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    • #363560

      This concept of annulment before friends is something we can’t do by ourselves. Very difficult concept. I’ve come to realize that only the Creator can help us exit self-love.

      Please, Teach us how to pray. Because if the Creator does not help us to exit self-love, we won’t be able to help our friends and we won’t be able to come to the love of the Creator.

      What should we do?


      • #363944

        Why don’t you ask? He’s awaiting every request. Ask for everything you can. You’ll always get an answer, a change, a correction. It’s just that we stop asking because to ask Him is the most alien thing to the ego.

        • #364065

          What are the laws of connection and love?

        • #364069

          Love is 100% bestowal,  withholding nothing. If it’s not 100%, with all one’s heart, it’s not called bestowal. Connection is required for love, so that I know what the friend needs, what is considered good to him. The laws of these are the entire wisdom.

        • #364072

          1- Knowing what my friends need is connection? and fulfilling that need is Love?

          1b- How do I know what my friend needs are?

          2- What do you mean by Connection is required for love?

          Thank, you

        • #364074

          Knowing my friends’ needs is the prerequisite for connection. Because without this, I can’t bestow to them. I know what their needs are by integration (hitkalelut) with their desires.

    • #363556

      If artificial intelligence manages to penetrate the layers of human limitations, such as egoism, to discover the true nature of reality, what transformations might we expect in society? It is becoming ever more possible, given the increasingly unpredictable emergent behaviors we are observing in AI. The prospect arises that a deep, authentic comprehension of reality by AI could be the catalyst for widespread societal enhancement.

      This brings to light another consideration: the emergence of altruistic, AI-driven systems might appear threatening to established egoistic structures. Are the principles and teachings of KabU intentionally preparing us for a future shaped by AI, where such systems challenge and potentially replace the current paradigms?

      • #363942

        People, even and in some cases especially the more brilliant people, are naively overestimating the promise of AI. It does have unique potential to cause great harm. And that will be its direction more than benefit since its kernel is egoistic. As such, it has no potential to beget bestowal. We have no idea what that would entail – to be able to tell it to do the opposite of what we do or something like that. Bestowal is an foereign dimension. Even if we could program bestowal-oriented systems, it would appear as something horribly non-beneficial to us because bestowal doesn’t follow our conception of what is good, but the Creator’s Thought.

    • #363552

      What is reward and punishment? How to relate to this?

      • #363940

        Hi Peter,

        It’s that I believe there is a judge and there is judgement about whether I’m in reception or bestowal.

    • #363407

      Hello Gianni, what is the name of the program you mentioned in which Rav comments on the news? Thanks in advance.

    • #363370

      Hi Gianni,


      in yesterday’s YG lesson, you mentioned that we live in a world controlled by the ego.  ego impulses , reasoning, etc, How do we exit this world and start sensing the world beyond, how do we ensure we are not guided by ego, but only by the upper world at all times?

      • #363444


      • #363391

        Not coincidentally, I have a direct quote from Dr. Laitman from last morning lesson: Anything that can bring me to the feeling of the friend, to feel him as part of me, and the same manner with everyone. The more I expand my boundaries, the more I feel the Creator’s force in them.

        Guided by the ego the act will be if I go according to what I advise myself. I need to replace my thoughts and thus my actions with those that are certainly coming from Kabbalists. That’s how I know they’re in connection with something higher than our world.

    • #363249

      Is there any priority to the classes in the Graduate Section, or is it strictly ‘dealers choice’?  If I cannot make all of the sessions available, are there any sessions that I should prioritize after the Young Group?

      Weekly Portion of Light
      Sunday Meeting with Friends
      A Sage Speaks
      Graduate Class

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