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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 889 through 894 (of 1,207 total)
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    • #302448
      mrc s

      Is Adam kadmon, Atik yomin and ein sof considered creation too.?

    • #302447
      mrc s

      Is the world atzilut, beria until our world considered creation.?

    • #302446
      mrc s

      If Zon is the Creatures then what is khb(Aa, Avi).?

      • #302580

        Hi mrc,

        In relation to all of these technical questions, my advice would be to write them down in one place and return to them later after you’ve studied a bit more.

        I will say, “creation” if you’re referring to the “created being” is only considered the soul of Adam HaRishon.

        The Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah would be something I’d recommend you to be comfortable with if this is the direction your heart is drawn to.


    • #302438
      mrc s

      I remember reading that the measure of godliness in a person is his success/happiness but also that feeling lower than the majority..? I don’t understand.

      • #302578

        I’m also unfamiliar with that concept. If you could point me to the Kabbalistic source I could help, but if it is not related then I’m afraid I have nothing to say.


    • #302414
      mrc s

      I guess i know why im suffering all this time, in the past few years I didn’t give as if giving before the recipient tell me they want it I didn’t give it because lest they didn’t want what I’m trying to give, now I give pleasure even when they haven’t tell me if they want it or not

    • #302363

      Thank you Chris

Viewing 6 posts - 889 through 894 (of 1,207 total)
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