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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #302769

      How I experience this world depends on how my brain interprets the information it gets from my senses, I do not experience it directly but through filters.  Just think the brain and the senses are the hardware and the way this hardware interprets the information is my actual software or program, so to experience the upper reality I just need to upgrade the program?

      Like if I want to tune in to a sw radio station and my am, fm radio does not have sw, I would need a sw capable radio. right? But I will still be experiencing reality through my radio and not directly. I mean through the filters and not directly.

      • #302827


        Very nice depiction.

        You’re missing a few details, but your concept is going in the correct direction.
        The will to receive and the 5 corporeal senses will remain until the end of correction. Although what flavors can a baby appreciate vs. a food aficionado…obviously there are degrees to the 5 senses. A cat has ears and Beethoven had ears, if they both heard a song obviously the information they receive from those sound waves would be worlds apart.

        The main piece you are missing is the masach, the spiritual screen, the intention which is the sense that perceives spiritual light. This is what we are not using now and what we need to use to feel the field of Light that we are in…just like this room is full of radio waves, it is also full of spiritual light, we need the screen upon which this Light can be perceived.


        • #302896

          Thank you Seth for the answer. Can you elaborate on the concept of correction? What do you mean by “the end of correction”.

    • #302739
      Andrea Yoder

      My colleagues have already answered my questions too! Many thanks to colleagues and instructors!

    • #302670


    • #300973
      Will Orellana

      I was wondering if, in order to get to the “point in the heart,” one must go through the previous 4 steps? I ask because I sure haven’t been fulfilled in money, for example. I also haven’t achieved power/influence, knowledge, etc. So I’m wondering if that point in the heart is something that comes AFTER one goes through the previous steps thoroughly.

      Thank you.

      • #301015

        Each of these, money, honor, fame, it doesn’t mean that you will be a billionaire and then you will be king and then a rockstar and then you are ready for spirituality.
        All of these qualities and desires develop in us, all of us to different degrees.  I’ve seen high school sports teams give all they can on the field.  For them, at their degree, they gave 100%, a pro who gave 70% isn’t the same qualitatively as the one who gave 100%.
        So there are many different degrees for all of these and also through the incarnations and also in relation to others who we are integrated with without our conscious awareness.
        In short, if you are searching for the answers to why am I alive, what is the meaning of my life, then the point in your heart is awakening.

    • #300717
      M H

      I want to complete this circuit. I know my ego is the dimmer switch. I understand and accept this as truth.  I am overwhelmed by what must be accomplished.   I know God hardened Pharaohs heart so that he could destroy his army, and I understand this picture of the ego, but after the red sea there was 40 years and an entire generation that could not enter in. Including Moses himself.  Its seems like such a massive mountain to climb. How does one let go of even the stresses of this material world that will hinder learning to be a Giver? I understand that we are all one soul. If I let a homeless man sleep on the street this winter while I own a home with empty floor space I am not Giving to God. If I let 20 people sleep in my home but I do it because I want to achieve this circuit then I am still not Giving to god.  How do I achieve this perfect love? I desire to see Gods face in everyone I see. How do I die to self?

      • #300755

        You are trying to fix what the Creator made.
        That is a sign of a big ego 🙂
        The Creator made everything this way and you see everything as broken.
        Pharaoh, Moses, the desert, 40 years, … all of this and more are internal states.  The Torah speaks about a person’s inner work.

        Some things need to stabilize in you so that you can advance correctly.
        You are at the preparation period.  What you are learning is invaluable.
        Imagine a newborn, she can complain about a lot of things, I’m hot, I’m cold, I’m hungry, I’m tired, but at the end of the day, Mommy and Daddy are going to take care of everything.  We are also in that same situation spiritually.
        All of the “things” that you are seeing around you are to give you inner discernments, but our spiritual work is not to go out and feed every homeless person tomorrow. It’s impossible, there are hundreds of millions of hungry people.
        You are learning and will learn more about the structure of reality that extends from the upper HaVaYaH.  In our world we experience it as the inanimate degree, the vegetative degree, the animal degree and the human (spiritual) degree.

        What we are engaged in here is only the spiritual degree.  We are not going to learn about feeding people for the time being and housing people.  As we go through an inner transformation, we will understand what actions to take and more than that, the world that we see will change.  The world that we see is a reflection of our inner state.
        In short, be a normal person in this world, eat, exercise, work, take care of your family, … be healthy.
        Additionally, you found the authentic wisdom of kabbalah.  Study well, go over the materials multiple times and advance with us in a consistent and meaningful way.
        Then your soul will teach you and you will reach what you are looking for.

        • #300758
          M H

          Thank you.  Is the feeling of quilt or sadness when witnessing others hardship my ego as well?  I will definitely continue studies here.

        • #300854

          The entire substance of creation is the will to receive: inanimate, vegetative, animate and human are more intense degrees of the will to receive but all are only the will to receive.
          Everything we feel is that same will to receive.
          Of course, seeing suffering doesn’t feel good to you so it hurts your ego.
          If you were a warlord, you would take pride seeing your enemies suffering.  It is according to each ones ego.
          Let these feelings be fuel for you.
          But also to not be confused, which is very easy and most people are very confused.
          One man with vision can lead 1000 blind people through a perilous journey.
          First we need to see how to see and understand what we are seeing and you’ll see how that already begins the correction.  The whole game is about the creation coming to adhesion with the Creator and the Creator did not make anything by accident or by mistake.

    • #300562

      I found my self Evolving with a strong sense to attain knowledge on a daily, I strongly feel the will to receive and to give unconditional love. and see and feel oneness in a strong way, but often find my self feeling tired, low in energy due to the level of awareness of my environment.

      Meditating helps, but not sure if I am suppressing my state of being, I clearly see and feel the bigger picture when I reflect daily. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.


      • #300640

        The Creator (the unified force of all reality) operates reality by two reigns, right and left.  + & – .  We see this everywhere in the sun rising and setting, the inhale and exhale and also in our spiritual states.  The vessel becomes empty and then we can feel and understand what filling we need and new light enters the vessel.
        On the animal degree, this happens unconsciously and only on animal and lower desires.
        For us the emptiness comes as questions about the meaning of our life, why am I here? What is the purpose of all of this?
        You found a place where we are engaged in this, practically and daily.
        When you feel up, engage in the study, make notes, connect with the others (you will have opportunity to do this more soon) and then when your vessel becomes empty, in addition to those feelings, you will also have a spiritual framework that keeps you as if floating above it…you still feel everything in this world, but you don’t need to react only to the animal body, but the spiritual mind that is above the reason of the animal mind carries you to the next state.
        We will learn about this much more.  Don’t worry, these are normal states.  We all go through them and we all help each other.

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