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  • #37703

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #427297

      Is a human with a point in their heart already at the bottom of the spiritual ladder? Does the spiritual ladder only begin when you attain the first spiritual world? Are they the same thing?

      Thank you!

      • #427318

        Hi Pradeep,

        You can say that a person with a point in the heart is at the bottom of the spiritual ladder. Once the point in the heart awakens, a person at least starts to understand that there is such a thing as spirituality, and that they are lacking it. That is already a huge revelation.

        Whereas the rest of the people don’t feel that they are lacking spirituality. The rest of the people are simply living out their lives on the animate level of desires, completely disconnected from the spiritual ladder.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #427264

      I am a bit confused about this sentence from Baal HaSulam in the video: “Video: Inanimate, Vegetative, Animate”.

      >> He created creation for His own needs.

      In previous lessons, the Creator was described as a force of pure bestowal, always at rest and having No desires. What does “His own needs” mean here?

      Thank you!

      • #427317

        Hi Pradeep,

        He could have created us from the start as similar to Him, with a desire to bestow, but that would have greatly limited our development. Instead we were created as a desire to receive pleasure, we reject that nature that inner “landlord” of ours, and ask Him to give us His strength of bestowal.

        This process adds to us a certain level of freedom, without which, we would be no different than machines, or robots, that were programmed to act a certain way and they just carry out this inner script. Instead, we were programmed one way, and we rise above this inner programming, become independent of it, and then develop our own desire to advance towards the Creator.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #427319

          Thank you Albert for your answers and your help on our journeys.

          I should have been clearer in my question. My question was specifically on the Creator’s “needs”. Before this lesson, I understood the Creator as having no needs, just a force of pure bestowal.

          >> He created creation for His own needs.

          The above statement would make that understanding not true. Do you have any links on what the Creator’s needs are, or anything that explains what Baal HaSulam must have intended here?

        • #427323

          Hi Pradeep,

          You can say that His needs are to bestow. Which is why He created us opposite to Him, in order to receive from Him what He wants to give.

          Albert @ KabU

    • #427206

      How do I tell which stage I am at and is it important to find out what stage I am at?

      • #427244

        Hi Helen,

        We’re still in the preparation period prior to the spiritual ladder. But once we start to do real spiritual work, we can measure our progress in our attitude towards other points in the hearts. That I’ll feel how my attitude towards them changes, from complete indifference, all the way until I feel them as pieces of my soul. We’ll learn more about this in the more advanced lessons.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #423456

      This week has really impacted my dreams. Now when I dream I am every person in that dream. Like I had one where I was being chased by a team of people with guns, but I wasn’t afraid because I knew exactly when and how to duck and turn and hide.

      And then I was the man who was leading that team and they were in a debriefing and he was eating a durian fruit, and I knew what it felt like to like the taste and texture of durian.

      These multi-person dreams are much more vivid and detailed than a regular dream. It is so interesting, and seems so normal in that context.

    • #420564

      Hello Albert,

      What do you mean with this sentence…

      << Rises to the root of his soul by connecting all others to him>> in Speaking  Level in Spirituality ..?

      thank you

    • #419968
      Gates Samaniego

      What, if any, connection to the spiritual development does the word Messiah have? How would a Kabbalist explain/pursue Messiah?

      • #419998

        Hi Gates,

        In Kabbalah, the Messiah is not a person but a force. Messiah (Mashiach in Hebrew) comes from the verb “to pull” (Moshech in Hebrew). This is the force that has the ability “to pull” us out of our egoistic nature into the Creator’s nature of love and bestowal.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

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