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    • #301822

      How do we come to know the 613 corrections? How do we study the Torah or is it by reading the Zohar we come to know both things and does that start with the book Introduction to the  Zohar ?  Thank you. Also does Kabbalah speak of a person using foul language?

      • #302089

        Again thank you.

      • #302084

        Hey Joe,

        These corrections are places we are opposite to the Creator and when we “correct” those desires we use them in order to bestow. “Studying the Torah” is putting yourself under the influence of the light that reforms which brings you closer to the correction and has nothing to do with reading stories in a book. Rather if you approach Kabbalistic sources with a very scrutinized and sharp intention, knowing exactly what you want as a result of the study, then with this aim of coming closer to the quality of bestowal you are drawing those correcting forces on yourself. This is what Kabbalists refer to as “study”.

        About the foul language, it’s like a child who spills a drink but has no idea it’s defined as “spilling a drink” or that it’s “causing a mess”. Of course someone who wants only to justify the Creator and do Him good has a different approach to life and how they relate to reality, but you still can’t judge an actions performed on the outside and relate that to what you imagine is happening on the inside. It’s just two different worlds. You’ll never know the inner world of someone else.



    • #301820
      mrc s

      If I experience pain/suffering is it my own fault..?

      • #302085

        Thank you.

      • #302083

        It’s your fault as much as it is your fault for being born.

        You’re in the system but our natural program which causes us to feel suffering by sensing reality egoistically. Come out of your ego and there is no suffering since what’s outside the ego is only the force of bestowal. If you’re there then you’re equivalent to that force and are fulfilled by being like it, by giving and only have a deficiency to give and bestow more and are not concerned with receiving which is the root of suffering.


    • #301534

      there is tzimtzum aleph, and then I came across tzimtzum bet (in “the Blueprint of creation” course), and those relate to the creature as far as I understand, but what about tzimtzum that is performed by The Creator, how is it all connected

      and, one more question, Neshama seems to be the highest level to attain because…, help me with this, Mike Kellogg just said that Keter and Hochma don’t break, and that shattering is in Bina, so if you can say a bit more about it

      • #302082

        Hi Tatjana,

        All actions are performed by the Creator, it’s just the will to receive which invites those actions. But it sounds like you will still benefit from getting grounded more in the basics. I’d recommend continuing with the courses and in the graduate course delving into the structure of creation. Continual exposure is always good, just don’t try and understand with your mind – “knowing more”. This will only confuse you.  You want a stable foundation to build the wisdom on and not some theoretical philosophy. This is very important. Make sure you’re just washing yourself with the material, but don’t use your brain to dive in with the intention of understanding something about what’s going on there.



    • #301412
      mrc s

      Is Life God’s game.?

      • #301452

        Sure! The game feels awfully real to us though. Only when we assume His mind and His reason for creating the game in the first place, what the rules are, and how to “play” can we really see and feel that it’s all for our own good out of His unconditional love.


    • #301411
      mrc s

      What should i do to get what I want..?

      • #301451

        Hi mrc,

        Getting what you want is called working in this world, within the will to receive for yourself. Fulfilling the Creator’s needs is working in bestowal, above the will to receive for yourself. Depends on if you want to work for yourself or work for Him.


    • #301283

      How do we know when we have reached a degree? I want to say I may have but I don’t want to think to much of myself although I think of all pleasurable things that happen is because of the Creator and know this is why I’m happy.

      • #301450

        Hey Joe,

        Each degree is a certain level of equivalence of form. If you can act only for the good of others/the Creator with nothing in return for yourself, meaning you have a restriction/screen and returning light over your desire and can work with it correctly in order to bestow. It’s not a guessing game whether you’re there or not, it’s just a change of reality on an emotional level where you see the Creator as the only force in reality and He is the closest thing to you, above you – above space and time, life and death – and nothing else in the world exists besides Him. These can be words and you can philosophize and imagine all kinds of things, but that’s certainly different that an emotional shift that values bestowal above reception – love above hatred – but certainly hatred of bestowal must exist at the same time.



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