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Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 1,230 total)
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    • #302785
      mrc s

      If outside of us is only the Creator then we don’t feel each other.? Or we feel the Creator outside but feel others inside.?

      • #303040

        Hi mrc,

        Good question. First what’s “outside of us” is the illusion since we learn that all of reality is only within a person, what’s outside of us, we cannot say. That being said, this illusory perception of seeing a world outside of me and not recognizing it as all of it actually being me, my own parts this is what the Creator lets us feel, He gives us this perception and sensation of reality which seemingly comes from the outside as well. All of our changes however, are inner changes. When our inner qualities change, the way we perceive the world also changes – which you could also say the world itself changes since it’s all with respect to me anyways.

        When we start working to bring all those parts that I feel and see as outside of me, back inward, to make them whole within me again, the force, the power I need in order to do that is the Creator himself. He is the glue. He is in the connections, not in the others, but in the connection between the parts.

        Hope that helps, thanks!


    • #302674

      Hi there,
      While I was reading “Let there be Light” book, I came across The following words:

      1. Kedusha and
      2. Mitzvot

      What do they mean ?
      Also, we are reminded to read the Torah often, do you posses the Torah in your public listing?
      Thank you so much.

      • #303039

        Hi Linda,

        Kedusha simply speaks about bestowal, above reception. Mitzvot are the actions of the light that reform a person and bring them to those actions of bestowal.



    • #302565

      Hello, I would like to know what the Kabbalists know and teach about the sacrifice of animals for cultural/spiritual rituals that are performed by many people all over the world?

      • #302590

        Hi Bheki,

        There are many religions and faiths, close to 4,000 I think at this point. Kabbalah doesn’t relate to any of them any more than acknowledging that if they don’t serve as a method for the correction of man’s nature, then they exist only to serve the ego and that’s it.



        • #302614

          Thank you Chris

    • #302559
      mrc s

      Should we feel joy about the future heaven dvekut with God, or cautious so not to be immersed in egoism.?

      • #302588

        Always aspire for the good. Don’t focus on the bad. If He’s the Good that does good then we are only ever adjusting ourselves to perceive that reality and anything else is only in order for us to realize we’ve disconnected from that reality and need to re-adjust again.

    • #302533
      mrc s

      The logos of Kabbalah is depicting a branch that is more beautiful than the root (the above is the branch right.?) So do we better to have the means at the root and enjoy the branch.? Is it the same in importance.?

      • #302587

        I wouldn’t pay close attention to logos or any diagrams in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Sometimes that can be even more confusing for a person until they already have an inner emotional understanding of the system and then the diagrams can complement the established foundation.


    • #302532
      mrc s

      Can a person love and hate another at the same time

Viewing 6 posts - 901 through 906 (of 1,230 total)
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