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  • #128071


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Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 608 total)
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    • #319996
      William Taylor

      I am really stuck and it will take more than someone filling me full of smoke and mirrors I am the doubting Thomas that you have to answer or I will assume that what I said is true.

    • #319226

      Is it appropriate to ask Creator, “May I use Your Desire”?

      And if so, is this annulling myself before the Creator?

      Thank you 😊🙏

      • #319339

        I need to annul before the Creator’s will, but “saying” won’t help. That’s just with my mouth, which is a grain of sand compared to the sandy beach that is the whole of my desire that needs to be annulled. I need to truly desire it.

        • #319841

          Thank you so much ❤️

    • #318943

      Does anyone know when I will be able to join a group of 10?  I posted this question 3 weeks ago and the answer was ‘a few weeks’.  Sorry if I sound inpatient, it’s just not very clear on how this is supposed to work.

      • #320436

        Hi David,

        Because you arrived just after the beginning of a new YG, the next doesn’t begin until the second week of July. That’s why I said hang in there, and you will definitely be notified before it starts.

    • #318719

      Hello Gianni/Jim,

      Just a quick question, I had the Young Group available in my weekly schedule but when I went to attend yesterday (Sunday, April 23) it was not there. It’s not there today either. Have I been moved to another rotation? Technical difficulties?


      • #318738

        Hi Michael,

        It was accidentally enabled on your account. Sorry about that. Yours will start soon and you’ll be notified at that time.

        • #318744

          I see. No problem. Thank you.

    • #318138

      Unfortunately I had to miss tonight’s lesson with Gianni because of my work schedule. Will it be posted soon so I may watch it please? And please advise me on ways to stay connected in my very corporeal reality please? I want to Love Him and give Him what He wants 😍🙏


      • #320190

        It’s only through being connected to There Is None Else But Him, ascribing everything in your world to a single source. Then of course you need to be connected to the spiritual society to succeed at this.

    • #317801

      Seth, please, Question from class last night: So, is it correct to discern that after the “birth” of the screen, the Vessel becomes “Independent” in order to bestow? And if this is correct then this is how our work is leading us out of the desire to receive and into the Spiritual (desire to bestow)?

      Thanks so much

      • #317864

        Hi Rae, Seth isn’t usually monitoring this forum.

        It depends if we’re talking about Above-down or below-Upwards. Seth is teaching you Ptchia (Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah). Therefore, it’s talking about the process from Above-downwards. Hence, the Kli is not “free”. Nowhere in the process described in that study is there real freedom. It’s the development of the system. Only after the Shattering, cascading down into this world, and then ascending from this world up, is it possible that there’s free choice. Then, yes, if I have a screen, I become “free” from the Will to Receive that was ruling me all the time.

        • #317866

          Okay thanks so much Gianni 😁

          That helps me very much 💖

Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 608 total)
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