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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 339 total)
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    • #300546

      How do I get past the ego from my education, experiences, conditioning and preconceived notions – without losing that burning desire to be closer to the Creator that I already possess? Thank you.

      • #300639

        By being in an environment that values the goal of creation.
        The same envy, lust and honor that were previously used to survive in this world, you use to advance spiritually.  You see others advancing, you want to be like them, you see the others valuing spirituality and you want it more too.
        In short, the books, the guide and the group.  Together with these you will be able to advance correctly and quickly.

    • #300531

      this is super fake aweman ushes

    • #300465

      Why is the Creator hidden from our senses, wanting us to develop a 6th sense to perceive reality outside of us?

      • #300488

        All of this is to develop a creature who will know the Creator, feel the Creator, have a relationship with the Creator.
        An animal only runs to fill his desires, he has no freedom of choice and no conscious relationship with the Creator.

    • #300439

      In the knowledge check answers it states,” the quality of giving doesn’t exist in us. The more we attain it, the more we perceive through it.”   What does ‘perceive through it’ mean/look like?   Is it like a new lens-cover over our 5 senses?

      • #300461

        What is the difference between the love that a 5 year old girl feels…then the love she will feel when she becomes a mother and loves her own daughter and then when she becomes a grandma and loves her daughter and granddaughter?
        How can the 5 year old understand the love she will feel when she is a grandma?  So many discernments, so many thoughts, so many efforts, so much emotion.
        So that’s feeling.
        Feeling spirituality is also a feeling, the seed of that feeling is already in us, we need to develop it, from studying the wisdom of kabbalah we draw upon our selves light that illuminate and from being inside the group of kabbalists, that light takes a form in the relations of love between them and then you start to feel some next level emotion, some thing that is not in your 5 material senses, but that exists from the connection to the other hearts outside of you.

        • #300476

          Beautiful…thank you.

    • #300299
      Geneva Fillips

      1. “A corrected Kli is a desire used with altruistic intentions.” This quote was lifted from one of the recommended texts for week 2. My question is: How is true altruism measured? We often understand altruism as “doing” for others. But I can do things for others from an utterly selfish intention. The more I think about, the more it seems that true altruism is not attainable by human nature (the will to receive).

      2. Pg 27 “Attaining the Worlds Beyond”: …all worlds and all created beings except for the Creator, are a single Malchut entity, meaning the root or the original Source of all beings. Malchut eventually fragments into many small parts of itself. The total of the constituent parts of Malchut is known as “Shechina.” (end of quote)

      Can you explain this paragraph.

      Is Malchut the same as Adam ha Rishon?

      Is Malchut referred to as the “root /original Source of all beings?

      I always thought that Shechina or Shekhina meant the presence of God/the Creator. Is Shechina as is used in  this paragraph the same as the way it is used in parts of the Bible as representing the presence of YHWH?

      • #300490

        1. We are a desire to receive, that is the matter that the Creator created.  That will not change.  What will change is how we use it.  We go through corrections that change us from receiving in order to receive to receiving in order to bestow.

        2. Many processes happen before a baby is born into the world, processes happen between the parents, and there there are many processes and time, and then inside the mother, and only when the child is born into this world can it do and become.  So from the phases of root, one, two, three … these are all processes that proceed phase four, malchut which is our reality, all the universe, etc…
        Before there was the vegetative degree, there was only the inanimate degree.  Before there was the animal degree there was the vegetative degree.  Adam HaRishon is the first one to move from the animal degree to the spiritual degree.

        Here is a blog post from our teacher, the kabbalist Rav Laitman regarding the Shechina.

    • #300297
      Geneva Fillips

      “feel as if we were suspended in air, without any
      support, since the Creator is concealed from our perception.
      Without seeing, feeling, hearing, or receiving some sensory
      input, we would be engaged in a one-way effort, screaming
      into empty space.”

      The above quotation from Attaining the Worlds Beyond summarizes my inner state quite well.

Viewing 6 posts - 199 through 204 (of 339 total)
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