Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #315141
      Dr Jim

      Hi Julian,
      My question is a bit more general than this week’s lesson although I did read somewhere this week that it is essential that Kabbalah books are to be read in the right sequence. The course material and “Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” are currently taking up most of my time but I have downloaded all the recommended books. I’m not expecting a 1-10 but just two or three to start with and two or three to defer would be very helpful.
      A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah
      Attaining the Worlds Beyond
      Awakening to Kabbalah
      From Chaos to Harmony
      Kabbalah for the Student
      Kabbalah Revealed
      Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life
      The Point in the Heart
      The Kabbalah Experience
      Thank you so much

      • #315152

        There are some books that are not written for those who are not already in some level of spiritual sensation, but all of those you mention can be read by beginners, in no particular order. I would say Kabbalah For The Student and Shamati are musts, neither of which is meant to be read front-to-back. Rather these are study texts that will accompany every student forever. I also think every beginner should read Attaining the Worlds Beyond. The rest are not required, and only according to what interests you.

        • #318221
          Lora Vatalaro

          Thank you for narrowing the field for us.  This is so helpful!  Thanks for asking the question, Dr. Jim.

    • #312665
      Roger Fry

      I have been practicing seeing everything around me as emerging from the Creator. I can do this were everything starts to appear virtual and has a clear quality. However I cannot maintain it for a long period of time and some days it’s easier than others.
      Is this part of the process, forgetting and then remembering and does it resolve and strengthen?

      • #312688

        Of course, if I could be in and delve deeper into There Is None Else Besides Him, I’d reveal everything within that, but I can’t because each second a new portion of the Desire from the Shattering emerges, and this divides the reality into many. I can’t unite it back into one with my brain because my brain is an outcome of that Shattered desire. That’s why I should try to see all things coming from a single source, but then I’ll see that my ability to maintain it is dependent on my connection with others on the same path. Because though I’m shattered, I can begin with uniting with them in this shattered state, whereas the None Else Besides Him I can only relate to when I’ve already started uniting the shattered pieces, beginning with the lightest pieces (the friends in the spiritual group).

    • #311945

      Hi, I study each of the lessons, and take a lot of time to watch videos and read related materials. Sometimes I feel like I understand, other times I feel like everything is so far away from understanding. Is the workshop the environment that will help make the times I understand more frequent? It all feels like swimming in a really big ocean right now. Thank you, Tom

      • #312755
        Roger Fry

        Thanks Gianni, your reply was very helpful in understanding the process.

      • #311952

        Yes, Tom, because in the workshop you start building the spiritual Kli (vessel) and in that the true understanding comes. But we need the initial individual experience as well.

    • #311873

      when does the workshop start?

      • #311874

        In the grad program. Keep advancing, you don’t need to envy your future states. You’re advancing now.

    • #311860

      Hi Gianni,

      My gratitude for an awesome KES and Q&A today. My apologies for proceeding to ask two questions immediately after you said you would take one more.

    • #302621

      Hello Julian,

      Concerning the group, how is the batching done? Is time zones taking into consideration to ensure availability?

      Again, meeting in the group physically or virtually, which is more effective towards achieving the goal of revealing the Creator?

      • #302638

        It can be done either physically or virtually. In the end, if you’re physically together, no physical action helps, as you need to move your heart, where no one sees, and thus each has free choice in that aspect, to work internally or not.

        Time zone may be considered for one’s ultimate ten, however, during the Grad Program, it’s based around the U.S. time zone.

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