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  • #37684

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 226 total)
  • Author
    • #339572
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Shalom Seth

      My question refers to the passage read from the Book of Shamadi (Part 2)

      Did the Creator hurl a man down to the level of filth because that was the level of equivalence of form he had acquired?

      • #339860

        I don’t know, there are many things involved here.  Could be related to his environment, to the larger society he is in.

        • #356570
          Leyah Lynette Evol

          Hi Seth,

          After some reflection I’ve come to accept that the greatest lesson I’ve  learned from all the levels of filth I’ve wallowed in is a solid recognition and acceptance that there are no perfect people … starting with myself.

          Sending Love and Light.

    • #339571

      I ve said it before, Tony is an exemplary teacher I find myself waiting for his next word or paragraph, I think it’s his innate timing, so natural. Now Seth, well that’s another thing, he is the eternally patient genius.

    • #337641

      For scheduling reasons I am unable to attend the Zoom Q&A on Sundays. Is there a place to go watch the session after the fact?

    • #336910

      On the part 2, could You elaborate on the Shechina concept? Tony refered to it as “Divine Presence” and in the text is refered to as “Divinity”. It makes little sense to me to use it as a synonim to Creator, and as its a female term it must refer to the will to receive and not to bestow (male). Thanks!

      • #336922

        You are a son, maybe a father also, and a brother, a friend, a boss or employee.  Maybe a team mate, etc.
        But it’s all Carlos.
        So when the kabbalists write about the Creator, the Creator never changes, He was, He is and He will be, eternal, beyond space and time.  All of our perception is in our changing vessel that percieves more or less of His light and how and where, etc.
        In this aspect that you are referring to, He is called Shochen, the dweller and where He dwells is as you said the female quality called Shechina.

    • #336899

      The organs refer pain to a familiar place.

    • #336876

      So maybe I understand more the statement,” I am becoming that which I am becoming.”

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 226 total)
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