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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #297913

      I have a question. It is a bit confusing what the readings say about the will to receive:

      How can I use my will to receive to become bestowing creature and perceive the outside world? All I want is to receive, every action I do has the intention of receiving. I feel only material pleasures and I am driven by it. I don’t understand how can my nature transform into being a bestowing creature by simply studying Kabbalah. It seems impossible!

      Yet the books say that by studying, working, putting effort you attract a special light that does the job for you. Then there are reshimot that are activated by your efforts, giving you some sort of a revelation. This makes the whole thing even more confusing.

      Would you be able to explain (in simple terms, steps) the whole process of correction. How can I advance FASTER, which steps to take to develop the 6th sense. Mr Laitman once said that it takes about 3 years. (I actually feel like this is an egoistic desire, I doubt that there’s such thing as “faster” in Kabbalah :D) .

      So…how do you get through the stages faster, what do you need to do to achieve the very first stage of the upper reality in the least amount of time possible?

      Thank you!


      • #297999

        Suppose you have a young child, your child whom you cherish.
        Your beloved child goes to school for her first day and with her fingers paints a picture, it is just colors smeared all over the page.
        At the end of the day the child comes to you with a big glow on her face and pride in her heart hands the wet, messy paper of paint to you.

        You are the receiver.   You are receiving the painting.
        Imagine if you rejected the painting!  Imagine how she would feel heartbroken if you didn’t receive.
        So you by receiving from her are giving to her.  Her desire is to give to you and you receiving fulfills her desire.
        We can see from this simple example that it is not about whether our hands are giving or receiving, but what is our internal attitude.

        You are correct, we are a will to receive and we will remain a will to receive.  That is the creation that the Creator made.
        Through our inner work we invert our intention slowly slowly from receiving in order to receive to receiving in order to bestow.

        We are embarking on a spiritual path, that is tricky because we are always measuring with our material vessels.

        So I will give you some advice.
        Go over the lesson material each week several times.  Take notes in a notebook, write them out.  If you went to a gym you would put in effort, so similarly put in effort with the material.

        You will see as you progress that everything you do will be built on this foundation.
        Imagine you go to build a skyscraper but the foundation is only 1 meter deep?!
        Study all this material well.  You will look back later and be amazed at how you are advancing.

    • #297469
      Henk Hadders

      I’m beginning to see that a group or community is very important for learning and practicing the wisdom of Kabbalah. This also made me remember a quote of Thich Nhat Hanh: “It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community-a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth” . Could this be true for the next great Kabbalist as well ? Just thinking out loud.

    • #294806
      Purity K

      In the 4 categories of perception; Matter, Form matter, Abstract form and Essence, we learn that we can only perceive  Matter and Form  matter. How can we attain Equivalence of Form with the Creator if we are unable to perceive Abstract Form and Essence?

      • #294830

        Suppose you are in love, from the core of your being your love overflows for someone.
        Suppose you want to love that person, you want your beloved to feel the extent of your love.
        So what do you do?  Can you take your essence and drop it on their head?
        Or do you move your protein body closer to them and give a tender kiss.
        Your essence is the most inner part, then the soul and the next layer is your body, so you move your body close.
        You also move your mouth to make sounds that make your beloved feel loved.
        You may give gifts.
        In short, you clothe your essence and your abstract form (feelings that are not clothed) into behaviors and actions that your beloved can feel.

    • #294742

      Just to clarify, Reshimot has nothing to do with our worldly “state” of struggle, correct?

      For example, I often look at people (including myself) who have been struggling with one major aspect of life for a long time. For example:

      ·       Person. A- has been struggling with financial problems for as long as he can remember. He is constantly worried about how others should “give” him money and he should “receives” it.

      ·       Person. B- has been struggling with building an intimate relationship and starting a family and this has been a long-time struggle for him. He is constantly worried about what his partner has to “give” to him (ex: attention, care, love, validation) and not what he has to offer to them.

      ·       Person. C- has been “worried” about others opinion of him for as long as he can remember. He is constantly worried about how to present himself so that he can manipulate others and as a result, “receive” validation and praise from them.

      Would Reshimot be the “lessons from creator” manifesting through these worldly struggles (financial trouble, relationship problem, lack of confidence)?

      Thank you

      • #294793


        If you attain all the spiritual degrees, if you live in this world in a body, you need to eat food, drink water, sleep, go to the bathroom, etc.

        Your question requires you to have a more complete perception of what you are studying.
        Of course everything that is happening in our lives is the result of our spiritual state.   However in chemistry you know if you add hydrogen like this with oxygen like that you get water.

        But we are not manipulating spiritual states by moving around matter. There are processes and conditions in our corporeal life that are arranged from above, but you cannot diagnosis now that you are on such and such a degree and such and such a reshimot has revealed and you are working with the desires and the lights in order to correct those corruptions, etc.

        The order of our work is much more simple than that.

        If you want to be rich, find a rich mentor and learn how to be rich. A person may also need to seek relationship counseling from some expert, although many professsionals are confused and can lead a person down a path that wil lead to more confusion but there is that too.

        Simultaneously you are now embarking on this spiritual journey. It’s a different set of rules. As we correct our spiritual perception it’s true that we gain confidence and calmness, but it’s not a trick, it’s from feelings that one feels who he is, where he is, he understands the world he is in, why, where it is heading, how to work with the forces that appear in his life.

        You will be confused if you try to apply what you are learning in Kabbalah to all the aspects of your corporeal life. With some experience it will all become clarified. In the meantime, try to learn these fundamentals and simultaneously take care of your bodily life like any good human would do.


        • #294835

          Thank you Seth for your clarification.

    • #294719


      is there a reason for the repetition? It seems like many of the videos are repeating the same points. Why is that? I can’t participate because these are older clips.
      another question, can you give a personal example for how you perceive reality as a Kabbalist and how it is different than mine/ ours?
      thank you.

      • #294743

        Hi Tamar,
        All of the wisdom of kabbalah could be written on 1 page.  It’s all about us formatting ourselves to hear it, so we work on it from this side and that side, say it more emotionally sometimes and other times more technically.
        You can find clips on all kinds of topics, but in our curriculum we are building the foundations that everything else will sit upon.  Repeating the same material 100 times is good.

        To feel who I am, to understand the process I am in, who is guiding me there and why.
        You will feel it yourself and then you will understand.

    • #294703
      Natalie Steenbok

      Thank you to the Kabu team. The teachings are so clear .

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