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    • #331419

      I was listening to Seth last Tuesday and he said to try to see the Creator in everything around us and our responses too, and everything basically, and actually, that is something that I do as much as I can since I first heard “There is none else besides HIM”, but in the corporeal life that left me feeling castrated in a way, as I see people that are attacking me and I cannot respond properly because I see HIM in them and how can I defend myself against HIM or even attack back if necessary? So, I don’t know how to overcome this feeling of castration and respond properly as I should in the corporeal world. I don’t even know anymore what a proper response would be… Can someone help me with this, please?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #331423

        In the corporeal world I behave according to the corporeal laws that the Creator established. “If someone comes to kill you, kill him first.” If it already manifested at this level, now I have deal with it at this level. Going forward I try to deal with all things in a spiritual way, scrutinizing my relationship with others and through them, with the Creator. But what’s manifested corporeally I deal with by corporeal means, what’s considered appropriate among the general public.

        • #331443

          Thanks, Gianni, I seem to have a problem with the corporeal world too…

    • #331361

      Kabbalists advise that we are prohibited to talk with friends about personal sensations related to internal states, in order to prevent bad influence upon them, even unintentionally.

      This is thought provoking! Kindly could an instructor shed more light on this please?

      • #331367

        It’s one of the many things that we do to try to approximate the spiritual state, so as to draw Light from our Upper, future state. When I reach the spiritual degree, that’s how I feel, that I prefer to be hidden. Like the Creator is hidden. If I feel like telling others, it’s because it’s not really a spiritual state yet.

        It’s true too that I can harm others and myself by talking about anything internal. Our currency is greatness of the goal.

        • #331375

          Thank you so much Gianni!

    • #331350

      Could we have forum thread for our prayers, songs, poems, impressions, thoughts? I feel there is creativity abundance in the tens, and wants to be shared!

      • #331354

        Hi Clara,

        True, many students have creativity, but if everyone will express themselves as they wish, this becomes a place like multitudes of other places on the internet which are festooned with everything everyone feels like putting there. Here, actually, we’re on our way to what’s called Tzimzum (restriction), and that’s where all that I really am turns out to be something that is above almost all that I used to think was me. Almost, because I do have an initial foundation – the Point in the Heart – on which the spiritual world will be built. But for now it’s upon us to learn according to which templates we can be at least somewhat not opposite to the spiritual worlds and to only communicate here, through those templates. This keeps it a unique place,  laser-focused on the attainment of the Creator. But our creativity will eventually find its correct expression.

        • #331373

          Your answer is like a revelation! Thank you!

    • #331290

      Hello Gianni.

      Tuesday at Seth class, One friend asked what was an action. Today while reading attaining the world beyond I found this paragraph I don’t know if it applies.

      A place or space it is the desire for pleasure an action is either the receiving of pleasure or it’s rejection.
      Page 81 on the Kindle version

      • #331372

        <p style=”text-align: right;”>.</p>

      • #331360

        I’d need to see the context, and I don’t have access to the Kindle version.

        • #331384

          Thank you Gianni. I forgot the importance of the context.

    • #331206

      Hi Gianni,

      I cannot link into my Young Group from the Young Group page (the red live link that activates when the group begins). When I do, I get ‘waiting for host’ that never forwards me into the room.

      The other links in the the other rooms have always worked, but when the Young Group started for me, it hasn’t let me in since the beginning.

      Not a real big deal since I can still get in through the links sent to my email, but thought I would mention it.

      Thank you

    • #331016

      From everything until now, I can summarize the whole study/work as try-fail-beg. And then nothing happens, nothing that I can see/feel anyway, and then again, try-fail-beg… Does everything end in begging the Creator??

      And, you know, when we love someone in this world we change their diapers, we cook for them, we clean for them, we do things that please them and we can see how our actions make them happy, we see a difference, they bloom under our care.

      But what does attending spiritual need mean, what is a spiritual need that needs to be satisfied, what is changing spiritual diapers, what actions should be done to fulfill spiritual needs, and how to see the progress and whether you are doing good or not, whether the friends bloom spiritually or not?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #331091

        Zorica, your question is my question also. Thank you for raising this question.  Especially  the one about changing the spiritual diapers, and “how to see the progress and whether you are doing good or not, whether the friends bloom spiritually or not”? How can we change our innate, but impure, yearning for unity, equality and independence to an  aquired, realistic transformation to completion? No more diapers, adult programs to be fullilled!

        • #331093

          It doesn’t matter if the yearning for unity is impure. Working in this direction activates the Surrounding Light from the future state when we really are connected, and this Light adapts us to that state more and more.

      • #331022

        You’re partly right. Except it’s not that nothing happens. A mom can be in the kitchen from morning until night preparing food, cleaning, and so on, for the baby, and to the baby it appears that mom is doing almost nothing for her, but is instead busy with all kinds of who-knows-what. With older kids too we see that they’re not all that understanding of all that the parents do for them, how they devote their entire existence to the family. But if you’re not engaged in something that is directly pleasing the child now, it’s like mom and dad are busy with everything except me.

        Similarly, we relate to the Creator’s love and care toward us. Every prayer gets an answer. The child has an overall general prayer to be happy, pleased, and so on. The parents are always working in the direction of what they know will lead to that in the broadest possible way. The Creator is also engaged in that, for us. The child maybe wants that to mean ice cream this minute or something like that. That’s not always right for them, for the broadest possible benefit, all things considered. We too have prayers like that to the Creator: “Give me ice cream!” You’ll get an answer to this prayer – instantly. However, it will only be a change in you (ALL good is contained only in these internal changes), and it will probably entail the need for a new prayer out of the new state that I’m now found in (because my prayer certainly did get an answer, though it’s not exactly the proverbial ice cream I requested).

        How do you be the nanny for your friends? Pour yourself into the advancement of your ten toward the goal, in ways that are pleasing to them and work on them, and you won’t be wrong – and to the extent you’re wrong, the Light will correct it.

Viewing 6 posts - 433 through 438 (of 676 total)
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