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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #298752
      David Mancini

      Has a Kabbalist ever reached the end of correction?

      • #299142

        Certainly! It’s why we cherish the Zohar so much. There’s the end of correction for each individual and there’s the end of correction for the entire collective soul. We’re still waiting on that second one…luckily, this is the Last Generation!


        • #300464


          How do we know this is the last generation?

    • #298055
      humehr garivani


      what is the most holy chapter of zohar ? for scan with eye

      • #298964

        Hi Humehr,

        It is not possible to answer that question without attaining the full height of the book of Zohar. I have heard it recommended for new students to begin first with The Donkey Driver or The Rose.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #297603
      David Mancini

      Why are they called “worlds” and not something else that could better describe what they are ?

      • #297905


        Kabbalists are describing what you “see”  in that “world”. Of course all of spirituality is only how one participates in reality after acquiring the quality of bestowal and the constant lack or need for adhesion with the Creator, how He behaves with us, His attitude towards us and just like in our world we see how we were related to as children and how we related to our parents. Growing up as if enlarges the world and makes it even bigger.

        The “worlds” are just differences in how we perceive we’re being related to. You could say we’re in a different world as children, even though it’s the same “world” we live in now. The only difference is how much truth has been revealed.

        Hope that was your question, maybe I missed it. <3


    • #297227
      mrc s

      Can I choose Kabbalah but because I am stubborn Egoisticalli I suffer pain then enter Spirituality..?

      • #297329

        Pain and suffering are not free passes into spirituality. We’re given a path from above and however this path appears where you have hills or turns is not for us to decide. We can only choose to cleave onto none else besides Him and not how which path we prefer according to our egos.

    • #297226
      mrc s

      If studying Kabbalah brings more conflict and suffering to other people do we preffered to study Kabbalah..?

      • #297328

        I haven’t experienced this to be the case, nor have I read or heard of Kabbalah leading to conflict and suffering. The only cause of this is none else besides Him.

        Now, if you’re asking whether or not you should continue studying because it’s causing conflict in your life perhaps with someone who is not understanding or work, for example, then I would make it strictly an inner study while on the outside it’s as if nothing has changed with you and no one can say anything about how it bothers them.


    • #297222
      mrc s

      Does below receiving to receive possible..?

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,192 total)
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