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  • #28801

    Ask anything about week 3 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #291408


      This is so powerful! I think my mind started opening now, wow!


    • #291339
      Maria Memoli

      The Path of Light explanation, completely changes my way to see my behaviours, especially those that put myself in connection or disconnection to others.

      My understanding is that Consciousness is the super power to activate the mitzva in every situation of suffering. The suffering comes from a condition where one of our qualities need a correction.

      Is the simple state of suffering that should makes us be conscious about the necessity to put in place a mitzva?

      • #291424

        Hi Maria,

        Yes, you can say that suffering is a sign that we need correction. Just keep in mind that the corrections that we are learning about are internal. We perform such corrections through the “Torah and Mitzvot”.

        Torah comes from the Hebrew word ohr (light). So when Kabbalists use the word Torah, they are not referring to the physical book, but rather to the light. This is a special force that we can extract, especially through the Kabbalistic studies, in order to correct our egoistic nature.

        And when Kabbalists use the word Mitzvot (plural of Mitzvah) they are not referring to corporeal Mitzvot that a religious person performs with his hands and feet. But rather the Mitzvot are the internal processes by which we draw the light and correct the egoistic desires.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Keep in mind that although these are internal corrections, they don’t cancel out the things we need to do externally in order to take care of ourselves in the normal way. So if I’m hurt, I still need to go to the doctor, take some medicine, etc. Externally, we all need to arrange our lives and take care of all of our problems in the normal way.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #291433
          Maria Memoli

          Thank you Albert to point out that the correction must be internal and I like to see those corrections as the  Creator’s orders, commandments. It feels like Someone taking care of me.

    • #288649

      Hi, I suppose my question is one of the internal desires and something I have struggled with for a long time.

      I understand the concept of needing to correct our desires, but I struggle to understand what ‘acceptable’ desires are (if there are any) and in what way they need to be corrected. For example, I have a desire to have financial wealth (not as much as I used to desire when I was younger) but enough so that I can be free from having to work, be able to live comfortably, travel and help my friends and family financially, if need be.

      Would this be considered something that needs to be corrected? I am guessing so, as the quest for it causes me much stress and worry – how do you begin to look at how you correct a desire like that?

      Thank you in advance

      • #288668

        Hi Sarah, great question!

        Kabbalah only deals with our desire for spirituality. Regarding the desires of our animalistic bodies, Kabbalah does not deal with these things. Our corporeal desires don’t have any relation to spirituality, so each person can arrange these desires however is most comfortable for them (of course within the context of the law and without harming others).

        So in practice we don’t work on restricting our corporeal desires, we only work on making the desire for spirituality the most important thing. Then naturally the rest of our desires will fall into place. For example, it’s like with an artist that is so involved in his art, that he fulfills all the rest of his desires out of necessity so he can quickly return to his passion. Same with us, when spirituality is the most important desire, then we will be able to properly relate to all the rest of our corporeal desires in a balanced way.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #288848

          Thank you Albert, that explanation completely makes sense and I suppose is synonymous with the theory ‘Do what you love, and the rest will follow’!


        • #291981

          I was looking forward to the answer to this question asked by Sarah, but the answer doesn’t square up with my understanding. In the video, Tony talks about us having “613 egoistic desires” that need to be corrected. Personally, i feel a better answer is available. Thank you in advance.

        • #292125

          Hi Lisa,

          We learn from the shattering of the system of Adam HaRishon that the only thing that is broken in the ENTIRE system of creation are the proper connections between people. In other words, correction does not mean that there is something wrong with me and I need to fix that thing. Rather each one of us is perfect. The only thing we need to correct is our connection to others.

          Just picture all of humanity is part of a single system. Like a 8 billion piece jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle (each person) is perfect by itself and does not require any correction. Meaning that we don’t need to recolor any of the pieces or cut off any seemingly excess parts. The only thing we need to do is find where each piece fits relative to all the other pieces.

          Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

          So when Kabbalists speak about the 613 egoistic desires that need to be corrected, they are not speaking about our corporeal desires. Each and every single one of those egoistic desires are only in the connection between people. This is why Kabbalists write that “love your friend as yourself” is the greatest rule which encompasses all of our spiritual work, all of the 613 desires that we need to correct.

          We’ll learn how to do this practically in the more advanced lessons.

          Albert @ KabU

    • #288429

      God hides behind what we perceive as problems, and we can reveal the light that’s behind the problem. Changing and correcting our desires.

    • #287532


    • #286516

      Such a powerful and timely lesson. I had been going through my lowest point this week at a job that I love and in a professional that I have worked in for over 30 years.

      Recently,  everything seemed to be going wrong. I tried to fixed what was happening through my ego and the situation just kept getting worse and worse.  I had even thought of just quitting the job completely, but I was still not ready to leave and I couldn’t understand why this was happening TO me.

      What I failed to realize was that this “bad” situation wasn’t happening TO me…it was happening FOR me! I was so down that I finally let go of my egotism and asked my Creator to please help me with this situation. I know that only good comes from Him and I needed his strength to help me get through this.

      I continued with my Kabbalah lessons and I prayed for the desire to receive with the intention to bestow.  I continued my prayers and just listening to this lesson Tony, showed me that God was pushing me away with his left and and guiding me to him with his right! It made so my sense, my internal interpretation changed, and so did my work situation. It felt like a test, a fire that I had to go through so that the Creator could help me to evolve and grow! I love this course and everyone here. Thank you.

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