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    • #330906

      “The fool folds his hands and eats his own flesh.”


      What does this mean exactly?

      • #330907

        It means I should not kick myself for anything from the past. The Creator did everything. For the future, though, I have to say that it’s in my hands.

    • #330665

      21. When One Feels Oneself in a State of Ascent

      When one feels oneself in a state of ascent, that he is high-spirited, when he feels that he has no desire but only for spirituality, it is then good to delve in the secrets of the Torah in order to attain its internality.

      Is the Torah it’s speaking of here the 5 books of the bible? Or the articles and the Bible anything in kabbalah?


      The prayer must be a complete prayer, and not have other things mixed in the middle of the prayer.

      What are some examples of these other things? Is it speaking of corporeal matters?

      Thank you 😊

      • #330671

        Hi Naomi,

        Torah is from the word Ohr (Light). It’s the study of the Light. We need to study what’s adapted to our generation. That’s the writings of Rabash and Baal HaSulam. Once, they would read those you mention as we read about Partzufim, Sefirot: they knew for certain they were not stories, history; they were from a different Aviut (coarseness) of the soul. We’re from the coarseness of Level 4, related to Malchut, and thus the Light we need, for it to affect us, needs to be much greater. These again are only the writings of Baal HaSulam and Rabash – and other writings that contain their commentary.

        Some examples of other things that might intermingle with and spoil the prayer include literally anything that is unrelated to connection for the sake of revealing the Creator. For now, that’s whatever you’re able to include; but later you’ll see that everything in the world gets included in the correct prayer.

    • #330622

      Ok, one thing doesn’t let me be, so please help!

      The Creator is concealed so we, with our own efforts, independently!, progress towards Him through connection. But, how can we independently progress if we are constantly reminded that we cannot do anything without the Creator’s help?? We have to pray literally for everything! That doesn’t add up to my definition of independence. So, what’s the deal here? Is it only up to a certain point, when we actually know what we are supposed to do or is it until the Final correction?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #330623

        It’s true that my definition of independence is not really independence; and another form that I don’t desire is true independence.

        I feel helpless when all I can do is pray to a Creator that doesn’t seem to answer. It makes me feel like a slave to this world and the conditions He put me in. But this is the set up through which I become separate from the Creator and partners with Him. But completely not dependent on Him – that’s not something that can be in any reality.

    • #330534

      What is the kabbalistic view on euthanasia? Can you say something about that? How to look at things like this happenig in this world?

      • #330541

        Hi Douwe,

        Kabbalah is the study of what we are in essence, behind the illusion that I am in a physical body and in a physical world right now. Every person is under this illusion, and needs to figure out how to rise above this illusion to the feeling of the true Upper World. So, you’re asking about a sub-illusion of this general illusion wherein I am debating whether to take my own life or have the doctor do it for me. Kabbalah defers on this matter to what is acceptable in society, and legal: the laws of nature are the Creator’s laws. But if you want to know what a Kabbalist himself would do, he wouldn’t allow himself to be killed before his life ended naturally. By doing so I would miss a great correction that will then be awaiting me in a future incarnation. But this is not advice for everyone; it’s just the way one who has perception of the World of Truth would behave.

        • #330586

          Thank you Gianni.

    • #330370
      Troy Albright

      I was abused as a child. Is it a correct form of prayer if I ask the Creator to take away the PTSD and pain. When I ask the Creator to heal me I break down crying and have that internal powerful gut wrecting cry out to the Creator.

      • #330371

        You can ask the Creator for each and every thing. He’d like us to turn to Him all the time. Here, it could be that I need some sort of professional help too – I don’t know. Because I need to deal with what’s on the plane of this world, with the means the Creator put on this plane. If, from the upper forces, it already appeared in this world, I can’t address it any longer with just inner forces. Only for what’s on the way to me from the upper world, I can yearn toward the goal of Creation such that the things that are in the queue for us can manifest in a good way.

    • #330305

      Dear Kabu,

      How do you/ doe’s one, cope with the profound realisation that the reason why you have not attained the goal is because that in one’s own ‘heart of hearts’ you do not desire it earnestly, fully and completely enough and knowing this brings about great sadness to the individual.

      The ups and downs and all; how do we ever come to terms with the fact that we may never attain the goal because our desire is not strong enough and we then fall back and become as dross again? This is too crushing at times and a source of sadness to me.

      Let me know your thoughts. As ever, warm regards and thank you ever so much for all you do.  Lyndon S.

      • #330376
        Troy Albright

        Thank you Gianni.

      • #330321

        Nobody desires spirituality because spirituality is concealed. So how can I truly desire it. It’s like trying to long for a sixth finger. In the beginning the Creator activates me to give me an example of what it might be like to truly want spirituality. Then He takes that activation away, and I see that I don’t want it by myself. That’s when I must start working with the friends in the ten practically to advertise the greatness of this goal. And that will affect me. And I don’t have any hope of affecting myself directly.

      • #330318

        I do not have an answer for you Lyndon, but I feel you, feeling your sadness, your despair, your honest, deep search for the answer.
        I just want to give you a spark of hope, that you are not alone, putting this Q out you made a connection to other struggling hearts 💔. You are not falling, connecting is the key, the Creator will take care of the rest.
        Keep connecting, broken, sad or whatever state you are in 💞💖🙏.

        Praying for all the sad, lost, confused, crashed sparks in the hearts 💖🙏💖🙏

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