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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 445 through 450 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #333326
      mrc s

      Is there a being who wants to destroy others even itself?

      • #333424

        Hey mrc,

        No being. Just the force of the ego which only considers itself in an integral system.


        • #333474
          mrc s

          So humans are not G-d’s opposite then?

    • #333325
      mrc s

      Is evil wanting to destroy others even itself and good wants to benefit and to receive only means that?

      • #333345

        Hey mrc,

        That’s pretty accurate. I wouldn’t say it wants to destroy itself but it’s similar cancer which destroys the host organsim. The ego can only consider itself and in an interconnected and interdependent this is detrimental.



    • #333278
      mrc s

      The opposite of G-d must be a being who is fully evil, we’re not like that, we just want pleasure?

      • #333296

        Evil is defined as that which wants to receive as opposed to be similar to the Creator. We were created opposite. It’s written, “I created the evil inclination, I created the Torah as a spice (to correct that nature)”

        Our nature wants to receive the pleasure, the question is with what intention?


    • #333266
      mrc s

      Does G-d needs us to give?

      • #333295

        This is His nature. Like Kabbalists tell us, He wants to do good, but to whom? The nature of the quality of love necessitates something to receive the good.

    • #333263
      mrc s

      I’m starting reading Talmud Eser Sefirot where can I found the dictionary for the names like Ohr Elyon and Tachtonim etc.?

      • #333294

        Hey mrc,

        If you have Kabbalah for the Student, there is a glossary there. There is also “question and answer” in TES. There is also a half-finished glossary in the last volume I believe.


    • #333262
      mrc s

      In the poem of the Tree of Life the Light fills the entire reality, where is G-d in the picture?

Viewing 6 posts - 445 through 450 (of 1,206 total)
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