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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 340 total)
  • Author
    • #128164

      Thanks Seth for the response. Super powerful. Wow!!

    • #127896

      Did I ask for all my sufferings?

      and in order to attain superior wisdom and achieve spiritual elevation I have to endure them?

      • #128074

        Imagine that there is a mommy and she has a new daughter.  She want to give her daughter all of the world, but all the mother can give her is milk and after a few months the baby can start to eat food.  It takes a long time until the little girl grows and then she can receive all the treasure that her mother wants to give her.
        So in spirituality, there is only light that wants to bestow to us.  But for us, all of our reality is far from that light behind many concealments.
        All of our suffering is a measure of our separation from the Creator.
        As you study the books and learn in the lessons with the other students, the light works on you and you will start to feel how in the places where there is darkness, there the light shines.  And then again you will reveal another darkness and again a light will shine there and by this we rise in degrees.

    • #127763

      hi, can you help me with this? for example something occured between a friend and I and disconnection occured. I know that beneath this seemingly “bad” thing it is actually leading me to evolve. i changed my perspectve on this but what about if my friend keeps on attacking me? can I take her out of my perspective ?


      • #127779

        Hi Elizabeth,
        Is this happening between a person in the group here or with someone else?
        Our group here together is our laboratory where all of us are learning from the same sources, the method of the kabbalists that we received from them and we are working on it together.
        In the meantime, we are not “applying” this method outside of this laboratory.  That would be like taking a very precise and delicate experiment out of the laboratory and onto a snowy mountaintop or in the middle of the city streets.  There are many more variables on the snowy mountaintop and city streets.  Later we will bring our work out there, in the meantime, take what you are learning and integrate in your life the best you can.

    • #127757

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Si nosotros creamos nuestra realidad a través del filtro de nuestros sentidos, entonces quien eres cuando yo hablo contigo? , dejas de existir cuando parpadeo; y yo mismo ceso de ser cuando te alejas? Parece una paradoja para nuestro sentido común.</p>

      • #127781

        Sí, mientras tanto parece una paradoja.
        Un murciélago siente el mundo a través del sonido. Un perro siente el mundo a través de su lengua. Cada criatura construye el mundo interior en base a nuestras percepciones. Aprenderemos más sobre esto.

    • #127703
      Felix Hernandez

      Wow. I do not have a question, but this is all sounding increasingly intriguing. I can begin to get the sense of how this can lead to profound life changes. Many thanks for making this available.

    • #127623

      to move from knowledge to spirituality, how can we balance desire and the Creator>  there are times i always try to do bestowal, but there are times i get abused. how does one balance – receiving and bestowal?

      • #127783

        We are not bestowing at all.  We are learning about bestowal.  We are like a child with a baby doll, one day we will be a parent and have real emotions towards a child.  Now we are learning about a quality of the Creator.
        In our world we are a creature like all of the creatures.  You need to be safe and comfortable, you need to stay away from people who abuse you.  You wouldn’t see a giraffe going to play among the lions.  That is not natural.
        Arrange your life with work and family and health and recreation in a comfortable way.  We don’t need excess, but a good comfortable life and on top of that we will build our spiritual perception and learn what is bestowal.
        You can work on both things in the same day.
        Like a mother who can go to work but in her heart she always cares about her child.

Viewing 6 posts - 295 through 300 (of 340 total)
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