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- April 21, 2020 at 6:38 pm EDT #28793
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- December 6, 2022 at 12:35 pm EST #305921
ParticipantWhat is the reason & purpose of creating humans in such a way that we have to learn to attain the spiritual ‘6th sense’? What was the rationale behind purposefully creating the ‘creature’ without the 6th sense? Thanks! S
- December 7, 2022 at 8:33 am EST #305980
Seth – KabU Instructor
Before this we were like a spark inside the sun. No “me”, no sense of who is the Creator, what is the Creator, how big, how great, what qualities, etc. We through our work build Him, discover Him. Of course He is there all along, but by our efforts we discover him in our vessels.
- December 6, 2022 at 8:46 am EST #305911
Participantwhat is an example of a human that completely masters the will to bestow? does it mean becoming completely selfless, doing everything for others rather than oneself? does it require one to completely neglect all the desires lower than the spiritual one? Thank you! S
- December 7, 2022 at 1:22 pm EST #306015
ParticipantThank you Seth!
- December 7, 2022 at 8:31 am EST #305979
Seth – KabU Instructor
What is the purpose of creation?
To create a creature and fill it with endless delight.
In order for the purpose of creation to be fulfilled the creature must receive endless fulfillment.
So what’s the problem?
In order for us to feel pleasure, we need to feel empty first. The pleasure specifically fills the empty place.
So now we have a creature called Malchut of Ein Sof that is completely empty and when the pleasure enters it extinguishes the desire. You’re hungry, you eat, you’re not hungry anymore…in other words you can’t be filled anymore, so what do you do, you drink, ok, now what, you go watch a movie, ok now what? You get the point, this is a fruitless endeavor.
So we discussed the purpose of creation.
Now we need to discuss the correction of creation. Malchut of Ein Sof goes through many processes and we will study them together whereby she receives, but only in order to bestow to the Creator. So for her, everything becomes spiritual pleasure. She can eat…she feels the Creator there. She can give something to another…she feels the Creator there. It doesn’t matter anymore if she is up or down or giving or taking, she has new, spiritual vessels and in those vessels she is relating to the Creator. And in her material vessels, her hands, her stomach, etc, they remain in this world as usual.
- December 3, 2022 at 11:30 pm EST #305664
ParticipantI have learned about equivalence of form. My desire is to receive but I am developing a screen where my desire to receive is related to my new intention to bestow. In practicality, each day now I read a portion of Torah and I seek to do good deeds when I am asked, even when I really don’t want to. I feel a fulfillment in these activities of Mitzvot and Torah that I fills an empty space within. I would rather a world filled with people who do good deeds for each other than people who have great knowledge although it is best to have both. For me, if I never learn anymore about Kabbalah except what I have learned and put into practice, that would be enough for me, although, of course I hope to learn more. Am I wrong to think this way?
- December 7, 2022 at 1:25 pm EST #306016
ParticipantThank you!
- December 4, 2022 at 12:25 pm EST #305739
Seth – KabU Instructor
There are many degrees along the way. They are all written about in the sources. You are describing one of the steps.
Everything is according to the desire in a person’s heart.
- December 3, 2022 at 2:29 pm EST #305634
Leah Bergman
ParticipantI’m reading Attaining the Worlds and it mentions the AHP, but I can’t remember what that is or the GE. Can you please explain this to me?
- December 3, 2022 at 11:32 pm EST #305665
Seth – KabU Instructor
Our teacher, Rav Laitman explained it one time like this:The first man was created with only bestowing Kelim, Galgalta veEynaim (GE). He did not have desires to receive, the AHP, for he still needed to acquire them. And he did not simply need desires to receive, but desires that are ready for correction, meaning desires that include sparks of bestowal.
There is no need to correct the Galgata veEynaim since this is not a person; it is an angel in the Garden of Eden. What was needed was a person with a broken soul, with all the preparations for correction, and this is why the breaking occurred.
However, breaking alone was not enough since a person does not feel that he is broken – he was born this way! Being broken, he has no contact with the Light relative to which he could measure himself and realize his state. Now he needs to gradually accumulate the definitions inside himself in order to understand that he is broken. And he does this due to two components: his desire to enjoy and the spark of bestowal. They both need to be cultivated.
He engages in this until by checking one against another, he reaches a state of disappointment. Then he can begin the correction in order to become human.
- December 2, 2022 at 11:16 pm EST #305581
ParticipantIf the creator wants to create us and fill us with pleasure, and we want to receive pleasure, then why are we going through a process where we move from the will to receive into the will to bestow?
Wouldn’t that make us the opposite of what the creator wants? (if the creator wants to bestow and wants us to receive?)
Is this entire process so that there will be two from one, but counterparts/reflections?
Two wholes that enjoy to both give and receive?
- December 3, 2022 at 2:02 pm EST #305626
Seth – KabU Instructor
You are in the fundamental courses. After that you will have the opportunity to join the graduate environment where we study a very important kabbalistic article called Pticha, “the Preface”, where Baal HaSulam writes to us about the cascading of the Upper Light from Ein Sof (infinity) down through all of the spiritual worlds, the creation of the vessel (kli) all the way to the souls, the shattering of the common soul of Adam HaRishon and how we make corrections and rise up along that very same ladder.
That is where your question will be answered in depth.
In short, the purpose of creation is to create a creature and fill it with delight.
The creation, called Malchut of Ein Sof, receives all of the light of the Creator, infinite, endless Light.
But the creature is now 100% opposite from the Creator.
On is 100% to bestow and the other is 100% to receive.
What to do? So first there is the purpose of creation and then there is the correction of creation.
In order for the kli, the creation to receive everything but not to be opposite from the Creator, the creation goes through a correction process whereby he inverts from receiving in order to receive to receiving only in order to give pleasure back to the Creator.
Seth@KabU - December 3, 2022 at 12:03 am EST #305583
Participant(Hmmm.. I am going to try to answer my own question.. please correct me though if this is wrong:
The Creator desires to bestow pleasure
The Creation desires to receive pleasure
But if the WAY that The Creation receives pleasure is by bestowing pleasure (same as creator) then both The Creator and The Creation are receiving pleasure by bestowing pleasure?)
- December 3, 2022 at 1:56 pm EST #305625
Seth – KabU Instructor
Sounds good!
- December 2, 2022 at 12:20 pm EST #305536
ParticipantThis is what we see in p.34 of “Kabbalah for Student”.
It is written, “For the commandment is a candle, and the teaching is light.” As one who has candles but no light to light them sits in the dark, one who has Mitzvot but no Torah sits in the dark. This is because the Torah is Light, by which the darkness in the body is illuminated and lit up.
Does that mean, Do we need both the Torah and Mitzvot? If Mitzvot is also required, I believe there are 613 Mitzvot’s.
Do we need to follow all the Mitzvot’s? Are they up to date with current human evolution?Or only Torah enough?
- December 3, 2022 at 1:56 pm EST #305624
Seth – KabU Instructor
You entered a very special environment. It will require that you slowly learn the meaning of all of these words.
We are not referring to mitzvot as a physical act that you do with your hands or with a piece of leather or with a certain species of animal.
The mitzvot are corrections on our desires from in order to receive to in order to bestow.
The physical mitzvot that you are referring to were implemented by the sages prior to the 2000 year exile in order to hold the form of the people and the culture through the long and difficult exile, they took spiritual actions and clothed them into corporeal actions.
So that you don’t get confused all of the work that we are studying is work in the heart.
This will become more clear as you progress in the study.
Good luck,
Seth@KabU- December 3, 2022 at 5:26 pm EST #305647
ParticipantHello Seth,
“The mitzvot are corrections on our desires from in order to receive to in order to bestow”.
Thank you!
Meaning our ultimate aim will be like, making ourselves as a transmitter through this current “Will To Receive” to the environment we belong, without even experience any pleasure for the reception but only on the Bestowal. Will it be possible? We live in a tightly webbed competitive world. We have to face Competitor and some time enemies. In a sense we perceive this as an illusion, but on the work front (survival), we need to give our best effort, because we face people who are not having this perception and for sure their action will drag as to the level below any spiritual level. Their ego level is of this world. Is it really possible to handle the situation without getting provoked? Will it be possible to become a “Will To Bestow”?
- December 3, 2022 at 5:38 pm EST #305648
ParticipantGetting another thought, We do not have control over desire itself, because as per Kabbalah it (the desire itself ) is the Creator’s will to Bestow. Then what can we do? We are helpless!
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