do is study and learn Kabbalah is it normal?  🙁

      Nothing(reading books, watching moves, etc.) gives me more pleasure than learning Kabbalah  🙂

      any advise ?

      • #304526
        Juan Londono

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>*edit</p>

      • #304233

        Hi Ali,

        Haha I really am laughing because it’s something almost all of us go through. The states really are similar for us all! Sometimes it’s truly unbelievable how it happens….

        This is completely normal to feel this way, however, you must continue living your normal life. This phase will pass but it’s also a necessary one for you to begin to arrange for yourself how to live in “two worlds”.

        Both worlds must exist in parallel and you will see that this is perfect the way it is. You just need to do some inner “tuning” and you’ll be just fine.

        Patience and time will get you through this. Just stick to this environment and you’ll see this “floating board in the middle of the ocean” will bring you to shore.

        Best of luck, friend.


    • #303670
      mrc s

      Is the desire to be equal to each other good instead of wanting to be above others.?

      • #304232

        Equal is also not possible, but only in one thing – in the aspiration to bestow. The Creator, in this, makes us equal. It’s why it’s said that He is the glue that binds us together.


    • #303653
      mrc s

      Is it more important to love the Creator or people?

      • #304231

        Great question. How do you love the Creator though? Also, how do you love without the opposite – hate?

        Then you’ll understand why you need a group.


    • #303652
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Getting more than what I want is considered more happy (more what I want?) or not?</p>

      • #304230

        Pleasure is pleasure. It just depends what kind of pleasure do you want. Do you want to give pleasure to the Creator or to yourself?

    • #303525
      mrc s

      Has the ego been a good force before.?

      • #304229

        Creator: “I’ve created the evil inclination, I’ve created the Torah as a spice.”


Viewing 6 posts - 865 through 870 (of 1,206 total)
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