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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #411485

      If I see everything that happens in my reality as a gift from the creator  (“the friend that cooks my meal”) than developing a sixth sense would be  accepting  everything that happens to me for  pleasing the creator. And this concept of acceptance keeps showing everywhere in all spiritual readings.                              My question is how do you  find your sixth sense when your reality sucks?          I understand how to accept pleasure with the intention of pleasing the giver but how does it work when nothing good comes your way and your cup is always empty(no exterior source to fulfill any of your desires) ?

      • #411489

        First of all, if for example you are eating cakes and soda all day and all night and wondering why you don’t feel good and have teeth problems then you don’t need to look at the Creator, you need to look at the cake and soda situation.
        Now this is a simple example, but let’s divide things and put them in their correct place.
        We need to arrange our life on earth in a regular and comfortable way.  We will see through this earthly existence many many spiritual discernments, but first of all, we need to arrange it so we take care of ourselves like all creatures must take care of themselves.
        If we saw a bird in nature sitting all day doing nothing, we’d say that he’s not a healthy bird.
        Now, beyond the normal animal needs of a person, let’s turn to the deeper things.
        First of all, you found the authentic sources of kabbalah.  Read them.  Make a time, even 15 mins a day and read the sources you find in our courses.
        And pray all the time.  It means, speak directly to the Creator like He is your best friend.  Tell Him what is bothering you and tell Him that you need His help.
        Get in the habit of turning to Him in your heart.
        I think things will get better for you.
        Good luck,

        • #411591

          I am a little confused about your recommendations for prayers and talking to God.

          If we do not have free will and all that happens to us is predestined, praying would be just telling God that I don’t like what his plans were for me and I want them changed.Plus I cannot see God as a friend I see the Creator as energy, the (+) component of the initial light.

          • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Adi.
    • #411003
      Nancy D

      Did the Creator create the first three phases and what was the purpose of submitting the creature through those phases before reaching phase 4?

      • #411590

        I am a little confused about your recommendations for prayers and talking to God.

        If we do not have free will and all that happens to us is predestined, praying would be just telling God that I don’t like what his plans were for me and I want them changed.Plus I cannot see God as a friend I see the Creator as energy, the (+) component of the initial light.

        • #411630

          The Light is at rest and does not change, only we go through changes in order to become more similar to the Light.
          All of our praying and all of our talking is that we get clear about our true state and our future desired state.  We need to go through all of the transformations, all of the efforts.  You are right, in the end, we will discover that it was all him.  But with a child, let’s say when he grows up you will give him a car and pay for his college, but when he is young, will you let him sit on the couch all day and play video games and not do any school work?  not make his bed?   not clean up his mess?
          Of course not, even though you will pay for college and buy him a car, you want him to grow up correctly so that when he has his car and he is in college, he values it and is prepared for it, so you require many actions and many efforts during his years growing up.
          You can look at the light as energy if you want.  Nevertheless,that energy created you with a mouth and a mind and gave you human relations with which to feel what is giving, what is taking, what is love, etc.  There is no way to simply relate to Light without it clothing in a vessel.  Play along with Him.

        • #411593

          Sorry,I posted my comment on your topic by mistake and I cannot remove it.

      • #411488

        From the side of the Creator, He had a thought…and everything was done at once, from the beginning to the end, the creature is created and filled with endless delight and is eternally with Him.
        However from the side of the creature, from the vessel, it is a step by step process in order that the creature will feel itself as independent and not just a drop of water in the ocean or a spark in the sun,  but as if consciously rising to be at an equal degree with the Creator.
        This is the root of the four phases that emanate out of Ein Sof.

    • #410036
      Akosua Marie

      Why did the Creator create the creature with the ability to decide not to receive the pleasure from the Creator (Behinat Bet)?

      • #410380


        We are born a will to receive. We cannot chose not to receive pleasure. In order to do something like that, we require an additional force from Above.

        You may be referring to Malchut of Ein Sof restricting herself in the First Restriction. While we say there that Malchut restricts herself, actually this entire action is performed by the Creator upon her.
        Like we can say it rained so much that the ground became soft and a big hole opened up in the yard.

        But the yard didn’t chose to open itself up, it was acted upon and according to its properties such and such happened.


    • #410027

      Is the Hebrew alphabet or it just the 4 alphabet? What is Binah?

    • #409993

      Isn’t the desire to give in the state of Binah Bet, really just a desire to receive pleasure from giving from the perspective of the creature?

      • #410382


        What we want to discern in Bina is that she wants nothing for herself.  Whatever else happens is secondary. Her quality is only to bestow with nothing for herself.


    • #409974

      This is a parable in the Bible that relates to the story of a prodigal son that came back to his father after misfortunes expending his inheritance and was received with great love and happiness by his father. .. could it be a description of the soul evolution using the path of suffering?

      • #410383


        I don’t know this parable. Please post it and I can comment.



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