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    • #362442

      From One Is Where One Thinks:

      ‘But with absence of confidence, he will have to toil, and any toil is from the Sitra Achra, “and the damned does not cleave to the blessed,” since he will not be able to devote all his efforts to the words of Torah. But if one wishes to wander overseas, he must not consider these words at all, but return to ones routine as quickly as possible, as though by diabolic compulsion, so he will not scatter his sparks in times and places that are not yet properly unified.’

      What is to wander overseas?

    • #362394

      Is it wrong to be in joy that the shattering happened ?

      Should I pray to the Creator for clarity (?) Because I do not want to relate the separation of the Shechina to myself or fool myself.

      Thanks, Gianni

      • #362397

        I should agree with the Creator’s plan, rejoice that I know what to do now, and do it!

    • #362364
      maria santos


      How do I find the daily lessons by the Rav?

    • #362313

      I have a few questions.  First lets say a person experiences pain or suffering but this time recognizes that it is because he is far from The Creator and that he is experiencing it purely from his will to receive for himself.  The next  thing to do would be to pray to The Creator? also I have read we make a demand but I have also read we ask for The Creators help in this endeavor . What exactly does that look like ? in the past lets say the person has usually prayed asking for the help of The Creator but the true motive behind the prayer was that The Creator would remove pain and suffering from him, how is he to learn to pray now ?

      My other question would be is the sitra achra basically all the forces from the side of the will to receive for oneself ? and obviously these are opposite forces from the forces of the will to bestow?  am I getting that right?


      Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions.

      • #363355
        maria santos

        Thank you.

      • #362323

        We should always ask the Creator – for each and everything. And we should strive to find something relevant to ask for. Everything else is to arrive at asking. Demanding, asking, requesting – they’re all the same except it depends on the intensity. But even with little intensity and even inauthentically, we should ask. Even to remove the suffering, it is better to ask than not refer to the Creator or sit crying. Cry to Him. Then, at least, you’ll receive a correction to your request and then you’ll ask better next time (in the next moment). Then, one asks to be above the desire to receive, that I will be distinct from it, above it in adhesion with the Creator.

        Yes, the Sitra Achra is that which pulls me to all the actions except for bestowal.

    • #362306

      Why does it feel sometimes the lessons are just for me?  Did I just disclose an inner state with that question, in an unhelpful or even deleterious way?

      • #362307

        No, that’s not an inner state. The reason is that they are just for you. Or, more correctly, for your ten.

    • #362305

      Is it ok to make a statement about your opinion about things?  For instance my friend posted something and it gave rise to thoughts that led me to post:

      “Seems as though every word in kabbalah has 10,000 words behind it and maybe each of those words have infinity behind them.”

      Is this proper?  Is this an inner sensation or an idea?


      • #362308

        In this case, the net effect is importance of the Kabbalistic writings. The real question is what is my intention whenever I’m saying anything. According to the x-ray of my intentions the action is measured.

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