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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #300900
      mrc s

      In corporeality before attaining spirituality is it also better to rely on faith instead of knowledge..?

      • #301098

        On that level, “faith” is “faith in the sages”. This means we don’t have the force of “faith”, yet our point in the heart still yearns for fulfillment. In order to stay on the path and receive the necessary inner changes, we have to bow the head and plow forward according to Kabbalist’s advice and this will keep us under the influence of the environment which gradually changes us to actually want something of bestowal.


    • #300890
      humehr garivani


      which chapter of zohar is useful for activating malkhut sefiroth?

      • #301097

        The Zohar is for drawing the light that reforms – the hidden upper force in nature that acknowledges our desire to return to be one with our Maker and makes the suitable changes in us so we would start working on the next step. It’s either this force that we awaken on ourselves or suffering which forces us to search for a change of state.


    • #300880
      mrc s

      Should we aspire for spirituality then knowledge, honor etc, or shelter, food, clothing, sex etc.?

      • #301095

        That’s really what”ascents” and “descents” are all about. The fluctuation of what’s important for a person.


        • #302441
          mrc s

          Really so like the descents is when a person chooses lower pleasures (but he might don’t know that it is lower) and the ascents when we choose higher ones..? So is there a list of higher-lower pleasures that Kabbalist wrote like compassion is more preferable than justice, forgiveness than sacrifice, love than doing good, romance than sex, creativity than smartness etc.?

    • #300399
      mrc s

      Is pain only a lack of light or something enter us like bad force.?

      • #300492


        Pain is a result of a lack of adhesion with the Creator. If we are adhered to Him, then we perceive every state as good and pleasurable.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #300354
      mrc s

      Exiting egoism because want to escape the pain is egoistic also right.?

      • #300491

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Mrc,</p>
        Yes, but everyone must go through these states. It is on the way. We should aspire to exit our ego because it separates us from the Creator and we want to be in adhesion with Him.

        Joseph – KabU

        • #300902
          mrc s

          Exiting egoism is already altruistic doesn’t it, we can’t do that do we..?

    • #300221
      mrc s

      Can I love others while still loving myself more..?

      • #300489


        This is not love. Love means that I only think of the benefit of the other.

        Joseph – KabU

        • #300904
          mrc s

          Is “love your neighbor as yourself” means that we should love our neighbor more than ourselves..?

        • #300903
          mrc s

          Can the love be equal between ourselves and others.?

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,206 total)
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