Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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  • #28785

    Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #307993


      We learned from the lesson that Torah is a kabbalistic text which uses the language of branches, and not a single word in it referring to this world. We also heard that Abraham was the first kabbalist whom “story” is written in the Torah.

      So my question is that according to kabbalah was Abraham a real person?

      • #308268

        Thank you for wise answer with great comparison to glasses…

        From intentions, in order to receive, to intension in order to give.


      • #308002

        Hi Gabor, good question!

        The Torah is entirely written in a type of code called the language of roots and branches. This code uses words of our world to describe spiritual phenomena. So none of it is literal. On the other hand there is a law that every spiritual root must touch the corporeal branch at least once. Meaning although these are spiritual phenomena, they must have a corresponding corporeal branch in our world.

        For example, Egypt represents the uncorrected egoistic desire while Israel represents the corrected desire, those are the roots. But in our world these things exist as branches as well. There is actually a physical place that is called Egypt and Israel. Likewise with Abraham, there was indeed a Kabbalist named Abraham. Still, despite all the above, the Torah is not a history book, not a single word of the Torah speaks about our world, history, morals, etc.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        If you’re interesting in learning how to properly decipher the Torah, check out the books: Disclosing a Portion or The Secrets of the Eternal Book.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #307789
      William Taylor

      How would I know if I am a chosen one? The ones that can’t be snatched from his hand.

      • #307803

        Hi William,

        You can say that a person with an awakened point in the heart was chosen by the Creator. So if you’re here, it’s a sign that you have this awakened point in the heart. But this is just in potential, whether or not you actually succeed on the spiritual path depends on you.

        It’s like someone handed you a very special seed that you can potentially grow into a big tree. If you plant that seed in fertile ground, then it’ll get all the right nutrients and grow. If you plant it in the desert, nothing will come out of it.

        Likewise with your point in the heart. If you place it into a good spiritual environment, it will grow and flourish until you attain spirituality. If not, then no. It’s all in your hands.

        We’ll learn about the importance of the spiritual environment in the more advanced lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #307682

      Hi, I’ve already listened to the Kabbalah Reviled on YT. And a few other videos.

      From what I see here, the videos are the same, are they not? What shuold I do now? I get all the basic teachings, principles etc as Tony K had explained them in the free course on YT.

      What is your suggestion? I’ve signed up here for the purpose of being able to be tought by a teacher, for the community and another level of the course.


      • #307739

        Hi Danie,

        The Kabbalah Revealed series gives a person a very strong foundation in Kabbalah. So we decided to use those videos as the basis of the fundamental courses (Kabbalah Revealed 1 & 2). If a person has already seen those videos, it’s still encouraged to review them as well as to check out the recommended readings page and related videos page which accompanies every week’s lesson. Those additional videos and readings will help you to dive deeper into these materials.

        Beyond that, you also have access to the Q/A forums for each week. Reading your fellow student’s questions and incorporating in their spiritual desire is a powerful way to grow your own spiritual desire.

        Each semester also has a live Q/A session with Tony as well as weekly live sessions with different instructors. Check out the Live section for more details:

        The two intermediate semesters follow a similar style but with completely different videos and materials. Those two semesters are taught by Julian and provide a foundation for doing spiritual work in a group.

        The graduate/advanced courses are a world of their own. There are many weekly live lessons, deep dives into advanced Kabbalistic articles and into the technical study of the upper worlds. The Q/A forums there are very lively with more of a community feeling. And there is also an opportunity there for everyone to receive their own virtual Kabbalah group with whom you can put all these things into practice.

        So my recommendation is to keep going through the course. There is a whole new world of Kabbalistic materials and experiences awaiting you.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #307622

      I have already seen references to Kabbalistic texts including the Torah within this course. I have tried to read portions of the Zohar only to be left with my head spinning. Not to get too far ahead, but will this course shed light on the mystery within such texts as the Zohar?

    • #307613

      The word Providence has been used a number of times in the recommended reading. Is Providence synonymous with God? Or is it something that emanates from God?

      Would you please shed some light on the Kabbalist meaning (or meanings) of the word.

      • #307746

        Hi Mark, good questions!

        Providence means that the Creator is the singular cause behind EVERYTHING in life. The Kabbalists describe this as “there is none else besides Him”. Which means that all of my thoughts, desires, life events, EVERYTHING that I experience comes from the Creator. If so, if He is the singular cause behind everything, how do I relate to His providence? Do I indeed see everything as coming from the Creator or do I think that they are coming from a different source? If everything is coming from Him, why do I feel some things as bad? Is He then bad? How could He be bad if the Kabbalists call him “the good that does good”? Meaning that He’s purely good. Why then do I feel bad?

        All these questions relate to us trying to understand the Creator’s providence over us. They are the beginning of the relationship that we want to establish with Him.

        We’ll learn more about these things in the more advanced lessons. In the meantime, check out this blog post from Rav Laitman:

        Albert @ KabU

      • #307624

        Thank you!

    • #307513

      Wow. I am overwhelmed.

      • #307538

        Hi Holly,

        I’m sorry to hear that you are overwhelmed. Although it can happen from time to time. We go through many different states on the spiritual path: many ups and downs, and everything in between. The main thing is to just keep going, to just keep placing yourself under the influence of the spiritual light, and the light will balance everything out.

        The best way to do this is to just set aside some time to regularly return to the Kabbalistic writings, weekly lessons, videos, books, etc. Such a habit of regularly returning to the source of the light will help you throughout your entire spiritual development.

        Albert @ KabU

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