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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 1,015 through 1,020 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #289244
      mrc s

      Can we operate now in the discernment of sweet and bitter only..?

      • #289333


        Bitter and sweet is a calculation in the heart, the desire, so a person should try to aim one’s heart to be for the sake of bestowal. Truth and falsehood is when I connect with the friends, and I see the truth in them, as opposed to the lie I discover as the life within my ego. We need both. It all depends on my inclusion in the environment.

    • #288986
      humehr garivani


      Doesn’t Kabbalah have a metaphysical part?

      how can i use tree of life?

      • #289139

        Not at all.

      • #288987
        humehr garivani

        Is there a way to get the energy of each sefirot?

        • #289142

          This approach is not the approach to the wisdom that we disseminate here. We’re only interested in changing our nature and aren’t interested in any metaphysical aspect. Not just because it’s not interesting, because it certainly is – if there’s any kind of benefit to the ego, of course (bring it on!), but because why lengthen the path of correction by wandering down that path which we’re taught does not lead to being granted the quality of bestowal?

          Hope that helps…


        • #289242

          Wonderful answer!

    • #288926
      mrc s

      Why galgalta, ab and sag is 4/4, 4/3, 3/2 and not 4/4, 3/3 and 2/2..?

      • #289138

        I haven’t found an easy way to explain this. It’s just a matter of turning off what you expect to see as the pattern and try to recognize the ‘y’ [x/y] is what is being “purified” as if, first.

    • #288917
      mrc s

      Does the Torah only the names of the vessels, Lights or both..?

      • #289137

        Everything is written only about how the Kli, the vessel, the will to receive, perceives the impression of the light within it.

    • #288916
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Does the animate have independent will..? Can they be called creatures too..?</p>

      • #289136

        By definition, the animate degree acts only according to the given laws with no desire to resemble the upper force.

    • #288915
      mrc s

      In phase 2 we only give light and do not receive any Light..?

      • #289135

        I’ll reference my answer below as well. But correct, phase two, Bina, is the desire to resemble Keter.


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