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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 991 through 996 (of 1,231 total)
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    • #293884

      Where can I buy the physical book Talmud Eser Sefirot (The Study of the Ten Sefirot) by
      Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag? I can’t seem to find it anywhere on Bnei Baruch or KabU or even Google?

      Thank you

      BTW, this site is acting up. Messages and responses are having a mind of their own..

      • #294001

        Hi Eggie,

        A physical copy of The Study Of The Ten Sefirot does not exist in English. In the book, Kabbalah For The Student, you can find the introduction and the first part of the book however. I recommend beginning with that.

        Joseph KabU

        • #294367

          Ok Joseph, thank you very much.

    • #293554
      mrc s

      Does God create everything..? Like flying water, alternate dimensions/reality, androgyne humanoid alien etc.., or just what we see in the universe only what is necessary..?

    • #293517

      Hello, test

    • #293486

      I’m so lonely, what should I do?

      • #293999

        Hi Slma,

        Everyone feels lonely. Our will to receive prevents us from truly connecting together.  Learn what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches about how to attain the upper force. This will fill any empty place in you.

        And if you feel your loneliness is negatively impacting your life and ability to function, then seek professional help.

        Joseph – KabU

      • #293882


        • #293956

          In my case I’ve developed past lives, so I have characters to relate to and guide daily. It help creating intentions to grow and do things according to what we want to be. Then having more freedom of who we are and more being whole, we attract unexpected people and connect in spiritual ways with them. Just to give an recent example of this, the other day I went to the grocery, and my Italian part of me sparked the idea to get pack of gnoochies. Later it created a conversation with the cashier, because shes Italian and told me how she was handmaking those when she was younger. A short encounter with another soul that fullfil a day! I also like to walk in nature and people greet each other waving and saying hello. It’s a great way to connect with others randomly just to practice when we might lack confidence.

    • #293378
      mrc s

      What is the greatest pleasure God have with our choices and action in this life..?

      • #293400

        Hi mrc,

        I can’t understand exactly if your question is relating to what God experiences or a pleasure you feel, but certainly we can’t say anything about what the Creator feels, we have no ability to feel such a thing. Even with complete equivalence of form with one another, we’d still nonetheless be the creature with the will to receive, and He would be the Creator as the will to bestow.



    • #293363
      mrc s

      I sometimes hear loud sounds outside my room, think that an Ai or person manipulating the subtitles, movie screen, seeing through phone and laptop cameras or manipulating my phone, tv, laptop even my music app is it better to think that is possible or dismiss it as hallucinations or something like that or is it the Artificial Intelligence doomsday scenario..?



      • #293365
        mrc s

        And even thinking that maybe people can read my thoughts it’s more makes sense and pleasurable etc..

      • #293364
        mrc s

        Or just choose I don’t know and maybe more honest..?

        • #293366
          mrc s

          If it is true than I definitely can understand God’s Almightiness

        • #293401

          Hi mrc,

          Hard to tell what the question here is exactly, but anything that exists still exists within this sphere of nature. If it exists, then it exists as part of nature’s plan and nature’s plan is only to bring the created being to complete equivalence with its Maker.

Viewing 6 posts - 991 through 996 (of 1,231 total)
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