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    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #220554

      Why do not I join the group of ten? Little by little, I am getting rid of all these core delays! If I am not going to join the group of ten, please tell me to go to my privacy and study Kabbalah like in previous years! Please include me in the group of ten …

      • #220785

        All of the students go through a similar preparation period.
        Kabbalah Revealed 1, Kabbalah Revealed 2, Kabbalah Experience, Kabbalah in Action

        Then you will join the Graduate Environment and the Young Group and there you will join a 10 with other students who have gone through preparation with you.

    • #220112

      Regarding spiritual connection, I have a very large untrusting wounded ego that uses doubts and questions to push connection away believing this brings safety. I also feel a deep desire to spiritually connect with others. This week’s explosion of word vomit is from the internal battle between these two desires. Thank you for your patience and responses.

      • #220208

        You found a good place because we work in two lines here.
        You’ll learn about that probably in a few months, but you have some preparation in it.
        This goes back to your contradictions question too.
        We came to this society to rise above the animate degree to the spiritual degree.
        Nevertheless we live in this animal world (as it appears to us) with food, family, work, etc.
        Here is some advice.  Push pause on covering this corporeal world with a blanket of spirituality and meaning.  You are putting a whole “spiritual” story on top of everything that is happening.
        Start with the first step.
        1. Live in this world, take care of your loved ones, pay the mortgage or the rent.  Be healthy, considerate, etc. meaning don’t interpret every corporeal thing through your spiritual lens because this is in infinite, intricate system and you cannot account for everything, so let the Creator do His job perfectly well and you just participate in what He prepared on the animate degree.
        2. And also now we are learning what the kabbalists are writing to us about the spiritual world.  So let’s start to go on a journey with them and see what they have in store for us and we will slowly slowly build a new spiritual perception based on what they attained and passed to us.
        And if after several months this approach is not working, so you tried, close your KabU account and move on.
        If however it is working, then note that and carry on.

        • #220275

          Thank you.

        • #222693

          Thank you – this has been helpful for me to read today.

    • #220008

      Hi there and thanks for the course!

      I have delved into other people’s questions in order to try to grasp the concepts better and learn from the others.

      While I can somewhat ‘feel’ how boundless true reality is, I cannot yet reconcile it with some of our current perceptions. If what we perceive is merely a reality created by our senses, in which way do other creatures exist? Are they all ‘us’? Maybe in more detail I can divide this question into the following:

      1. Say I see a fox. Does it really exist there? Is it imbued with an ‘animate’ level energy or do I just react to its matter’s impulses?

      2. If what our senses perceive is not real, than why is it that there is an overwhelming overlap between other ‘egos’ out there (for instance, in a classroom, everyone perceives the same teacher, albeit with minor variations)?

      3. Lastly, considering how true reality is boundless in what concerns time and space, how does Evolution (Darwinistic or not) fit here? Say, we perceive the existence of a fossil bird with primitive traits. Did it exist or not? Was it a potential ‘ancestor’ to a modern bird?

      How can this ‘history’ of existence and a boundless Greater Reality exist simultaneously?

      Thank you in advance!

      • #220049

        Very nice questions.
        Everything that we see is clothing of the light in the form of inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking all happening before our eyes.
        So to answer your first two questions, while we can dwell on and contemplate the wonder of all this and the confusion of how it is possible, instead, try this on.  That what we see and how we see it is a reflection of the current state of our desire.  How, why, we will learn, but what I am perceiving is somehow me, all of this is my desire.  It’s a lot, all the other countries and planets and the fox and my refrigerator….this is how I perceive my desire.
        When that desire grows and I build a spiritual screen, masach, over it, I will perceive the same reality differently.
        Imagine that the sunlight travels 90 millions miles through space and it is cold in space and it is very dark in space and then that sunlight after 90 million miles hits the surface of Earth and it’s hot and we can see light.  So even with corporeal light, it needs to hit something in order to perceive it.
        And so we need the correct screen to put before the spiritual light and all of that will illuminate.  It’s very exciting and it is all before us.
        And a Big Bang that took place 14 billion years ago, and evolution, etc.  that is also according to our perception.
        With a different perception we would perceive something else, in the meantime, this is how we perceive and we can’t disregard that this is the picture that the Creator is showing us and what can we learn from it.
        Lastly, while Darwin starts at the beginning and then goes through the evolution of species.  The kabbalist on the other hand starts with the final goal already and then everything that is happening is leading us to that final goal.  We start with the endless light, that light cascades down we will learn this later it’s called the 4 phases of direct light, then there are many processes and operations that take place the first restriction, the building of the partzufim and the worlds, the souls, the shattering and then the creation of material reality.  The kabbalist traverses these steps back up the ladder.

    • #219972

      I know I am blowing up this feed with all the posts and after a walk in the woods to ponder my response from last post the reason is beginning to form. I have something inside activated to the words, the Creator hates to be a receiver. This is the quality He created me with right down to being stuck below the barrier. My insides translate this to me as a purely altruistic and loving creator hates my quality of receiving while I am working through correction needed for equivalence of form so His bestowal can be fully received. To me, this is Christianity 101, a loving God hates the fallen qualities in me but unconditionally loves me and will meet me where I am if I use free will to choose his qualities. Otherwise God will place you in hell/perpetual separation. I do not understand this concept of hate in pure bestowal of love as being complete and lacking nothing. I need help making sense of this as it is the very reason I left Christianity.

      • #220097

        Thank you so much for your reply. It is hard to grasp still, but makes sense and reconciles both ‘realities’. Cheers!

      • #220096

        Thank you so much for your reply, it makes sense!

      • #220047

        You are bringing so many snacks to the party you will not be able to enjoy anything that has been prepared for you.
        I recommend that write your questions in your notebook in the form of one or two clear sentences per question with a question mark at the end.
        For example:
        1. What does it mean that the Creator hates to be a receiver?

        Just write them, don’t cover them with all of the stuff you are bringing from everything else you already learned.  You are leaving no room in your heart and mind for what we are learning.
        There are very clear answers for your questions, but you won’t be able to hear them anyway.  Answers in kabbalah don’t go in the ear.
        Listen, the only thing that the Creator created is the will to receive and that will to receive will remain until the end of correction.  The Creator does not hate you or anyone, the Creator is a 100% force of love.  So what does “hate” mean in kabbalah?  OK, that’s another question. Write it down.
        Every cell, every animal is a receiver, including us.  We need to receive, since the Creator wants to fill us completely.  So He bestows and we receive.  But then we are just an animal, an angel.  But, if we want to receive in order to receive, with an intention to receive, so this is the source of the problems,  in this we feel separate from everyone else, this is where our identity comes from, I need this car, I need this honor, I need this money, I need this respect and this separates us from the integral, whole system.
        So our work will be in the intention, that we remain as receivers, you will still receive food, sex, money, honor, everything as usual, but our heart and mind slowly get upgraded so that everything we do we do in order to bestow.
        This is all ahead of us.
        Keep up the passion, but calm down on the interpretations or you don’t leave room for what you are learning to enter.

    • #219959

      “The Creator also hates to be a receiver, as He is completely whole and needs nothing. ” I am struggling for clarity in some of these statements, I cannot understand reason for any form of creation, bestowal and reception the current being discussed, to appear from state of rest if there is not a desire. If the creator hates to be a receiver then my question again is what need is there for the creature to attain equivalence of form? If there is completeness in bestowal what need is there for a receiver? It seems bestowal has a need for everything given to be received, if there is a need or desire this does not go with completely whole and needs nothing. I struggle with the contradiction. Please have patience with me as I have spent many years searching, my time is running short on finding the true path, and something inside me, born of many let downs, is operating using the null hypothesis process, maybe this needs to change but contradictions perceived really need clarity or this part of myself will get caught continuing to try to prove this Kabbalah scientific law wrong. I guess I am still in the phase of it is not law to me yet only hypothesis, my trust of taking information on face value as law has been severely broken by this life journey to date.

      • #220046

        If you cannot deal with contradictions than you are going to have a very hard time and here and will not be able to succeed.
        The wisdom of kabbalah is the wisdom of the how the Upper Light cascaded down from Ein Sof all the way down to this world at the bottom of the world of Assiya and then how we can rise back up along those very same steps and in the process, build the vessels to feel each and everything so that the instead of being a spark inside the sun with no sense of itself, we will achieve adhesion again with the Creator, but in full perception called holding it in the hand.

        So how can a piece of grass comprehend what a dog is feeling and how can a dog comprehend what a professor is feeling?
        The next degree is always above us and from our current degree there are contradictions and then we rise a degree and those contradictions are no longer contradictions from the higher degree, but then again what is above us now is again felt like a contradiction and again we rise, etc.


    • #219862

      I have a similar question as Euler’s, it seems the Creator would need to possess a remembrance of will to receive. I need help to see this creative thought in greater clarity. In my readings and understanding from other courses taken it seems, again through my beginning perspective, that there is a single unitary force/light that is at rest. From this resting force comes a complete thought of creation. A creator is emanated from this resting force with a force of bestowal and a force of reception combined. Through the alchemy of shattering’s, the creator is able to separate bestowal from reception. During this process a remembrance of bestowal is set in reception. Question, would this also mean that a remembrance of reception is also in bestowal? In the shattering process there are times the reflected light was a container for receiving, this seems it would set up a remembrance of receiving? The readings from Kabbalistic writings ask as pertaining to describe the complete will of bestowal; who/what is there for bestowal to receive from? Yet, the writings also describe the vessel needs to receive in a manner for in order to bestow. So, the question would be if after complete correction the vessel receives in order to bestow, who is there to bestow to if bestowal does not also have a form of reception as there is only two things in this created reality, bestowal and reception? This question goes with the readings of the vessel must receive in order to give pleasure to the creator. This allows the creator to fulfil complete bestowal and bring vessel to equivalence of form. Question, if bestowal is just unconditional bestowal what matter is there in degrees of reception? The writings seem to hint to, so that the force of bestowal can receive something from complete bestowal. How can a vessel of reception ever reach a state of only bestowal? From what would this vessel have to bestow unless it is receiving from bestowal, which will always keep vessel from attaining complete equivalence of form to pure bestowal. So, in my limited perception, it seems bestowal has a remembrance of reception, receiving has a remembrance of bestowal, these are the only two things in operation in this created reality. So, it seems once correction comes, the vessel receives in order to bestow and bestowal bestows in order to receive. This completes the analogy used many times in the courses of seal and stamp. This seems, albeit from my corporeal perspective, a completion of a true altruistic symbiotic relationship between the two forces in this thought of creation.

      • #220045

        At its root your question is about the relationship between Malchut and Bina and we will spend a lot of time in future courses studying the Preface where we delve into the machanics of the upper worlds, sefirot, partzufim and how reception extends from bestowal and how they mingle eventually leading to the shattering (also known as the sin in the garden…), etc.

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