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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 895 through 900 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #301066
      mrc s

      How to receive spiritual strength..?

      • #301102

        This is the entire matter of the environment. As soon as a person understands that they have to take strength from somewhere since they themselves certainly have none – this is when they begin to see the value in the environment and how one needs to subjugate themselves before it in order to receive from it. This is everything Rabash writes about.



    • #301033
      mrc s

      How can I justify an unpleasurable experience..?

      • #301101

        We ourselves have no such strength for that. This is the divide I answered earlier below, being stuck between two forces. One which is good that does good and the other which wants to receive only for itself. Do you use all the means and expend all possible energy to nonetheless stay with the Creator and plead not to be separate from Him, or do you sink into your own desire and forget about Him and wish to curse the world or even try and take control of your life even more?

    • #300978
      mrc s

      It’s said that Assiya is all evil, my state currently have pleasure and pain alternatingly does that mean that now I’m in a better state than the world of Assiya..?

      • #301100

        Evil is defined as something which aims to remove a person from adhesion with the Creator.

    • #300905
      mrc s

      Is attaining Spirituality the hardest of all.? Or it’s easy cause we just need to study..?

      • #301099

        It’s the most unnatural thing for the ego, but the most natural thing for our point in the heart. It’s a battle just because we’re constantly stuck between two opposing forces. With experience, the “thinking” part, meaning, “what do I do and how” kinds of thoughts have already entered this kind of emotional understanding and you’re no longer needing to go back to the “rule book” of sorts.

    • #300900
      mrc s

      In corporeality before attaining spirituality is it also better to rely on faith instead of knowledge..?

      • #301098

        On that level, “faith” is “faith in the sages”. This means we don’t have the force of “faith”, yet our point in the heart still yearns for fulfillment. In order to stay on the path and receive the necessary inner changes, we have to bow the head and plow forward according to Kabbalist’s advice and this will keep us under the influence of the environment which gradually changes us to actually want something of bestowal.


    • #300890
      humehr garivani


      which chapter of zohar is useful for activating malkhut sefiroth?

      • #301097

        The Zohar is for drawing the light that reforms – the hidden upper force in nature that acknowledges our desire to return to be one with our Maker and makes the suitable changes in us so we would start working on the next step. It’s either this force that we awaken on ourselves or suffering which forces us to search for a change of state.


Viewing 6 posts - 895 through 900 (of 1,192 total)
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