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- This topic has 494 replies, 183 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- January 21, 2021 at 3:45 pm EST #37684
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- December 11, 2023 at 2:47 am EST #336835
ParticipantNot really a question, but I noticed that some terms are different between Tony’s text and ours.
I found this text very clear, uplifting and revealing, so thanks for explaining it! 🙂
- December 11, 2023 at 8:23 am EST #336864
Seth – KabU Instructor
We have gone through the translation in the last few years and cleaned it up a bit.
No problems either way.
Thanks for your feedback,
- November 25, 2023 at 1:51 am EST #335677
ParticipantI am going through a very difficult time at the moment. A human is deliberately trying to destroy me, for fun. Why would the Creator do this to me or is it simply the free will of this individual? I have never felt so dark and alone, bereft of my Creator and despairing if life was worth living, as I did a few weeks ago. Since this darkest time, though I know for sure now that the Creator is helping me get through this frightening time, as I am also trying to help myself. People have turned away from me, experts who I thought could help me, others though have come to my cries for help. I am now learning the hard way, that not every one can be trusted to do good, or even to care about others, even if they proclaim it daily.
- January 15, 2024 at 12:26 pm EST #339647
Leyah Lynette Evol
ParticipantHey Gillian,
Just wanted to send a big hug and remind you that there are also good people you are yet to meet. Accept what is, ask The Creator what you need to learn from the experience and change the belief that another human has any power over you.
- November 26, 2023 at 10:27 am EST #335836
Seth – KabU Instructor
First things first, if you need to call the police, then call the police. That is not a spiritual thing. If a piano is falling from the sky on your head, you don’t make spiritual calculations, you move out of the way. So first things first, take care of sustaining your life and your well being.
After that if you are willing to do do some scrutiny, to take a spiritual accounting of yourself, then get two pieces of paper and a pen.
On the first paper write down how you thought life was before, how you thought people were, how you thought things are.
On the second paper write down how you understand life to be now after these eventsWhen you have poured all of that out, take a third piece of paper.
On this one, write down the life that you imagine could be, the life that you wish for you and for everyone else.
You see Gillian, there is no problem from the side of the Light, the Light is always bestowing 100% good all the time. But we are like a muddy bottle and whatever gets poured into it, becomes muddy, even the finest wine becomes muddy.
So we need to first of all see who we are and where we are and then depict the good future and see the gap between those two.
Now we have a place for a true prayer and a true prayer is answered.
Good luck,
Seth@KabU- November 26, 2023 at 5:14 pm EST #335874
ParticipantHi Seth, the police wouldn’t be interested, he is a psychic telepath and was actually the reason I became interested in Kabbalah in the first place. He was my “teacher”. Strangely, I have already done what you requested a week or so ago and yes my life will change going forwards. I was completely work driven, I have now planned to ease off and enjoy my life more and do more research on spirituality including Kabbalah in my increased spare time. Yes, as I am now winning the battle between myself and this person I can see that I have undergone a massive growth spurt spiritually from it. I have also found some wonderful people who have helped keep me strong and given me advice on how to survive it but have also learnt to be more wary of others too. Thus I have learnt a lot about myself in this process. My question was though, if there is no free will and everything is from the Creator, who made the decision to do this to me? I also ask why me? I am confused about free will. Do we have it or not? Is a rapist or murderer simply doing as ordered by the Creator but with the veneer of free will? I recall in early lessons we were taught that that the law of equivalence states we must be like the benevolent Creator to become close to them. These latest lessons show a different picture, particularly the ones in the following videos after this page, show a Creator who doesn’t mind causing fear, hurt, illness or death to us. This makes me uncomfortable when compared with the God who has helped me through my ordeal and still is as I move out of it. You mention muddy vessels, is that where there is free will? Sorry I am confused now as you can see. I am also still traumatised by it, particularly as he is still connected to me telepathically at the moment.
- November 26, 2023 at 11:24 pm EST #335891
Seth – KabU Instructor
Everyone is connected to many systems of people both materially and spiritually.
Like in a forest, all of the ants live together and then all of the ants interact with certain trees and all of the trees work together with the system of water that flows through the rivers and streams.
With people we have our families, around our family we have our town around our town is our state, around our state is our country, also online we are connected to circles of people.
And more than that we are tied to each and everyone on on the planet and even those who came before us and those who came after us.
In that it should be clear that a person has no freedom of movement, that each one is connected a million different ways to all of the others and every move that anyone does in the system, it moves all of the parts.The kabbalists are absolutely clear as day, that only the Creator operates the system. And it is whole and perfect and integral and harmonious.
There is no force of witchcraft that has the power to do anything against the Creator.You are lacking several of the fundamental foundational principals of the wisdom of kabbalah.
You don’t know the nature of the Creator, you don’t understand the nature of the created being, meaning all of reality and why it appears as opposite from the nature of the Creator.
You need to study with us about perception of reality. We exist in a field of endless white light, so why in a person’s eyes do they see suffering?I recommend that during the few hours each week that you study with us, the only thing you bring from your life is your emotion, your passion, your yearning, but all of the story of who and why and what, you leave that out.
Bring your yearning and swim in the Light of the what the kabbalists wrote to us.
Then when you are done studying you can go back to your stories.
If you bring all of your stories and confusions to the lesson material, you will progress very slowly.Seth@KabU
- November 20, 2023 at 11:52 am EST #335423
ParticipantI am struggling to grasp what was “incomplete” with the initial relationship of Creator and Creation and therefore required that souls would need to go through a cycle in this world to then to return to the Creator in a corrected state and presumably to a “complete” relationship. Is it that no real relationship exists if one party only gives and the other only receives? Is the end state sought one where both parties both give to and receive from each other? I know we are taught that God only wants to give, not to receive at all … but we also are told that we give the Creator satisfaction and pleasure when we correct our WTR with the WTB for Him alone. Can you please help me penetrate this apparent paradox? Thanks.
- November 21, 2023 at 7:17 am EST #335473
Seth – KabU Instructor
Do you have a son? When he was born, you hold him and love him and want to give him the world. But, what can you give him? You can’t even give him dinner or buy him a car. The newborn doesn’t even know you exist and it will take time before he even understands who you are.
He has to go through much development until he can feel you. And not until he himself becomes a dad can he understand all that you did for him. Before that he can’t understand and feel who you really are and what you’ve really done for him.
So from this example, you can get some feeling that while the Creator himself is whole, and always was whole, always will be whole and needs nothing, the lower one doesn’t even know who the Creator is and what are the qualities of the Creator that is full of love and wants to give him the whole world. While the lower one is satisfied with small games and small pleasures, the Creator still must wait and develop him until the lower one will grow and develop to want the whole world, then he can understand and feel who the Creator is and what He prepared for him.
- November 11, 2023 at 3:34 am EST #334702
ParticipantI’m struggling to remember all the Hebrew words in my study. I usually grasp the concept when I first see it but I don’t always retain the meaning or context. Is there a place I can go, like a dictionary to get a quick memory boot for Hebrew words? I know these are very important and I’m trying, but one of my human faults is faulty short term memory. I have to read and reread something more than a couple times to retain it. Thank you.
- November 18, 2023 at 4:16 pm EST #335207
Seth – KabU Instructor
Glossary: Terms Glossary: List of Abbreviations and Explanations: | Appendices:
- November 17, 2023 at 9:15 am EST #335126
ParticipantNever mind – I’ll use Google and hope for the best.
- November 8, 2023 at 8:29 am EST #334496
ParticipantI feel that the order of the teaching materials could have been different. Why wasn’t this covered in part 1? In this lesson the word God is mentioned often. Was this done so as not to discourage students? Namely, in the first lessons we were told that you do not have to believe in God. For the record, I have no problem with it. In fact, it does something to me.
- November 8, 2023 at 12:23 pm EST #334509
Seth – KabU Instructor
Shamati 1 is a very deep article that contains infinite depth.
This article will accompany us throughout our study.
Our work in KabU is to present the fundamentals of the wisdom of kabbalah in a way that every person who desires can approach the authentic wisdom. Each step is thought out according to how one will go though development in the mind and the emotions.Regarding God, we don’t even have what to discuss yet, as one must acquire new definitions for all of these words that we have from our corporeal lives…God, love, evil. We use these words all day, and kabbalah uses these words, they are certainly not the same thing. I recommend, adhering to the lesson material from week to week and investing as much as you can. If you do this, surely you will develop quickly and with a sturdy spiritual foundation.
- November 7, 2023 at 2:54 am EST #334401
maria santos
Can you explain what a Partzuf is?
- November 8, 2023 at 11:51 am EST #334508
Seth – KabU Instructor
Malchut builds a mechanism called a Partzuf to determine how if and how much light to receive in order to bestow.
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