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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 208 total)
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    • #333147
      Esther Benzaquen

      I understand that all actions in the physical world are contained in the Creator. So how do we reconcile this with individual responsibility?

      • #333389

        This is a great question and is the gate to beginning to understand this very high matter.
        One specifically must be engaged in all of the laws of nature of this world, as this is where the Creator put us with family, work, health, etc.  and at the same time,  go  above reason, from a place where reason cannot reach, attain, or understand, this place is called ‘faith’, it is actually an attainment that is made specifically above reason.  If there is no reason then one cannot go above reason…  one could have blind faith, called below reason, or one could remain within reason, but the kabbalist engages in this world and it becomes the foundation to rise above reason.

        • #334398

          Just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your question. The reply you received helped my understanding also. Thank you for asking your question. Wishing you continued enlightenment on your journey to understand Kabbalah.

    • #333047

    • #332574

      In this unit we learned that the thoughts are put in us by the Creator, they are not really ours.  Dr. Laitman says that our thoughts and intentions are the strongest force in the world.  How do you reconcile the two?  If these thoughts are not really mine, how can I change anything by controlling my thought and can I even control my thoughts?

      • #332817

        Now everything we think and feel comes from our original nature, instinctively.
        We discovered that, from the books and the teachers and we want to reach the One who created us.
        We want the Creator to give us a second nature, bestowal.  It turns out that everything comes from Him, but through our efforts to resemble Him, we become like Him.

        • #333116

          Thank you but it does not answer my question.  Can we and should we try to control our thoughts or is it pointless?

        • #333392

          Of course we want to think about things that are beneficial.
          The main question is how to do that.  Trying to wrestle with our thoughts is pointless.
          However the mind serves the desire.  And so if you desire something very much your mind will think all of the time of how to reach that.
          So the most important is to plant yourself in a good, healthy spiritual environment and be influenced by it and then you will see how your thoughts change too.

    • #332246
      Jack Davidsen

      I just watched the first video under Related where Rav Laitman describes the need for humanity to realize that we must work together, that we have to stop allowing our egos to run the show, if we want mankind and the world to survive. He mentioned that science has begun to realize this, and that surprised me because how can science not be aware of this very thing? Anyway, what I wanted to bring up is this…

      I think – that is, I am quite certain – that a lot of the world’s leaders, and people in positions where they can influence the leaders, are completely aware that we, and they, are destroying the world, and that it is getting close to a point of no return. But….they. do. not. care!

      Again, these people, who more than anybody could do something about the situation, know how it is, but they don’t care!!…

      What would my fellow students’ and our instructor’s (Seth’s) thoughts be about this?

      • #356652
        Leyah Lynette Evol

        Hi Jack

        I’m sensitive to social injustice.  The www. is run by algorithms.  We get collectively what we put out there.  I believe that as we collectively change so will the algorithm.

      • #332815

        We are all running on desire.  If I feel more pleasure scratching my cheek, then I lift my hand and scratch my cheek, if not, I leave my hand on the table.
        This simple formula is running those world leaders and you are wondering why they don’t feel like you feel.
        If you had their desires, you would be in their place and if they had yours, they would be here.
        So that is that.
        But what to do about it.
        What will wake us up?  If you won the lottery and everything was wonderful in your life, would you look for answers to the big questions?  No.  We look when we feel empty.
        So let’s see that the Creator is clothing in all of these forms in order for us to awaken these desires to Him.
        And if we can run ahead his pushing from behind, then we don’t need to feel the suffering on our flesh.
        But how to wake the dawn instead of the dawn awakening us?
        For this we need to be in an environment that advertises this good future to me.
        My own ego is too strong for me to do this alone
        This is also part of the design of the system.
        By us connecting together for good, then the Creator can dwell between us and He will perform all of the actions and resolve all of the opposites, it is called that a third force comes and resolves the two opposites.
        It is all in front of us and we will make.  More and more efforts and we will make it.

    • #332101
      Jack Davidsen

      In this video Tony explains how Rabash’s text perfectly describes the way the Creator works through concealment, and how it affects people who study and work to achieve Equivalence of Form. But I will need some time to reflect upon and study more in order to understand how doubt is more significant than for example anger at oneself for being too slow and not bright enough.

      I think I’ll get to understand it soon enough, I just need a little time. – But if you, Seth, have any advice (or just anything you might want to share) for me, I will be very grateful.

      • #332816

        A kabbalist lives in two worlds.
        On the one hand you feel everything in this world, on the other hand, you have the books in your hand of those who reached a spiritual perception, of adhesion with the Creator.
        You know, if you want to be rich, so you mimic what rich people do.
        Even if it makes no sense to you, even if you disagree, it doesn’t matter what you think.  If you want their results do it and later you will understand it.

      • #332142
        Jack Davidsen

        Having watched, listened to, and reflected upon everything that is being said in the video, 5 times since my first post, I now see why it has to be Doubt that is significant more than for example anger or sadness.

        I understand the message that Tony reads and describes for us in the first part of the video, and I will now spend the necessary time with the second part.

    • #330066

      thank you for the lessons

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 208 total)
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