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- This topic has 313 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 4 days ago by
Albert – KabU Instructor.
- January 21, 2021 at 3:48 pm EST #37690
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- January 21, 2023 at 2:17 am EST #310493
ParticipantWhat becomes of Man when the vale is totally taken off his eyes? Will he still have desires? I’ve understood that the purpose of creation is for correction. When it’s all said and done, what’s next?
- January 21, 2023 at 11:56 am EST #310517
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Michael,
Concealment is an important aspect of our spiritual development and free will. Without it, we would be no different than robots. So as long as we’re in the process of correction, there needs to remain a certain level of concealment.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
As for what happens after we finish the process of correction, Kabbalists hint that there are further degrees of development, but in our current state, we don’t yet have the tools to properly measure these things, so we don’t talk about them.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- January 11, 2023 at 6:15 am EST #308753
Roger Fry
ParticipantHi Tony, first thank you, for the clear explanations you give. I have experienced myself as inhabiting this body, witnessing it in other words not being it. Also have had many blissful moments but they go eventually. My question is are these states always transient or are they a window of learning?
- January 11, 2023 at 6:44 am EST #308762
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Roger,
You can say that they are a window of learning, in that we need to always aspire towards the goal and not get stuck on the path, even in a very pleasant moment.
Keep in mind that our nature is egoistic, so avoiding pain is one of the major motivating forces for us. If we were to completely get rid of that force, then we would have no drive to continue our development. So as long as we have not fully corrected our egoistic nature, there always needs to be a force that prods us to move forward. Without it, we would agree to remain in the current state forever and not reach the goal.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- January 5, 2023 at 10:21 am EST #308172
ParticipantLet me rephrase that last question in my series of questions below. I wrote, “Any by exerting my effort to choose here, I am exercising my freedom of choice at the point of freedom?”
I meant to ask, this… by exerting my effort to choose here, am I exercising my freedom of choice at the point of freedom, or is this the Creator’s force at work, and my exercise of choice was when I created an environment in which I read the article?
- January 13, 2023 at 4:14 am EST #308951
Roger Fry
ParticipantHi Albert, thanks for your reply!
- January 5, 2023 at 10:37 am EST #308174
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Scott,
True freedom is actually a very high degree. We’re still in preparation for it. After all, we did not even choose to be here. This follows the saying that “the Creator puts man’s hand on the good fate and says “choose this for yourself””. Meaning He awakened our point in the heart and that desire started to push and pull us to a place where we can actualize it.
But if the point in the heart is forcing me to be here, what needs to happen for me to start actualizing my free will? This desire then needs to be taken away from me little by little, and then I begin to reveal more and more the place of my freedom.
This is similar to how we teach a child to ride a bike. First the parent holds the child completely. Then as the child learns to pedal and balance himself, the parent lets go a little, then a little more and a little more, until the child continue to pedal without the parent holding him at all.
So we too need to learn to continue to do this work even when that initial desire for spirituality begins to disappear or when the ego grows and begins to pull us into many different directions. Here there is already a need for mutual work in the Kabbalistic group, the spiritual environment. On one hand when I fall into my ego, they need to pull me out, and on the other hand I need to help pull others out when they fall. This is why Kabbalists have always studied in groups (physical or virtual).
We will learn more about this in the more advanced semesters on KabU, where you’ll receive your own Kabbalah group with whom you can practice these things.
Albert @ KabU
- January 5, 2023 at 9:35 am EST #308167
ParticipantAnother question about understanding the lesson…
I am thinking about “There is None Else Besides Him.” I have experienced life with no need or awareness to consider the Creator, only myself, in fulfilling my desires. I have made choices to harm others in order to avoid pain or experience pleasure. I have experienced pain from being mistreated. I have experienced painful consequences of my selfish actions. I have sought to live a productive life. At times I have succeeded; at times I have failed. I have sought to walk with God. Sometimes if felt as if I had a genuine experience with God; other times I felt distant from Him. I could go on and on. But, the takeaway is that my choices along with successes and failures were the result of one force – the force of Nature/Creator. And that any perception otherwise is false. Correct?
Now, when I experience sorrow and anxiety from feeling separated from the Creator and the Shechina, it is because the force of the Creator has willed it so. When I experience it, receive that sorrow and anxiety if you will, may I choose an intention to feel sorrow for the Shechina, rather than for myself. For the Shechina feels it more completely and intensely than I. As I am learning, I am merely feeling the effect of that which is being experienced by the Shechina above.
So, whose force is behind my intention to feel concern for the Shechina rather than myself? Would that also be the force of the Creator and not my force?
Likewise, when I experience peace and joy for feeling connected to the Creator and the Shechina, may I make it my intention to I rejoice that the Shechina above is experiencing this, rather than receiving the peace and joy for myself? After all, my experience is a result of what is happening above in the causal plane, right?
So, my desire is to experience life through the Shechina, receiving the joy and the sorrow of what is happening above at any given moment, and correcting my intentions to bestow my joy upon Her because of her joyful state and sorrow for Her because of her sorrowful state in any given moment. Any by exerting my effort to choose here, I am exercising my freedom of choice at the point of freedom?
Please give me some guidance here. Thank you.
- January 5, 2023 at 10:59 am EST #308177
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Scott,
1) I can’t really comment on your personal states and feelings. In general, our feelings can never be false. Whatever we experience and feel is our truth. But the more we grow and develop, the more our feelings become calibrated and fine tuned so we begin to sense a higher truth, a higher and higher level of reality.
Just like the truth of a newborn is not the same truth of a teenager and it’s not the same truth of an adult. As they grow and develop, their values change, their attitude to life matures, and what was normal on one level is not on another. It does not mean that what we sensed in the past was false, it just means that we grew up and now feel reality through higher values.
2) In general, the healthiest attitude towards the past is to say “there is none else besides Him” and that we went through exactly what we needed to go through. Beyond that, we should be very happy that through everything we went through, we merited an awakened point in the heart. After all, less than 1% of the world has this desire and we were as if handpicked by the Creator to be among such people.
So don’t go digging into the past, don’t despair or feel guilty, but rather focus on the present, on the opportunity that is presented before us and be happy for the priceless gift that we received!
Albert @ KabU
P.S. It’s best to keep your questions concise. One or two sentences max is enough to formulate any question.
- January 2, 2023 at 9:09 pm EST #308024
ParticipantI have been thinking a lot about altruism and there seems to be different levels of altruism. There is an altruism that involves sacrifice and loss and a lot of pain. It is more sacrifice then altruism. My nephew decided to give his baby bottles to the little boy next-door this went well until he returned home and felt the pain of what he had lost and changed his mind. I was patting myself on the back for an altruistic action when I too changed my mind. What a struggle to do the right thing when it leaves you with pain.
- January 3, 2023 at 5:01 pm EST #308064
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Jill,
True altruism does not exist on the level of our world. Bestowal is the Creator’s nature. While our nature is that of pure reception. So it’s impossible for us to truly bestow. At best we can perform more and more covert actions of reception. For example, I go to the store and I give them my money, but obviously I want something in return. It’s the same with all of our actions of bestowal in corporeality. Either I do it to receive pleasure directly or indirectly from fame, honor, money, or even the pride of knowing that no one knows about this action, or even avoiding pain or guilt is also part of this same calculation.
So real bestowal, above any calculations for receiving for oneself, does not exist in our world. Real bestowal is purely the Creator’s quality. If we want to acquire such a quality, we first need to correct our nature. This is done by the force of the light we evoke through the Kabbalistic studies. This light begins to work on us, even if we don’t have the true desire to bestow. Even if we’re just like little kids, pretending to be spiritual grown ups. It takes this aspiration of ours and corrects it little by little, building in us a true desire for spirituality, for the spiritual qualities of love and bestowal.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
- January 2, 2023 at 11:49 am EST #307973
ParticipantHi. These beginner’s courses are perfect for me. Thank you for creating and offering them. Three questions…
1. If the Creator only wants to give to me, and as I receive, I will only want to be like the Creator and give back to Him, what is it that I can give to Him? After all, is He not the will to bestow? How can He receive anything from me if He is not a will to receive? Could it be that giving back to the Creator is to bestow upon the object of His bestowal – the Creature?
2. As we make corrections, i.e., the more we progress, am I to understand the more the ego grows? If so, this seems like a very painful process, because egoistic intentions have resulted in much pain in this corporeal world (as I have experienced it). Can you address the pain and suffering aspect of progressing in spiritual development?
3. Is this an infinite exercise or does attainment of a final degree become realized and our work of correction ends? I believe the answer is that we will come to an end of correction. However, I bet that is not the end of spiritual development. Or is it?
- January 2, 2023 at 12:40 pm EST #307978
Albert – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Scott, great questions!
1. Yes, you can say that by loving others, we bestow to the Creator. It’s like a mother who loves her children dearly. If you relate nicely to her children, by that you make her happy.
2. We learned in this lesson the importance of the spiritual environment. This is our source of fuel to continue on the spiritual path. If we’re experiencing any pain or difficulty on the path, it’s a sign that we are not properly connected to the spiritual environment. It’s like with the example of going to the gym and lifting weights. Lifting weights is naturally extremely painful and unpleasant. But when we’re under the influence of a good gym environment, have friends that value such things, read lots of articles about staying healthy etc, we begin to enjoy these things. And what was previously a painful activity turns into something pleasurable. It all depends on the influence of the environment.
Here too you need to build for yourself a strong spiritual environment that will give you the support you need. And when you place yourself under the influence of the spiritual environment, you wont feel the path as painful, but as a fun challenge.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
3. There is an end point, the final correction (gmar tikkun). We’re currently unable to properly measure what happens afterwards, but Kabbalists do hint that there are further degrees of development.
Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:
Albert @ KabU
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