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    • #292499
      mrc s

      I just read a philosophy book which discuss matter and form and remember Kabbalah.., my question is that we can know form right like a form of triangle, square, circle etc..?

      • #292939

        Hi Mrc,
        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Form is the structure or the properties rather than the shape. For example, if we refer to leather as the matter, then the form of that leather could be a soccer ball or a football. And yes, the form is something we can clearly reveal within our senses.</p>
        Joseph – KabU

    • #292315
      Magi Madi

      Hello Kabu Team,

      I have a question about the way how i should rise my daughter who is 3 years old. I was grown up as a religious man all my life till i realized that the knowledge of GOD needs to be attained and not programmed, so i moved myself away from any religion or philosophy and started to open my perception to all available teachings, till i came across Kabbalah. My religious life helped me to have discipline in my life, now i am confused, what i should be passing to my daughter? Shall i leave her to search by herself, or i should be passing what i have learned to her?

      Thanks in advance

      • #292327

        Hey Magi,

        We can’t really give advice in this area since Kabbalah doesn’t ask these questions, but the safest and easiest is just to expose her to the wisdom so she knows what it is and where to find it. I would steer clear of having discussions and answer/question type interaction. If she’s interested later you can provide books for her to read. If she’s 3 like you said now, then we have a few children’s books in the bookstore.

        Next to that, just be an example. What that means will change over time a little bit but just try to show that you’re happy and you have a positive and stable approach to life.

        Good luck!


    • #292270
      mrc s

      Can effort be unpleasurable at first and then becomes a habit that is neutral or even pleasurable latter..?

      • #292329

        Hi mrc,

        Kabbalah will lead you to build the ability to change your intention – how you interact with reality. What you feel in your body becomes less important, and any “suffering” becomes the foundation for how you correct another piece of your broken vision.



    • #292269
      mrc s

      Do we should strive for good intial efforts that is unpleasurable at first but have more benefits later..?

      • #292332

        We can’t “aim” for suffering, it’s impossible. There will always need to be some benefit. But typically, it’s not pleasureable to go against the ego. This is why we don’t exactly “fight” the ego rather we learn how to use it correctly. There’s certainly a struggle, but it’s never head-to-head.


    • #292257

      Greetings! Is this correct?

      Day 1: Light.

      Sort your thoughts and desires. Which are pure (“heaven”) and which are dark (“earth”). Yesod.

      Day 2: Firmament.

      Divide your intentions; which  ones are selfish and which ones are selfless. Hod.

      Day 3: Earth, Sea, Vegetation.

      Take your desires to receive (“earth” – left line) and combine them with bestowal (“water” – right line). Cultivate an attitude of reciprocity (receiving only to bestow back out – “vegatation” – middle line). Netzach.

      Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars.

      The phases of correction are created. Tifferet.

      Day 5: Birds & Sea Creatures.

      Correcting egoism into altruism gradually fills the soul with Upper Light, leading towards final correction. Gevura.

      Day 6: Land Animals & Humans.

      The properties of the Creator implant themselves into our soul, giving power over egoism. Hesed.

      Day 7: Sabbath.

      Everything accumulated during prior 6 days enters Malchut. The lower begins to adopt the traits of the Upper. The Will to Bestow enters the will to receive – if egoism is cast aside (rest). Bina.


      I’m confused about the Sefirot in this summary. Are they correctly attributed?

      Thank you for your help!

      • #292334

        Hi Eggie,

        That’s fine. There’s no reason to enter into whether it’s right or wrong at this point. You will clarify these internally when you attain the qualities. It’s good check your boundaries but don’t go into it with your mind and try to build an imaginary picture of Sefirot. We always recommend to stick to using the writings as a way to stay adhered to the intention.

        Best of luck!


        • #292490

          Thanks Chris.

          I replied to your reply twice but it didn’t show up. I had links in my reply, is that why? Idk. Maybe they’re here somewhere? I didn’t see them, though.

          In my response I pointed out that the 7 days of Creation summary I posted were basically notes based on 2 articles from Rav Laitman. I use notes like this to help cement my understanding of the lesson, which, of course, is useless if they are incorrect.

          You’re advice is perfect and I fully acknowledge and agree with your recommendations.

          However, it’s very important to me that I have not made any mistakes with my conclusions because I intend to share this information with others (and possibly interest them into joining KabU as well).

          Sorry for being a pest but if there is even one tiny mistake in my summary I would really appreciate the correction.

          Thanks again.

    • #292130
      mrc s

      Is the process of recognizing my evil means deteriorating my relationships..? If so than I think the right one should even enhancing my relationships right..?

      • #292335

        Hi mrc,

        The general trend of deteriorating relationships is the revelation of evil, yes. The cause, like you said, isn’t the recognition of evil, it just is a form, a “fruiting body” of how the ego manifests itself – as separation, hatred, inability to communicate – etc.

        • #292500
          mrc s

          Isn’t the truth strengthen/enhance our relationships not hamper it, I have doubts about Kabbalah because of this..

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