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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #338446

      hi i was wondering since i heard there were daily lessons with michael laitman, where do you access those?  i don’t think the site works anymore, and i can’t find it in the members section of the kabu site.

      • #338637

        Hey Michael,

        Yes KabTV is an old site but I thought there was still live broadcasts there for morning lesson, that might not be the case though anymore–it has been a while since I’ve viewed from there.

        Let me reach out to the team and see if I can get you an answer.


    • #338442


      The creators name

      its forbidden to say (meaning impossible) as it is a code, not really a word. It is felt inside us, extracted from our desires. But why was it used in earlier times as a greeting, like in Ruth 2:4. ? Thanks in advanced.

      • #338629

        Hey Brad,

        I submitted an answer here but I’m not seeing it…so I’ll try again…

        In short, what a person does not attain “one cannot name”–it’s “forbidden” like you said. The senses we have in this world that give us the picture and perception of reality are only half of what we can use. Once we begin reaching equivalence of form with the upper one, we will receive new “inputs”–touch, sight, sound, taste, smell. Our gradual development gives us greater perception of the upper force through these Sefirot.


        • #338631

          I see the comment now, that amazing. But still, does Ruth 2:4 mean they literally said it? Does that mean they had that attainment you speak of,  making it able? Or it was still never spoken like we think?

    • #338267
      mrc s

      should we be happy with what one has or strife for more?

      • #338459

        Like, the sages say the last time it was pronounced was in the temple on yom kippur, but is that what they mean?  Was it really spoken? or was it inner desire that revealed the 4 letter name? Yet, In ruth it is used as a simple greeting, how can that be?

        • #338460

          Sorry, comment in wrong section. Combine with above please.

      • #338321

        Only strive for equivalence of form.

    • #338261

      Hi there! Since I’ve started doing your courses and listening to your videos I have started to feel very intense cycles of hatred and anger alternated with cycles of absolute love, harmony and peace. Is this normal ?

      • #338320


        When we start the path, we begin to become more sensitive to these things. It’s all in order to show us the right path and help us navigate our inner reality.


    • #338259
      mrc s

      can i write anything thats neutral?

    • #338258
      mrc s

      whats is writing willing wilt

Viewing 6 posts - 301 through 306 (of 1,206 total)
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