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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 235 through 240 (of 388 total)
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    • #305094

      What exactly happened in 1995?

    • #302958

      The purpose of creation is to create a creature and fill it with endless delight.
      This single thought alone sets all of reality, all of creation into motion from one end to the other.  In the process of the development of the kli (the vessel) that will hold, that will feel all of that delight, the kli comes to a state where it is 100% to receive.  The Creator is 100% bestowing delight and the kli, the vessel is 100% opposite.
      Now the kli was made, but there is a problem, it is as far from the Creator as possible, totally opposite.
      This causes another set of operations.  How can the kli bridge this endless gap between her and the Creator?
      We will learn all of this in great detail later, but in short, she has to receive, she is a desire to receive, that is what the Creator made and to fulfill creation she needs to receive everything that He is bestowing, but instead of receiving for herself, she develops an intention (kavana) that she will only receive because she wants the Creator to be happy, she receives for the sake of all of creation (love of others), not for herself (self love).  Little by little she corrects her intention until all of reality is included in this corrected vessel and the light of the Creator is clothed in all of reality in actuality.  This is called the end of correction.

      • #302985

        Thank you Seth for taking the time for answer my question.  It brings more questions to mind but as you said we will learn more later.

        • #305241

          Thank you

    • #302953
      badr aseeri

      thank you

    • #302897
      Andrea Yoder

      I study a little religion and I really like the symbolism and, and I’m curious to know if the New Testament and the Torah are the same? Starting from this question, if it is the same book, what is the symbolism of Eve having accepted the serpent’s temptation to eat the forbidden fruit? Does this symbolism have to do with the separation of the human being from God? How so?

    • #302859

      my question is very brief and concise,how does one develop or acquire the sixth sense?

      • #303028

        As we learn, there is no light without a kli.  It means that although all of reality is right now permeated with the highest spiritual lights, we don’t feel it at all because we don’t have a kli, a vessel for it.
        You and your cat go to the opera.  The opera hall is filled with beautiful music but the cat has no kli for it, he doesn’t understand romance and nuance and vocal performance and the costumes and the theatre.  He has no kli and so he does not receive in his kli any of the sensation of the “light”.
        In short, we acquire the sixth sense by developing the kli for it.
        To do that, one needs an environment that constantly develops that desire in him because unlike our desires for food, sex, money, honor, power, knowledge, etc. the spiritual desire requires an awakening from below, it does not renew on its own like the corporeal desires.

    • #302855

      If everything in this world is a result of the upper forces, then what are we as human being in terms of spiritual bodies?  What is the cause of us?  The shattered soul of Adam.  But that is a description of cause not a description of the current state.  My understanding is that a soul is something we build in our lifetime, or not.  So then, what is the description of the spiritual root of a person with and without kabalah?

      • #303027

        We are a developing desire that due to the degree of our desire we only perceive reality as corporeal.
        As that desire develops and it cannot be fulfilled by corporeal fillings…it needs food, it needs all the corporeal fillings, just like an animal, but these things don’t fulfill him, like they do fulfill an animal, then this person starts to develop his spiritual desire.

        Inside of all of us is a tiny black point, it is called the point in the heart, it is like the single sperm that will later be a person, this is the single seed that will grow to be our soul.  It grows by the desire for spirituality growing.
        This requires time, a method, books that contain the reforming light that transforms the desire.

Viewing 6 posts - 235 through 240 (of 388 total)
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