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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #300246

      Thank You for this lesson.

    • #298503

      The language of Kabbalah is currently a stumbling block; however, when it is broken down, of course,  I understand it and in many cases, experienced it a good number of times over. (I’m not young). I’ve been seeking Truth for at least 30 years. It has taken me in and out of doors all my life. Even though I am not in a group of 10, (of which I strongly desire) I understand (in layman’s language) Kabbalah on a basic level. I suppose there is no other way other  than to study vocabulary words to understand  the  language  of  Kabbalah. It’s  interesting,  when I read the lesson, I understand it clearly.  When I am quizzed, eh, not so good. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can excel in my studies? My yearning is almost jumping out of my chest! Thank you for reading and for your concern.

      • #298544


        Make a glossary. I have at least two dozen or more notebooks from my time in Kabbalah.
        Start with one of you don’t have and make a glossary. Write there words that come up and their definitions. You can go back later and update the definitions if you understand things differently.

        After these fundamental

        courses you will have the opportunity to join a 10.

        Take each lesson each week and write a short article about it or film yourself doing a 2-5 minute talk about what you learned. Try to present the material in as simple a language as possible. It will help you digest the material a lot.


    • #298310
      Nikola Patafta

      Is it okay to call Kabbalah science?

      Knowledge we obtain through science, art and religion cannot satisfy us and then the Point in our Heart awakens.

      One definition of magic is that it is an art and science of making changes according to ones will. But magic is just a shift in perception. Can we then say that Kabbalah is Upper magic? Making corrections according to higher will that make changes in our perception that propell us up the ladder, step by step.

      Maybe I just desire that Kabbalah is not any of this etiquettes, that Kabbalah is Kabbalah.

      Thank you.

      Wholness and Balance

    • #298024

      Who exactly are the Kabbalists that you speak of in this video who have attained the totality of reality?

      What are their names? How did they give us information? Can we contact them now? Will  you be talking more about them in upcoming lessons?

      • #298039


        We received the method from Baal HaSulam, his son and successor the RABASH and the RABASH’s senior student, our teacher Rav Laitman.
        Baal HaSulam was the first to be able to interpret and present the method of the ARI who’s Tree of Life was based on the Zohar, by the kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his friends.

        There are thousands and thousands of kabbalists who have attained the spiritual degrees.
        When a person reaches a spiritual degree he is in adhesion with others at that spiritual degree.

        For example, Moses writes that Abraham said such and such. How would Moses know what Abraham said?
        When a person is on the degree called Abraham, he sees (Hochma) what is on that degree, he hears (Bina) what is on that degree, etc.


    • #297913

      I have a question. It is a bit confusing what the readings say about the will to receive:

      How can I use my will to receive to become bestowing creature and perceive the outside world? All I want is to receive, every action I do has the intention of receiving. I feel only material pleasures and I am driven by it. I don’t understand how can my nature transform into being a bestowing creature by simply studying Kabbalah. It seems impossible!

      Yet the books say that by studying, working, putting effort you attract a special light that does the job for you. Then there are reshimot that are activated by your efforts, giving you some sort of a revelation. This makes the whole thing even more confusing.

      Would you be able to explain (in simple terms, steps) the whole process of correction. How can I advance FASTER, which steps to take to develop the 6th sense. Mr Laitman once said that it takes about 3 years. (I actually feel like this is an egoistic desire, I doubt that there’s such thing as “faster” in Kabbalah :D) .

      So…how do you get through the stages faster, what do you need to do to achieve the very first stage of the upper reality in the least amount of time possible?

      Thank you!


      • #297999

        Suppose you have a young child, your child whom you cherish.
        Your beloved child goes to school for her first day and with her fingers paints a picture, it is just colors smeared all over the page.
        At the end of the day the child comes to you with a big glow on her face and pride in her heart hands the wet, messy paper of paint to you.

        You are the receiver.   You are receiving the painting.
        Imagine if you rejected the painting!  Imagine how she would feel heartbroken if you didn’t receive.
        So you by receiving from her are giving to her.  Her desire is to give to you and you receiving fulfills her desire.
        We can see from this simple example that it is not about whether our hands are giving or receiving, but what is our internal attitude.

        You are correct, we are a will to receive and we will remain a will to receive.  That is the creation that the Creator made.
        Through our inner work we invert our intention slowly slowly from receiving in order to receive to receiving in order to bestow.

        We are embarking on a spiritual path, that is tricky because we are always measuring with our material vessels.

        So I will give you some advice.
        Go over the lesson material each week several times.  Take notes in a notebook, write them out.  If you went to a gym you would put in effort, so similarly put in effort with the material.

        You will see as you progress that everything you do will be built on this foundation.
        Imagine you go to build a skyscraper but the foundation is only 1 meter deep?!
        Study all this material well.  You will look back later and be amazed at how you are advancing.

    • #297469
      Henk Hadders

      I’m beginning to see that a group or community is very important for learning and practicing the wisdom of Kabbalah. This also made me remember a quote of Thich Nhat Hanh: “It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community-a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth” . Could this be true for the next great Kabbalist as well ? Just thinking out loud.

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