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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #386694

      How do i attain my friends desires?

      • #386824

        Hey Brad,

        This is existing outside yourself. This happens at different levels, different layers–but it’s at least the fact that you have subjugated yourself, canceled your own self-concern and agreed to be somehow impressed by the desires of others. The more you make inner and outer actions to “buy” this desire of the friends, meaning you are investing in fulfilling their desires, gradually, you begin to truly concern yourself with their benefit–some small piece inside you has made room to care for them instead of yourself.

        This is how we move forward, more and more making room for others in our hearts.


    • #386654
      Alexandra Toma

      Hello! I would like to ask you what is the perspective of Kabbalah on energy healing. Since “there is no one else besides Him”, I am thinking that, maybe, working with energy healing is like working with other natural forces such as electricity, except that energy healing is something that humanity is just starting to understand. Is this correct? Thank you!

      • #386823

        Hi Alexandra,

        When Kabbalah refers to working with natural forces, it’s talking about this “partnership” that begins to form between man and the upper force, when a person starts their path of the correction. The first thing they realize is the way they initially understood reality to operate, operates in a completely opposite manner than what they imagined to themselves. This is actually extremely profound since we can’t even imagine what it means to have an opposite perception to something we have now, since we only feel what we feel–and that’s it.

        However, to reveal the insignificance of the ego, how it pales in contrast to the force that gave birth to our reality and what sustains it. When a person senses that all their thoughts and desires–and all the thoughts and desires of others–are all coming from a single force, that this imagination I had of being somewhat in control of something seems so childish and silly, yet necessary at the same time.

        All this to say, if we want to be healed, if we want good in this world, if we want correction–all this only happens as a result of the upper force’s influence. We ourselves have no such ability to do good or to heal, we are, by nature, egoists. We consists of only a desire to receive pleasure and that’s it. Yet, this partnership I mentioned earlier is a partnership that consists of us using our nature in a particular way that kind of “bypasses” our instinct to control or “force” our own ideas and influences into the program of nature and instead agrees to the program and wants to act as the Managing force manages–by means of bestowal. Until we have this ability to use the quality of the upper force, meaning to be similar to it and therefore use our nature with the intention to be similar to bestowal, our actions in this world are futile.

        There’s a program and it exists and it’s being carried out at every moment. The goal of this program is hidden, its mechanisms are hidden and the reward of having this program revealed and exposed to us is also hidden. The only thing a Kabbalists is concerned about is finding their inner corruptions and correcting them. If we can heal what’s been broken spiritually, the world will also reflect this positive changes.


    • #386573

      hey , how would kabbalah express the meaning of a mental disease called schizophrenia?

      • #386822

        Hi Johan,

        Kabbalah explains that, like all forms of suffering–mental diseases as well are manifestations of spiritual imbalances. Why some suffer from this disease while others from other diseases, we can’t really know this at the moment. We do know that we’re all connected and all part of a single spiritual organism and each individual part has its own very specific role in that organism which it must live out and fulfill–either in this lifetime or the next.

        Certainly, if there is any mental issue, then we have to remember the order of the “permission” that was given to doctors to heal. Which just means the Creator created this whole network with these being dependent on those and this part organizes and this part feeds etc.. So if there is an issue that needs to be treated, it needs to be treated professionally.

        Hope that helps, thanks!


    • #386088

      Hello guys, I was asked on another day to join a live meeting about a baal hasulam´s letter. I attended the meeting, but I didn’t understand a single word about what was being read in the letter of baal hasulam. Would you tell me what happened?  Why wasn’t I able to get what was being said?

      • #386453

        Hey Johan,

        That sounds about right! As a beginner, you’re basically learning a new language. The words are probably mostly familiar, but nothing makes sense. Over time, the more you read, the more you’re exposed to these writings, the more you’ll begin to absorb the content of what’s being said. It does take time. It may seem daunting at first, but that’s like anything else that’s new.

        I promise you’ll break through with time and those layers will begin to peel back and you’ll see the gems of wisdom. Best of luck!

    • #385432

      I got my virtual tickets, is there any homework/readings for the retreat, any other participation ?  or just sit back,  enjoy the show And feel the connection?

      • #385520

        Hi Brad,

        Great question!

        The excitement is growing, the Retreat is coming closer, and our desire to connect is growing too. Your preparation is exactly this anticipation of the Retreat and being together with friends from all over the world, studying, and working together as ONE.

        You will receive detailed information (Zoom link, schedule) closer to the event, and the preparation is our INTENTION and DESIRE to connect!!

        Looking forward to seeing you there.


    • #385296

      I am new and I translate English. 1) I want to start Kabbalah from scratch. Where should I start? 2) What does the Kabbalah tree and its underground means mean?

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