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  • #28793

    Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #219548

      In the lesson video it is stated the creator is unconditional altruistic bestowal. From my vantage point of view, which I know is limited, it seems wanting to not bestow only to a slave to the light that a whole system was created. Now at the bottom of this process we have a condition to be able to access this bestowal, freedom of choice/change screens. These 125 conditions/degrees were from the creator’s process of creating the creature in order to be in equivalence of form. I view this as a process of conditions to bestowal. If one cannot immediately access the altruistic bestowal then a condition is in place, this condition came from the creator in the process of the 125 degrees for a purpose of equivalence of form, is this not a condition?

      • #220041

        The quality of the Creator is 100% bestowal.
        There is a treasure house.
        You hand was put on the good fate.
        Now it is up to you to come and take.

        • #220048

          The answer does not help clarity my current struggle. I have an impression deep inside that I realize will be considered wild or vain imaginations that need correction. I have heard this before from Christian leaders when I discussed 40 years ago that there was an impression inside that stated there was no Satan, hell was not a place but degree of separation from God, there were only 2 forces working to come back in balance/at rest, using Christian language the forces of flesh and spirit, we are but a broken vessel with each piece holding various degree of spirit. For my stating this I received exile from Bible studies while being accused of doing Satan’s bidding, received condemnation from the pulpit stating I was following a false god. So when I came to the Kabbalah material 40 years later the impressions were validated, this fuels my desire to study deeply. Now comes another impression again inside and I do not know what to do with it but at the least to allow it to be exposed in order to work with. Impression: a force? Cannot place word on, exists in complete harmony and balance where everything is at rest. From this comes a thought of creation in completness. A Creator force emanates with two opposing natures to bring out of rest/balance in order to grow and evolve the nature of each. At the start the two natures were in a form of immature balance, the Kabbalah analogy of mother and fetus. The Creator brings the two natures out of rest and balance to evolve them. There is a deep connection between these two forces, root to point in the heart, this allows a sense of each other. Bestowal only wants to do its nature and bestow, receiving likewise for receiving. The divide keeps each from connecting except for the thread from root to point. The evolution is for these opposing natures to come into a higher nature of connection and balance to return to rest. This impression separates creator as a force to enforce the complete thought of creation. To bring two opposing natures to a higher degree of connection, then rest/balance. This frees the receiver nature from being judged and hated by the Creator and assigns this to the opposing nature of bestowal, just as receiving also hates bestowing. This is where I find the purpose to do the work of correction so that receiver and bestowal natures can enter a higher connected state of rest. This impression can be called wild imagination and that is ok, just as I did 40 years ago, I am exposing to work with. Kabbalah gives the tools for use for correction and I know I need to do my part so I will continue to study deeply while also expressing impressions to work with to gain understanding of is it wild imagination of something that needs to be received.

        • #220067

          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Joseph,
          If you go to London, you will be able to describe the roads, the smells, the fog and the food.  Similarly when you attain these spiritual degrees you will be able to write about them.
          You are not telling me what the kabbalists attained, you are telling me about how you perceive reality’s deep mysteries.
          The ARI describes the system and Baal HaSulam clarified it in the Study of the Ten Sefirot and all of the introductions and prefaces, one of which we will study together with you soon.   There they describe to us how the Upper Light emanated from Ein Sof and cascaded down through 4 phases to Malchut of Ein Sof.  That complete vessel performs a tzimtzum and from there comes the building of the partzufim as the two qualities start being measured, to bestow and to receive, to bestow and to receive, and there are many processes after this, the system of worlds and souls.
          All of this is for you to study and draw the reforming light.  After 40 years you found the authentic books of kabbalah that we are learning with our teacher Rav Laitman an authentic kabbalist who received this from his teacher a huge kabbalist in the chain of kabbalists all the way back to Abraham and Adam.
          Then you will be able to describe the blueprint of creation in a clear and accurate way because you will have attained it in your sensations.
          Good luck,

    • #219453
      Innocent Mushiya

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello,how long does it take for one to attain the first level of the upper world to the next if one is committed to these weekly lessons and following other recommendations in this course?</p>

      • #220039

        Hi Innocent Mushiya,
        There is the issue of quantity and there is the issue of quality.
        Right now we are swimming in a field of upper light.
        We are like a cat in the opera.  The opera is happening, the audience is in wonder, even crying at the beauty and we are the cat, sitting, not paying attention at all.
        How can that cat develop the mind and the heart?
        Within a few weeks your perception already begins to change somewhat as you start to understand what forces are operating on us, we always felt them, but like the cat we didn’t recognize them or have the language to name them and discuss them.
        To truly change the heart to be 100% to bestow like the Creator, it takes time.  Maybe 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, even 40 years depending on the root of the soul, depending on the generation, etc.

    • #190224
      Joshua Ajang

      Hi colleagues

      Since have been separated from the creator which is Adam haresha or so whatever how are we going to reunited again?


      Ajang Joshua Kuol.

      • #190554

        Wonderful question.
        This is all of our work.
        First we start learning about who we are, where we are and what is the nature of the forces operating on us.
        That is what we are doing in these first several semesters.
        After we have that foundation, we will start working together to reassemble this vessel.

    • #189864

      “When all human beings agree to abolish and eradicate their will to receive for themselves and have no other desire but to bestow upon their friends, all worries and jeopardy in the world would cease to exist. And we would all be assured of a whole, and wholesome life since each of us would have a whole world caring for us, ready to fulfill our needs.”

      Above is a quote from the lesson. It seems as if what is said in the video is a contradiction.

      Abolish and eradicate point to the fact to remove, to do away with.

      In the video, the instructor commented that we should build another desire on top of the old, which is impossible in Kabbalah. Two opposite desires cannot mix.

      • #190196

        You are right.  We will always remain a will to receive.  That is the only creation that the Creator made.
        And while we exist as animals on the animal degree, we live instinctively and we don’t feel our connection to the whole network, to the whole system.  But as the light shines on us and we start to discover our true nature, we feel that we are opposite from the Creator and when we advance more, we feel that we don’t want to be opposite from the Creator, we want to bestow like He bestows.
        So the Creator gives us a desire to receive and we, through our efforts in the group and with the books and the study, we build a desire to bestow.  It is something novel and new.  You are right again, in this world two opposites cannot exist together.  In spirituality this problem does not exist, everything is one in spirituality, above time, space and motion.

    • #189863

      How can the ego be used for good? It is the cause of so much suffering?

      If the ego program is not transformed in us, according to Kabbalah, it will put us in separation from the Creator.

      How can Kabbalahist say that Creator/ Nature created this program called egoism?

      It would seem that our wrong actions created this program we call egoism.

      The possibilities for deviance are not the same as its advocacy.

      If the Creator created egoism, wouldn’t it point to the fact that the Creator/ Nature is not perfect within itself because it would not be in a state of rest within itself?

      Would this also be an accurate statement? Neither is faithful adherence to divinity the same as reassigning desire to the Creator because the ego and the Creator cannot mix.


      • #190195

        You asked all of the correct questions.
        How can it be that from the perfect Creator came something so imperfect, something that is the cause of all of the ruin?
        This is a perfect question and will lead you towards the correct answer.
        First, who am I who sees reality like this.  Am I seeing all of reality?
        And what is the purpose of creation?  For example when I see a green banana, I don’t call the banana bad and bitter, I say that this banana is not ripe yet.  When it is ripe it will be sweet and with humanity, maybe it is at the stage of the green banana, maybe it is bitter and not yet ripe and sweet.
        What do the kabbalists tell us?
        They tell us that the thought of Creation is to create a creature and fill it with endless fulfillment.
        So, if there will be a creature who can receive endlessly, then there needs to be the creation of an endless lack that will later be filled by the endless light.
        Now we are getting somewhere…

    • #188082

      Are we given instructions or tools through the Kabbalah on recognizing the Reshimot and how to receive/manage each Reshimo, as it arrives? Thank you in advance for your help and clarity on this matter.

      • #188269

        There are millions of these reshimot, more even.  It takes a lot of preparation until we can calibrate ourselves to the spiritual world.  We can certainly feel larger more coarse changes, but the subtle moment to moment changes we are still unable to feel.  And part of this is by design.  Why?  Because we perceive spirituality with a vessel called “faith”, it is not faith that we are used to from this world.  It is a degree of attainment, called faith, it is a degree of attainment that is above our mind, above our mind and reason.  In the world this is called that we “believe in something”, but we are not talking about believing but attaining something above the mind.

        So here is a way to work with this now although this will take some getting used to.   Every single moment that comes to you was prepared precisely for your optimal spiritual advancement.  So the advice is like we do on a difficult hike, follow the steps of the guide, he steps here, I step here, he steps there I step there and then I discover that I made it to the top of the mountain too, even though in my own mind I didn’t know where were the snakes and were were the pitfalls, but by acquiring the mind of the upper I make it to the top of the mountain and then feel that all in my own sensations.

        • #188437

          Hi Seth.

          Thank you very much for your reply. I love the way in which you explain “faith”, as being more of an attainment than a belief. Also, your example of going on a difficult hike was very enlightening, too. I will spend some time integrating your response. I really appreciate your taking the time to answer my question.

          Kind Regards


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