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- This topic has 582 replies, 224 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- April 21, 2020 at 6:46 pm EDT #28807
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- January 23, 2025 at 9:25 am EST #420063
ParticipantI’m so sorry to admit that I’m still very confused. If the creature cannot be a giver because of its nature. Wouldn’t becoming a vessel for the light be receiving and not giving? Why would the creator make the creature to receive and expect it to bestow if it isn’t in the creature’s nature? What’s the point of it? What confuses me the most is weather or not it is intended for the creature to receive all the pleasures that the Creator wants to give it, due to understanding that this is what was intended for it in the beginning. Does the quality of the desire changes de act or receiving and bestowing? Thanks for clarifying.
- February 1, 2025 at 11:29 am EST #422414
Seth – KabU Instructor
I’m so happy to read each one of your questions as you are asking exactly accurately and correctly.
These are all the questions Baal HaSulam asks and then answers.
Before these questions arise, there is no need for answers so we continue living our normal animal life, but when we come to approach the Creator many questions arise, why, how, when???
The good news is that in our study we will approach each and every one of your questions thoroughly. While I can give you some answers here, the real answers in the wisdom of kabbalah don’t enter the ear, they enter the heart.
In short, to fill the creation endlessly, the Creator needed to make an endless vessel. This is called the purpose of creation, to fill the creation endlessly.
However this leads to a problem, now the creation is 100% opposite from the Creator. One is giving and the other receiving.
So next we learn about a process called the correction of creation, whereby the creation corrects itself to receive (it must, that is the purpose of creation), but it receives in order to pass the Light on to the rest of creation, in essence pass the Light back to the Creator as in I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.
Seth@KabU- February 23, 2025 at 9:33 am EST #426897
ParticipantHey Seth, looks like this response answered my question from week 2:
“Do we have to transform our will to receive into a form of bestowal upon ourselves?
Meaning, we turn the receiving of our own desires/pleasures into an act of giving them to ourselves consciously, instead of just unconsciously taking?”
It looks like Phase 4 says we do exactly this, to receive everything from the Creator in order for our vessel to “overflow” and be able to give endlessly like Him.
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- February 24, 2025 at 8:08 pm EST #427024
Seth – KabU Instructor
Phase 4 receives everything and also feels that she is receiving everything.
You can juxtapose this to a flower or a fish who consumes nourishment but doesn’t have consciousness that “now I am receiving”.
All of the correction happens upon phase 4, later in the process where the desire in phase 4 gets corrected.
- January 23, 2025 at 7:31 am EST #420052
ParticipantThis question has nothing to do with the 4th week, but it just popped into my mind, maybe I should have asked during th e first week.. Anyway, here’s my question: do kabbalists follow the Mitzvot, such as eatinh Keshrot etc? Thank you!
- February 1, 2025 at 11:15 am EST #422413
Seth – KabU Instructor
Sure, you will find that kabbalists follow many customs in this world that correspond to their spiritual roots.
We will learn together later what these mitzvot are spiritually as well and it will help you clarify this question.
However, a person who is raised Hindu or Christian has no problem to keep the mitzvot spiritually and can correct his soul and not follow all of the customs of Israel.
Seth@KabU- February 5, 2025 at 6:10 am EST #423394
ParticipantAs far as I’m concerned is that Torah is considered a sacred book of Judaism, if Kabbalha is a Science and not a Religion so why it relies on Judaism for certain approaches?
Lastly I would like you to expalain more about Mitzvot, what it is, I think this was already discussed on previuos lessons, I’m afraid I can remember very well what has been said about it.
- February 7, 2025 at 8:21 am EST #424399
Seth – KabU Instructor
After many billions of years of animate development, gases, stars and planets, eventually our Earth formed and it took billion more to be covered in plants and animals. A few hundred thousand years ago our ancestor’s climbed down from the trees, started working with tools, etc.
6000 years ago, in a civilization between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, a man attained attainment of Godliness. That man was called Adam, that method was passed for 20 generations until Abraham who was also in that same region where he taught many thousand students. They crossed out of Babylon (modern day Iraq) and headed to Canaan (modern day Israel).
You know the story, his grandchildren went down to Egypt due to a famine and they were eventually made slaves in Egypt and after that exited slavery, crossed the sea, came to Sinai and received the Torah, wandered in the desert for 40 years, re-entered Israel, established it, established Jerusalem and built the First Temple.
The condition that allowed them to receive the Torah, conquer Israel and build the Temple was their inner connection with each other and to the Creator.
Not until many years later, after the First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, the Second Temple was build and the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans and the people of Israel went into a 2000 year exile (which just ended), not until the Second Temple was destroyed was there “Judaism”. The religion of Judaism came after the destruction of the Second Temple when the people of Israel went into exile.
Before that, those people worshiped the Creator in the Temple and had direct communication with Him.
- January 22, 2025 at 6:27 pm EST #420021
ParticipantWhen I read the recommended reading text, it discusses about how Kabbalists reached the worlds of BYA and wrote about, and also as taught before Kabbalists wrote about their own experiences. Are this wolds reached practically through meditation? or any other means? is that what it meant today it should be done in group?
I am curious why today is it required in group only? and not individually as before?
Another question I have, what is the physical benefits of attaining them? My understanding of spiritual benefits is becoming like the creator and attaining equivalence of form, Please correct me if I misunderstood something
- February 1, 2025 at 11:13 am EST #422411
Seth – KabU Instructor
The answers to your questions is found in a new perception of reality.
All of humanity is one soul. Of course we don’t feel like that, we barely feel outside of our skin.
In the work in the group between, while we are studying from the sources, we draw upon us lights that illuminate the empty space between us that the Creator made, that is his creation, the empty desire which He will fill. Our work then is to want that He will fill the emptiness between us, the indifference, the hatred, to fill it all with love, this is how we draw His Light into the empty space and correct ourselves.
We will learn all of this soon,
- January 20, 2025 at 4:14 pm EST #419066
Gregory Lehtimaki
ParticipantWe can think about the concepts of creating “tikkun olam” and getting outside of ourselves but it seem to me that the only true way is to get in touch with the creator. To return to gan eden and live in the bliss of HaShem’s presence is a lofty goal but I don’t believe we can achieve that as humanity… only a those in touch with the spiritual (the creator/haShem). There are too many heathen, animalistic people in the world that can not and will not change. So (question)… even if we work on our own spirituality… do you honestly believe that the rest of the world will be affected? Isn’t that idealistic and unachievable?
I just work on myself… to make myself, my family and friends happier. And that is even difficult.
- January 21, 2025 at 4:12 pm EST #419941
Seth – KabU Instructor
Great question, great scrutiny. The answer comes in our understanding and perception of reality. The kabbalists write and we can find this very clearly in the Introduction to the Book of Zohar that there is the internally and externality of the world and that by correcting the internally of the world the externality is also corrected.
We will learn about this lore later and these things will become clear to you as you engage in them.
In the meantime, we don’t need to go correcting mass murders and even regular people on the street. We will start with those closest to us and work out in concentric circles from there.Seth@KabU
- January 12, 2025 at 12:15 pm EST #417287
ParticipantI have no questions at this time and learning much from the questions of others – many thanks
- January 4, 2025 at 8:47 pm EST #413556
ParticipantIf I stand clearly, the screen makes you aware of the fact that, you are are not receiving for yourself? How do I build this intention and now that I have not attained that state, how I’m supposed to behave while I’m still receiving and not grown spiritually?
- January 5, 2025 at 2:08 pm EST #414345
Seth – KabU Instructor
Now we act, like a child who does the actions of the parent. The child does not really hammer the nail, he pretends with his toy. The child doesn’t really feed a baby, she feeds her doll and pretends.
If the child just sat on the floor and didn’t play we would think that the child is not developing correctly. The act of playing develops the child.
For us, we do all the things that one would do, we play, as if we are bestowing and this draws reforming light to us that develops and the screen.
We start doing this in the kabbalistic group, we do not go out in the world and try to love the criminal first. We start with those who are close to us and are studying from the same sources as us. We will learn more about that soon.
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