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- This topic has 877 replies, 355 voices, and was last updated 2 days, 1 hour ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- April 21, 2020 at 6:38 pm EDT #28793
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- February 5, 2023 at 5:47 pm EST #311839
ParticipantThis isn’t a question, just more of an observation. The more I’ve learned about Kabbalah over the past week, the more I find myself questioning what pleasures I get from doing every little action, like taking a drink. I also found it curious that God has to … pardon the poor paraphrasing … corrupt Himself to help us get closer to Him.
- February 6, 2023 at 8:36 pm EST #311957
Sharon Aloni
ParticipantThank you, Seth. True, I come to this study program with the teachings of The Maharishi behind me. However I am very excited to finally be on the path of Kabbalah.
- February 6, 2023 at 8:26 am EST #311899
Seth – KabU Instructor
Nice observation.
You’ll see when we start studying the structure of reality how accurate your depiction is.
- February 5, 2023 at 8:18 am EST #311768
Participant…does the desire to bestow lead to the will to bestow? They are not one in the same, are they? Personal example. I don’t like public speaking or being the center of attention. Yet, I’m involved in my local politics and agreed to become the next president of a organization I belong to. If it’s for the good of the people in my community and I’m asked to do it, I do it. The phrase that runs in my mind and that i tell others is, “it’s not about me.” I am certain i have a desire to bestow and i push past what would keep me from doing that. So, is that my desire to bestow creates in me the will to bestow?
- February 5, 2023 at 11:42 am EST #311792
Seth – KabU Instructor
We can use the expressions, will to bestow and desire to bestow interchangeably.
You gave an example from corporeal life where something is so important to you that you were able to do something that you otherwise wouldn’t.
This is a natural conduct of the world.
I don’t want to wake up early to go to the gym, but I want to be healthy and being healthy is more important to me than sleeping in.
This same conduct happens in towards our spiritual work however, within our will to receive it’s impossible to truly have a desire to bestow. We can behave like we do and this is correct, this is like what children do when they learn to be like adults, they play. And when the time is right, nature makes the child into an adult, releases new hormones, grows the physical stature, develops the mind, the small teeth fall out and larger teeth come in.
So in spirituality, we play bestowal and the light comes and it gives us the will to bestow, actually it’s the intention to bestow. The will to receive will remain, as the purpose of creation is to fill the creature with endless delight, so we must receive, but with the intention to bestow.
- February 2, 2023 at 9:39 am EST #311458
ParticipantHi Seth,
I love that song “the greatest”. I looked into kabbalah about ten years ago and I think there was a different version then, is there any way to see that one also?
So since I started studying bnei baruch again I have periods of thinking this is the only way foreward for all of us, these guys know what they are doing and this is for me and the most important thing I can ever do ,and then thinking there is no way this can be real there has to be something else going on here i don’t want to be some sucker. What am I to make of this?
- February 5, 2023 at 11:21 am EST #311787
Seth – KabU Instructor
Hi. :))
That was a fun song. I don’t think anyone has edited it or updated it in many years, so whatever you found is probably what there is.
Regarding your question, the answer is to brick by brick build your foundation. And as it is known in this world too, the deeper the foundation, the higher and more stable the structure will be.
Maybe after 10 years you take the time now to put in a serious amount of time in KabU, read the materials and most importantly, take notes, test it on yourself and in your life.
For example you learn that the kabbalists write to us that reality is a will to receive on four degrees. So examine the world, examine yourself. If you feel it’s bullshit, so close the program and go find something that works for you. If you test it and verify it on yourself, so put that brick in the foundation and move on.
Slowly, slowly you will build a framework, a foundation in your inner world where the light can begin to enter.
However if you wake up in a bad mood or if you go wandering in a social media environment where they bash kabbalah for example and then you come back and question your first brick and your second brick, then you are back to zero, or even less and waste a lot of time.
The point is, if you make a sober decision to build a brick and a second brick, etc. then you don’t go destroy your foundation every time you wake up in a bad mood or every time you hear some critic somewhere speak agains it.
You can count on your mood changing. You can count on there being those against kabbalists.
We are building something eternal.
You need to decide what you want from life.
- January 24, 2023 at 4:16 pm EST #310784
ParticipantWhat are we to bestow? Please give examples.
- January 28, 2023 at 10:41 am EST #311028
Seth – KabU Instructor
Imagine that a child made her first finger painting. It is a big wet mess on paper and she brings it to you so proud. She is giving and you are receiving the painting.
Now if you deny it, if you look at her with disgust at how messy and dirty it is, and you don’t receive so what happens? But if you receive it, you are actually giving her love and support and confidence.
So in this example, by receiving, you are giving to the child.
By this we start to understand that bestowing is not something that happens with the hand and feet, it is an inner attitude that whatever I am doing, giving, receiving, etc, but my inner attitude inverts from one of self-love to love of the other, which leads to love of the Creator.
We will learn about this more soon.
- January 17, 2023 at 8:35 am EST #310262
ParticipantI kept thinking about ‘Jacobs Ladder’ during this discussion of the ladder to the higher worlds
- January 17, 2023 at 9:09 am EST #310266
Seth – KabU Instructor
Yes we will learn more about his ladder as we continue our study. Good observation.
- January 16, 2023 at 11:43 pm EST #310206
ParticipantI find this lesson quite interesting and elaborate. What I’m hearing here is that man is ego but specifically bound to receive and this is what needs to change in order to come to the quality of the creator where time and space are of no essence.
- January 17, 2023 at 9:05 am EST #310265
Seth – KabU Instructor
Correct. The Creator desires to fill us with delight, so we must receive.
However by receiving we become opposite from Him who is bestowing.
So the correction of creation is that we will receive with the intention to bestow.
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