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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #428105

      So my question is this: is my apparent confusion due to a lack of understanding of the language of Kabbalah, or symbols, etc – meaning am I so confused by the language or that I am not ready or able to comprehend it? I feel, at the same time, very confused as some things appear to be very circular(i.e. contradictory or inconclusive?) – but yet clear on the overall structure of the concepts. Should I be concerned with being clear on all the language, or on feeling the sense of the concepts? On reading what I am writing I am thinking this may (hopefully)be a good example of “things are darkest just before the light”??

      • #428432


        Get used to being confused.
        Imagine that you get dropped off in Thailand and you don’t speak the language.  People walk and eat and drive, you are familiar with those things, but you can’t speak the language, or know the local customs, etc.
        It will take time to get acclimated.
        But here, you’re not getting dropped off in another country on Earth, you are learning about spiritual worlds, things that are not material, so it’s even more disorienting because in the material world two things happen on a time line, one thing before and then then next thing happens next.  In spirituality there is no time, so I thought you said this happened, but how could that also happen?!  This process of going in and out of understanding builds new sensations and new understandings in us.

        Anyway, make for yourself a glossary and write down the words you are learning and the definitions as you understand them.  I promise you for the next 20 years you will edit those definitions.
        Like the word love.  Imagine asking your 5 year old self for a definition, then refining the definition when you were 16 and when you got married and when you had your first child and then when your child got married and then when you are an old grandpa looking at your children and grandchildren, of course your definition of love will change as you change.  Love is love, but you changed.
        It’s not clear to everyone right away where the “work” is in the wisdom of kabbalah.  But you have some work here that you can do.
        Be persistent and stay inspired.

    • #427014
      Rex Jebamoney

      On the phases on one side is Behina Aleph, Bet etc., On the other side is Chochma, Bina etc., This is confusing to my understanding.  I think it probably because I have a certain perception and this doesn’t fit that perception. In other words I need to develop a new perception to understand. I am wondering if this is what is written in the book of Genesis, the story of creation?

      • #427023

        The root phase corresponds to Keter, also the world of Adam Kadmon, also the Yechida of the soul, etc.
        Phase one corresponds to Hochma, also the world of Atzilut, also Haya of the soul, etc.
        Phase two corresponds to Bina, also the world of Beriyah, also Neshama of the soul, etc.
        Phase three corresponds to Zeir Anpin, also the world of Yetzirah, also Ruach of the soul, etc.
        Phase four corresponds to Malchut, also the world of Malchut, also Nefesh of the soul, etc.

        All of this is coded in the Bible.

    • #426907

      Is shame the reason for the rejection of the light in Behina Bet?

      I know these 4 Phases have to do with the upper worlds, but does this process also reflect in the lives of individuals?

      Can some one become aware of the source of the giving and be ashamed, and reject the gifts that the Creator wants to give?

      I asked in weeks 2 & 3 if the correction for this would be to agree to receive in order to be able to bestow upon ourselves (“corrected” receiving) and bestow on others, is my understanding correct?


      • #427079
        Rex Jebamoney

        Thank you Seth. The whole concept is still challenging, but it is probably due to my lack of knowledge of the wisdom. I have listened to Tony a few times now, and each time a new window opens. The Hebrew words also throw me off. I will persevere.

      • #427022

        The shame and rejection comes later in phase 4, in Malchut of Ein Sof when she feels that she is 100% receiver while the Creator is 100% bestowing and she is therefore 100% opposite from Him.

        The spiritual action is in the intention, the point is not to receive, for the purpose of creation is for the creature to receive all the abundance, however the correction of creation is that the creature receives it not for his own benefit, but for the sake of the Creator, in order to bestow.
        I don’t know what you mean by “bestowing upon ourselves”.  To bestow means to bestow upon the others/the Creator.

        • #427031

          By “bestowing upon ourselves”, I mean receiving in a way that removes the shame by “allowing” ourselves to receive the pleasure that the Creator wants to give us. If we are all one soul, then surely we must treat ourselves the same way we treat others, with the same intention of bestowal, and seeing ourselves as worthy of the Creator’s light.

          I say all this in order to know how to deal with shame for receiving our desires. PhaseGimmel helps explain how this can be done, where the creature agrees to receive some of the light, not for itself, but for the benefit of the Creator. How does one do that?


    • #426625

      I have  questions that were asked of me that I have no direct answer for:

      How did Adam get the code?

      When the phrase The fear of God what does that mean? Why would I fear my Creator or better yet why should I?

      Thank you


      • #427021

        Before Adam, everyone lived only by instinct and the influence of the environmental factors, there was no such thing that there was a creature that could do something above nature.  Additionally, in our times, our aviut is much greater, imagine if the electricity went out in the house or running water or heat stopped working in the house, to us that would be a problem, but 5000+ years ago, there was not even the concept of such things and everyone lived much closer to nature, much more in tune with the rhythms of nature, the seasons, when the sun was up people were up, when the sun went down, people rested, etc.
        Just as the planet got covered in vegetation in a step by step sequence and not all at once and just as the planet was populated by animals in a sequence and not all at once, so similarly out of this development came the first human creature who reached the next stage of develpment, spiritual attainment, it was a natural process.

        Regarding fear, this requires understanding these words in the correct context.  Spiritual “fear” called yirah, is the feeling that I love someone so much that I am afraid to lose them.  If I don’t care about someone then I don’t care if I lose them, but the more someone is important to me, the more I fear to lose them.  Or for example you know that the Creator is coming to your house today and you feel the inner pressure that you want everything to be just right, to clean everything, to prepare everything.  If you don’t care about Him, so leave the dirty dishes in the sink, but if He is so important to you, you worry that everything will be just right.
        Why should you?
        That is up to. to realize.

    • #421230

      Is it true then, when one Individual rises, we all rise together wherever we are on our individual journey?

      • #422415

        Yes.  Although we don’t feel it, we are all part of one spiritual body.
        Just like a fetus develops in the womb, first a little arm growth, then leg, then more heart and then this and that.
        It is the same for all humanity, a little over here, then more over there.

    • #420599
      Vincent Leduc

      Great video!

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