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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #308911

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>We evolve through five sets of desiers. How can I know at what level “stage” of development am I.</p>
      I have basic desiers (food sex shelter), I think Im not interested in wealth, power, but I have great desier for knowledge and learning what is the meaning of my life?

      According to kabbalah is it possible to skip stages of desiers?

      Thank you!

      • #309009


        We are not monkeys, we are on the degree called speaking. The way the structure is organized, it’s called that there is always 10 Sefirot, not 9, not 11. It means in general and briefly that it’s always a complete structure. If you are born and arrive here, so you have desires for food, sex, family, honor, knowledge, power, etc in some unique combination.
        Your neighbor maybe more into power and you more into knowledge, etc but we all have all of these. More than that, we have been developing for more than just what we experience in this lifetime, and more than that, we are connected in an intricate system with all the others, as if all of humanity is one body and we are each a unique organ within that body.

        In short there is nothing preventing you from progressing, you made it here, now it is all about how much you can increase your desire for spirituality.

    • #308732

      I am curious to hear more about the benifits of the levels of attainment, and how our journey prepares us for what is next?

      • #308767

        Our path is a path of natural development.
        Just like all natural paths of development.
        You can watch incredible shows on Netflix and Youtube about how our solar system was formed and how our planet came to be and then slowly how vegetation came to be as the first cells started to convert sunlight into energy and produce waste from that mixture, etc.
        We are continuing the natural progression.
        However, there is one major shift for us specifically.
        Until now everything went through changes over long periods of time.
        However with us, we now have developed hearts and minds and with these we can rise above the chains of normal cause and effect.
        We can do what nothing else can do, and that is reflect on the past as if looking into a mirror and seeing where are the flaws and how to better correct our future and therefore speed up our development, to literally go through months, years, lifetimes of development in very short periods of time and reach degrees of equivalence with the force of nature that is developing us and enlivening all of reality called the Life of Lives.

    • #308489
      Lora Vatalaro

      Hi Seth—I’ve had experiences when dealing with the public, and for no apparent reason, where I have strong feelings of love for whomever comes up to the ticket window and (very distinctly) want only the best for them in a broad and sincere way.  Could this be an experience of resonating with the desire to bestow from the spiritual world?  I want to feel that for everyone all the time (which I don’t)!!

      • #308500

        This beautiful experience comes from above, from the surrounding light and this helps awaken us to rise above the animal level of our existence.  These awakenings are given as a gift from above.
        Some people have some experiences like this and circle around it all their lives dabbling in all kinds of different things.  And then there are a few who find a method that was passed from teacher to student for thousands of years, a method that brings a person to reveal Godliness in our life.
        You made it here.  All of your instructors here in KabU are long time students of the kabbalist Rav Laitman.  We will learn more about the method and how to work with all of these feelings.
        There is the adventure of a lifetime ahead, all leading to a good life for everyone.  It is a very ambitious goal, nevertheless this is where Nature/God is developing us to.
        Later, after you learn some of the fundamentals we will start to work together with the friends on how to rise on the spiritual ladder along two lines, the left which is the revelation of the distance between us and the right line which we build as relations of love and between these two, a third line is built from above.
        The difference in this work is that whereas now you are feeling the surrounding light shining as a gift, later we will build a structure and relations between us in order to draw greater and greater lights on top of the separations.  Through our efforts we come to know and feel the qualities of the Creator.

    • #307350

      The story of Egypt and the wandering.  The Bible, God as Creator and history of the Bible and humanity.  Why the stories.  To push our determination to find God the Creator?  This means we perform good deeds and God will be revealed?

      • #307373

        This is how we read the story with these eyes.
        If you take a child on an airplane, what do they understand.
        But an aerospace engineer understands and notices many details about the wonder of a 300,000 pound vessel flying through the sky despite gravity.  He understands lift and resistance, drag, thrust, many factors that he not only understands but he feels them.
        So we read a story about some characters who went down to Egypt then they come back up to the land of Israel.  What is Egypt?  What is Israel?
        What is the tearing of the Sea?  What is leaving at night?
        The books of the kabbalah tell us that all of this takes place inside of one person.  It is written in The Zohar, “Man is a small world and consists of all the nations of the world.”
        Continue with learning the foundational fundamentals and all of these things will come into focus soon.

    • #307118

      What is the first step to becoming more like the creator and unlocking that first level to the spiritual world.? What does that first level look like?

      • #307132

        Until now we lived a life on the degree called animal.
        First things first, examine yourself and the world around you.  See that you and everyone and everything around you is running a simple line of software, how can I get the most pleasure for the least amount of effort.
        There is no need to criticize anyone for this, this is the software that is installed on us.  All of creation is a will to receive on the degrees of :still, vegetative, animate and speaking.
        We don’t even know yet what the Creator is, but we can see what He made and start to understand who we are and by this get to start to know the Craftsman who made me.
        After this start to imagine that outside of you there is an endless reality.  Meanwhile all of your perception is only turned inward.  Imagine what love might be, what bestowal might be that somehow you would receive but only to benefit the entire system.
        And begin to ask the Creator, the system, nature, to open this up to you.
        Of course your requests do not change the Creator, the system, nature, but you start to calibrate yourself through the requests.
        Good luck and looking forward to hearing about your progress,

    • #307058

      According to the lesson we don’t need to change our behavior we need to change our software (intention). How does that work with immoral behavior?

      Lets say I’m a thief. I take other peoples property. Before kabbalah i was taking it because i wanted to own their stuff. Now lets say ive been exposed to kabbalah and i am trying to change my intention. So now i steal not because i want to own things but because “i want to unburden others from their material possessions”

      Am i understanding right?

      How would you reconcile that?

      • #307131

        There is nothing to reconcile.  A kabbalist who has revealed the integral laws of nature upon himself is incapable of harming the system.  To be a kabbalist meanst that one has become in harmony with the system.
        Your understanding is confused.  You are thinking that spiritual attainment is some kind of possession that you can put in your pocket and pull it out when your ego thinks its good to use it.
        The desire for stealing doesn’t have to go away, but you’ll feel what it is at its root, how to steal uncorrected desires from the other side and raise them up to kedusha/sanctity.
        We’ll see, it is an exciting journey we are on.

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