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  • #37690

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #302718

      it is very interesting and I’m still learning freedom of choice or get to choose we don’t have that I’m trying to get it

      • #302804

        Hi Luis,

        Freedom means rising above our egoistic nature. As we learned in this week’s lesson, we do this by building for ourselves a strong spiritual environment.

        Baal HaSulam talks about this in the article, the Freedom. He writes: “Harut (carved) on the tables”; do not pronounce it Harut (carved), but rather Herut (freedom), to show that they are liberated from the angel of death.

        Throughout the article he explains how our current egoistic nature is that angel of death. Meaning although we are technically alive and surviving, relative to spirituality, our life is considered death. True life is within a completely different nature, that of bestowal. In order to reach freedom from our current nature, we need to choose and build a spiritual environment for ourselves which will influence us with the importance of acquiring the quality of bestowal.

        For this reason, the Kabbalists equate our main freedom in life in choosing to be influenced by a spiritual environment. Not just any environment, but specifically a spiritual environment, since only through the spiritual environment can we get the importance of coming out of our egoistic nature and only through that environment can we draw the light that can help us to actualize this.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #302711

      I battle food addiction.  If impulses seeking pleasure, ie to eat pizza, and my thoughts are already programmed by the Creator, to what do I attribute my resistance to eating pizza?

      • #302714

        Hi Matanah,

        Our inner work is to attribute EVERYTHING to the Creator. This is called “there is none else besides Him”. Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Just keep in mind that our battle with food has nothing to do with spirituality. Spirituality means acquiring the Creator’s qualities of love and bestowal. Love and bestowal is measured not towards food but towards other people. We do this work first of all with those closest to me spiritually, meaning those with awakened points in the hearts that are with me on the spiritual path. Later on, once we build a certain nucleus of connection with these awakened points in the heart, we can expand our work towards the rest of humanity.

        We’ll learn about these things in detail in the more advanced semesters in KabU.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #302784

          Thanks for your reply, Albert.

    • #302709

      I think about how many times I and the rest of society complain about things that the Creator programmed as part of our makeup.  It brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. I have been through many stages in my life (since 5 years old) in search of spirituality,  true spirituality. This teaching is another stepping stone to the acceleration and correction of my spiritual growth. Thank you instructors for donating yourselves to this work.

    • #302118



      Would you please explain the meaning of KELIM. What it is…in its essence? What is it in a person in our world? What’s the difference between kelim when the world was created before ….tzimtzum…and after tzimtzum. Do we all have kelim…and what about the kelim of the upper worlds / stages. Can I call myself a kli? Mini version of the bigger version of things.

      Thank you!

      • #302269

        Hi Aaron,

        Kli is Hebrew for vessel (Kelim is the plural, so vessels). A vessel is a container. What does it contain? Light. Light = pleasure. What vessel can contain pleasure? A desire. So kelim are desires.

        We all have different desires, but these are corporeal desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, power, knowledge, etc. Kabbalah does not deal with these types of desires. Kabbalah only deals with the desire for spirituality.

        But do we have a desire for spirituality? Not really. At most, we have a single point, called the point in the heart, out of which we can build a true desire for spirituality. How do we do that? By connecting our point with other points in the heart.

        This is why we learn about the shattering in the system of Adam Harishon. This is the system of connections between our points in the heart. This is the only thing that was broken and the only thing we need to correct. Once we properly connect between us, we will rebuild that spiritual kli through which we can perceive spirituality.

        Keep in mind that we do this type of work only in this safe environment that we call the Kabbalistic group. With the rest of the world we need to act in a normal way, just like everyone else.

        We’ll learn more about these things in the more advanced semesters.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        As for the restriction (tzimtzum in Hebrew), check out the Guest & Host Allegory in Chapter 3 of Attaining the Worlds Beyond:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #301149
      Ahmed Tabella

      Free will is about our point in the heart, about harnessing this point, and growing it in the right environment.

    • #300191
      Toni Peltonen

      Basically we have no free will because the creator is the one placing us in the correct environment, we can only agree with this system and choose to speed up the process. Am I understanding this correctly?

      • #300333

        Hi Toni,

        To some extent, that is correct. There is a saying that the Creator puts man’s hand on the good fate and says “choose this for yourself”. Meaning He awakened your point in the heart and brought it to a good spiritual environment in which you can nourish it, but after that the rest is up to you.

        But if the point in the heart is forcing me to be here, what needs to happen for me to start actualizing my free will? This desire then needs to be taken away from me little by little, and there I begin to reveal more and more the place of my freedom.

        This is similar to how we teach a child to ride a bike. First the parent holds the child completely. Then as the child learns to pedal and balance himself, the parent lets go a little, then a little more and a little more, until the child continue to pedal without the parent holding him at all.

        So we too need to learn to continue to do this work even when that initial desire for spirituality begins to disappear or when the ego grows and begins to pull us into many different directions. Here there is already a need for mutual work in the group, the spiritual environment. On one hand when I fall into my ego, they need to pull me out, and on the other hand I need to help pull others out when they fall. This is why Kabbalists have always studied in groups (physical or virtual).

        We will learn more about this in the more advanced semesters on KabU, where you’ll receive your own Kabbalah group with whom you can practice these things.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #300356
          Toni Peltonen

          Thank you Albert. For whatever reason this was/is the most difficult lesson to grasp so far and the yearning definitely seems to grow because of that! Hope that made sense 🙂.

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