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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 985 through 990 (of 1,229 total)
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    • #294836
      mrc s

      What is the difference between below reason and above reason..?

      • #296150

        Hi Mrc,

        Below reason is that I act without thinking why I do it. You can see examples of this in this world. Above reason is a spiritual action. This is impossible. Only if a person receives the force from the Creator Himself can one perform an action above reason. This means that I act above my desire to enjoy for myself and perform an action of bestowal for the sake of another.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #294788
      mrc s

      Does living Kabbalists have not operate on receiving in order to give because receiving to give is after the revival of the dead bodies right..?

      • #296067

        Hi Mrc,

        The goal is that everyone will receive in order to bestow, not just the Kabbalists.

        The resurrection of the dead refers to the resurrection of the dead desires, meaning the egoistic ones that could not be used in any way. We reach a state where now we can use them for bestowal and love.

        But to speak of the degree of the Kabbalists teacher, a person must first rise to that degree.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #294505
      Music Promotion


    • #294032
      Amani Amin

      what are the forty- nine gates of materialism?  Are they related to the study of the ten sefirot?

      thank you

      • #296065

        Hi Amani,

        If you are referring to the 49 gates of impurity, then this is a very high degree where a person reveals to what extent they are under the governance of their egoistic nature. Following this, through one’s efforts, a person discovers that only the Upper Force can help raise him and give him the power to bestow. This is also a prerequisite state to reaching a true prayer.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #293884

      Where can I buy the physical book Talmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot) by
      Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag? I can’t seem to find it anywhere on Bnei Baruch or KabU or even Google?

      Thank you

      BTW, this site is acting up. Messages and responses are having a mind of their own..

      • #294001

        Hi Eggie,

        A physical copy of The Study Of The Ten Sefirot does not exist in English. In the book, Kabbalah For The Student, you can find the introduction and the first part of the book however. I recommend beginning with that.

        Joseph KabU

        • #294367

          Ok Joseph, thank you very much.

    • #293554
      mrc s

      Does God create everything..? Like flying water, alternate dimensions/reality, androgyne humanoid alien etc.., or just what we see in the universe only what is necessary..?

Viewing 6 posts - 985 through 990 (of 1,229 total)
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