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  • #128071


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    • #397808

      Hello Gianni,

      1. are the psalm written by King David in the same order they are published?

      2. And in the psalms in which he rebels against God – that is quite clear being the evil inclination, but in the psalms where he prays against enemies – is it considered as being his evil or his good inclination?

      Thank you


      • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Clara.
      • #397821

        1 – No, they’re ordered on other bases, by the publishers.

        2 – Yes, it all transpires within one person.

      • #397811

        The good inclination being praying for his correction

    • #397298
      Magsy Kapoor

      Gianni, do I have to hate the ego? Can I come to spirituality because my current affiliation with it torments me to an extent that is unbearable? Isn’t that a selfish reason? See, it’s everywhere :/

      • #397305

        The ego is way too much a “good” Pharoah over us for us to hate it. But eventually we see all its councils as bad, and start to go against nature. Away from the ego and toward connection is nevertheless toward spirituality.

    • #397128

      Is this a good observation: that my friends need me?

      • #397273

        Yes, we need each other because we belong to one system, and no one really stands by himself.

    • #396973
      David Bruce

      Is there any such thing as Kabbalistic Astrology?

      • #397013

        No, if I rise to the Upper World I’ll understand what’s going on in our world; and if I don’t, I can only make speculations, more or less informed ones.

    • #396709

      In Shamati 64, there is an acronym “SAM.” I’ve also seen it in other writings. What does it stand for or mean?


      • #396712

        It’s the Other Side of the Creator, meaning which works against us, as “help against.”

    • #396638

      Hi Gianni,

      Is Lo Lishma to Lishma in every degree, and then it resets back to Lo Lishma when we advance, meaning that we must then put in the necessary effort with prayer(s) before the prayer in the next degree, or are we in Lo Lishma until the end of the correction?

      What is meant by “her” in “For her sake” or “Not for her sake”?



      • #396650

        There’s something like the transition from Lo Lishma to Lishma in every degree. But there’s later a real transition between these. And that’s not the final correction, but before it. There’s also the work in Lishma, but an opposite work.

        • #396655

          What do you mean by opposite work?

        • #396656

          <p style=”text-align: left;”>If here I have to work above pain; there it’s work above pleasure.</p>

        • #396657

          Thanks Gianni!

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 581 total)
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