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  • #128071


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    • #188088

      Hello Dear Instructors,

      While figuring out the details to be able to watch live, I have been diving into past lessons (amazing amazing catalog of lessons to start each day – thank you). I came upon this line which has me confused.

      “all the other souls” = I thought we were all part of 1 soul Adam HaRishon. Am I misunderstanding this point?

      with love & respect


      The attachment doesn’t seem to be showing properly:

      Where exactly in this image does the whole of reality exist; I, all of the other souls, the Creator, all of us together along with the revelation of our unity?  Excerpt from Daily Kabbalah Lesson, November 27, 2009

    • #185035

      Hi all. I just entered the classroom of the Graduate Course for the first time. Looking forward to getting to know the community. Any advice??

      • #188440

        that’s a good question, often when Kabbalists refer to the points, or the parts of the one soul they refer to them as to souls. In fact, you are right, there is but one soul. There is a great article of Baal HaSulam on the matter:

        600,000 Souls/Baal HaSulam
        It is said that there are 600,000 souls, and each soul divides into several sparks. We must understand how it is possible for the spiritual to divide, since initially, only one soul was created, the soul of Adam HaRishon.

      • #185141

        Welcome Beth,
        You can join us for a live lesson in 7 minutes, and the rest I can share with you later tomorrow, so you can get caught up with what is going on around here.
        Just join the link above for the Intro to Pticha lesson.

    • #184439

      Can you explain the difference between a Zivug  de Hakaa (1) and a Bitush (2)? Both seem to be a beating (striking) of light on the masach? And causing new vessels?  The one (1) reflecting the light, the other (2) creating inner light (ohr Pnimi)? Is there an analogy within the corporeal world?

      • #184611

        In the case of a Zivug of Hakaa (a coupling from striking), the two Lights that are present in the head of the Partzuf produce a calculation that decides what degree of Light can enter the vessel with the intention to bestow. Whereas a Bitush is the clash between the Inner Light and the Light that remains outside the Partzuf called the Surrounding Light, and it results in the “refinement” of the Partzuf which means that the Light has to leave raising the screen from the Tabur to the Peh of Rosh which sets the conditions for the birth of the next Partzuf.

    • #183485
      Danielle Vergonet

      Dear all,

      I am new in the graduate envirement. I don’t know where to start yet. With my work the daily hours are most handy: so starting with Weekly Portion of Light & Sunday with Friends are most handy for me.
      I can start seeing past lessons of the other graduate lessons.

      Do you have recommendations which lessons are most important to join? Or is it more up to me? Because I do read that Sunday with Friends is more questioning about the graduate lessons.

      Kind regards,

      • #183716

        Dear Danielle,
        Welcome to the Grad Environment!
        It’s going to be a wonderful journey, yes there are many choices and it is going to all be available for you.
        The Weekly Portions of Light are an awesome way to enter, very shortly you will be invited to join your main class which is the Young Group, so look to your inbox for more information in the next couple of weeks.
        Besides that, settle in, look around, and check out the other lessons and recordings – the Grad Class with Mike, Intro to Pticha with Gianni and myself, Sunday meeting with Friends with Tony and Me, and you will begin to see why this is not just a course, but an environment.

    • #182916

      Hi Paul,
      Welcome to the Graduate Environment. Sorry if it took a bit for you to get an answer. I am not sure which of our lessons on the 26th you are referring to, but in a nutshell, we learn that there is no Light without a Kli (vessel). Which means that every step along the way, it is the lack or prayer or need that is advanced through the process of correction and fulfillment by the Light.

    • #182891

      The request (prayer) from Malchut to Bina (raising MAN), is that comparable to reaching out – wanting to reveal- to the Schechinah?

      • #182915

        In essence this is the mechanism in the spiritual world to bridge between the deficient desire to receive and the quality of bestowal above. It is the way corrections take place in the Partzuf.

Viewing 6 posts - 427 through 432 (of 434 total)
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