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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #317953
      M Kirby

      Hi Awesome Kab U instructors !!


      I keep asking the same question but no one seems to answer ………

      How is it that Kabbalists know what they know …. ? The level of detail …… ? How is/was this info obtained ?

      I am fascinated


      I hope that in the future, there will be practices for me to perform, actual work that brings me closer to The Source …….. I assume I will encounter these in the future if I keep studying, yes ?


      – MK

      • #318036


        They attained these degrees.  If you go to New York City, and go to Time Square, you will be able to describe what you see, what you smell, what you hear.
        So if you go to the world of Atzilut, you will feel what is there.
        The kabbalists wrote their books to us so that we can follow the steps that they took to reach these things.
        The problem is that we try to use our egoistic minds to guide us to the goal, when we would be much more successful and we would shorten the path if we could take their mind above our own and follow what they tell us.
        We’ll try together.

    • #317871

      My question is regarding whether Kabbalah includes or has Awareness of what I call the Audible Life Sound.

      There is a REALITY that can be felt/heard, with the Inner Senses, that is like a Sound, an indescribable, delicious, wonderous Music, a Vibration of Ineffableness, of Unbounded Infinity/Eternity; This Sound can be heard on the corporeal level, and it pulls the Soul ever and ever Upward, into the very Heart of the One Life, and then the boundaries of egoic self just totally and completely dissolve in THIS.

      There is no longer even a sensation of receiving or of giving, all these issues are just – not in Awareness.  There is just the Unbounded, Unending Bliss, and this fills the Awareness continuously.  Receiving for oneself is just obviated as not possible, there is no separate self, there is only the continuous pouring in and the giving forth of this Music, that is pouring into The One Beingness unendingly, all as natural as breathing.  There is also the Inner Light, on five different levels, that opens the Awareness to the Inner Worlds, as the Soul ascends to the fifth level, and then Beyond, and then Beyond the Beyond.  It is beyond words to even give a hint.

      The outer life goes on, but in this Awareness of this Inner Music, Guided by this Inner Light, no matter what seems to appear in the physical senses, it’s always all good, all perfect, all in service to the One Life.  Faith above reason is obviated, as there is a continuous Knowingness that all that appears is just the only way that it could be and the Creator only intends Good for all of us.

      This Awareness of this Inner Music and Inner Light is a Supreme Gift from a Supreme Master of another Path, called Surat Shabd Yoga.  Surat is Sanskrit for the Attention, which we can look at as the Soul, Shabd refers to the very Heart, the Essence of the Creator, and Yoga means Union.

      I am taking this Course to compare this Awesome path of Kabbalah, through this teaching lineage of Yehuda Ashlag/ Dr. Michael Laitman, with this path of Surat Shabd Yoga, through the teaching lineage of Sant Kirpal Singh, which I have practiced for 25 years now.  Obviously, there must be a feeling of something more that is “missing” in my Path, or I would not feel to do this comparison.  These two paths could be complimentary, or they could be a prerequisite, one to the other.

      What strikes me is the previous injunction in Kabbalah, that one cannot be taught Kabbalah unless one already knows the Wisdom.  Through this path of Surat Shabd Yoga, I Know, and this is not a hope or a prayer or a belief – it is direct Knowingness of what IS. I have been “breathing” this Wisdom into Awareness very wonderfully and easily.  Of course, all Truth is included in Kabbalah, so of course there is a connection.

      So my question is:  does the Kabbalah Wisdom being taught here include the continual, day-by-day, as often as possible focus of Awareness/Attention on this Inner Music? Perhaps you call this “Intention”.  What is the difference?

      Thank you for this fantastic KabU Teaching Program.  It is awesome.

      • #318035

        Every person has a unique emotional experience since each of us is unique and therefore we usually do not describe in great detail our inner states so that we don’t confuse others.  One person was raised by very strict, conservative parents, another with no parents at all.  One is a creative artist and the other is logical accountant.  Nevertheless, each one can come to the highest spiritual heights.
        Our goal is to come to discover the organizing, integral, managing force of love and bestowal that the kabbalists call the Creator.  That we will attain a perception that there is no place vacant from Him, everything is His thought, His action, this is what we want to discover in all of our senses, in all of our strength.  The Creator’s will is that we will recognize Him, know Him and know that there is no other force that does anything but Him.  It is all included in the Creator.

        Now we are going through the fundamental courses together.  This is a very important part of the study, to understand what is the matter of creation, what is the quality of creation, what is the quality of the Creator, what are the forces acting on me, what is my correct perception of reality, how can I interact with these forces correctly?
        Then after we stabilize ourselves in this new worldview, we then begin to work with others in our kabbalistic group on what you call day by day, continual inner work.
        It’s all ahead of you.

    • #316739

      Thank you for all the time and effort that has gone into passing this wisdom on to us.  I am thinking of my loved ones that have passed from this physical world and how  I can  pray/talk to them about continuing  to seek the mind of the creator and become like the creator.

      thank you

      • #318129

        Thank you Seth for your kind reply.  I greatly appreciate that this is a beginning course, and care must be taken to reduce confusion in others.

        In this life, I have sunk to very great depths of folly, and miraculously, only by the extreme Love and Grace of the Creator, I have been hauled out of these depths and put onto the Path of Truth again.  I have died in this body twice, beyond any possibility of living – but miraculously, life has been restored.  And always there is the Love of the Creator in the Heart, regardless of how often I have turned again to folly.  I have studied a number of great Paths of Truth, and it is like reincarnating again and again in one life.

        In one of the videos by Gil, he commented that once we set foot on any Path of Truth, it remains and the next life will quickly put us back to that position again, to continue the next step.  I have a vague Awareness of having gone through more lives than can be imagined, to get HERE.  What is HERE?  HERE is Eternal Oneness, Now.  And this Sublime Gift has come through the Sound Current, what we can call The Voice of the Creator.

        So, I realize the necessity of not going off the teaching curriculum being implemented here in this beginning course of Kabbalah.  And I live these teachings and feel in my Heart that this Path of Kabbalah is absolute Truth.  But I still Know that the Voice of God, as I feel it in every fiber of my Being, is very direct, absolutely Sure, with no complications, no sidesteps, and no confusion.  Ultimately, His Voice will be everyone’s Salvation.

        So if this Voice is not a part of this Kabbalah Teaching then I would please like to know now.  If this Kabbalah Teaching does eventually lead the practitioner to actually connect with this Voice of the Creator, then I will know that this is a complete Path of Truth

        I deeply apologize for causing any disruptions for anyone.  But I have “paid” with extreme suffering for this unimaginable Gift of Peace and Bliss that I have through His Voice.  I feel that I am “missing” something though or I would not be here in this course of study.  So please bear with me.

        Blessing to all.

        • #318210

          It sounds like you already found your salvation with no complication, no sidesteps and no confusion.
          So what more do you want?

      • #317656

        You can speak to the Creator all the time about whatever you want.
        The organizing force of nature responds to our desires.

        • #318336

          Yes, “What more do you want?” is the question.  For sure, inwardly, I feel total and complete Joy and continuous Divine Fulfillment, in His Love and Presence.  Who could ask for more? Since 2006, I have had no more questions about the meaning of life and who I am.  His Voice, and His Light, illuminating and resounding through my whole Beingness Revealed the simple Truth: I Am THAT, what the Creator IS, an aspect of His Beingness, fulfilling whatever Purpose He has for this life.  I absolutely Love Him and all of His Creations and I gladly, gratefully, and completely surrender to His Will and Guidance.  He IS the Answer!  There is no doubt, no fear, no lingering sense of lack on any level.

          But, for sure the Creator Knows why I am in KabU, for He has led me to this Path of Kabbalah.   For sure, for many decades now, I have felt drawn to the mystery of the Tree of Life and the Hebrew Aleph Bet.   The works of Edgar Cayce, and then the works of Helena Blavatsky sparked that interest and propelled me on my Journey into Spirituality in my twenties, and I am 75 now.  The mysteries of Quantum Physics and epigenetics have been additional spurs to uncover life’s deeper meanings.  And other Teachings, beautiful Teachers, far too many to detail here.

          But Kirpal Singh and the Voice of God ended my search and my doubts about who I really AM.

          So we will see.  I am HERE.  Taking these Supreme KabU Courses.  Why, will unfold as it unfolds.  There is no place else to BE.  There really IS None Else Besides Him.  He IS the ONE and the ALL.

          Thank you dear Seth for your help and patience.

          Blessing to all.


        • #318395

          After the fundamentals courses, Kabbalah Revealed 1 and Kabbalah Revealed 2, you will be able to study the articles of the RABASH together with the other friends.
          Leave a little bit of room for what the kabbalists prepared for us.
          You have a lot of beautiful descriptions.
          You’ll see if you have room for a new world view that you didn’t think of yet.

    • #316476

      Hi, I am Loria,

      I have noticed that as I am living my life, there have been different stages presented to me.  Information that has changed my course.  Naturally I am curious, so I do embark on learning journeys.  I am seeing that these instances are not mistakes that The Creator has a way to reach me. The fact that I am here is a wonderful example to me.  This is still a bit complex to me, but is my assumption correct about my own course.  I was really impacted by Rav Laitman’s short video on reading books which have played a great role in my journey.  Thanks for being here everyone!!!

      • #318410

        It all unfolds Perfectly, just as the Creator Wills.  I am in this Kabbalah course of study for the Creator’s Purpose and Pleasure.  He will Experience what He chooses to Experience, through this life, just exactly as He Wills.  There really IS none else besides Him.

        We started this exchange with my inquiry about what I call the Divine Inner Music, the Voice of the Creator, and whether or not this Aspect of the Creator is a part of this Kabbalah Teaching.  I just watched a YouTube clip about this.  Here is the link:  It is indeed a profound aspect of this Kabbalah Teaching, perhaps a pinnacle of the Teaching.  This Song is Beyond Awesome, and transcends all Spiritual Heights, placing the Soul in the very Heart of the Creator.

        If the Creator Wills, I will have more to share on my Singular Experiences of this Inner Music as we travel through these Teachings.  It is all in Him, always.  He IS the One in all, and the ALL in everything.

        Blessings to all.


      • #316525

        Hi Loria,
        Yes, it’s as you wrote.  It is not something simple for us to comprehend and feel, although we do get glimpses behind the curtain sometimes, but this is what the kabbalists are telling us.
        Our whole path is perfectly suited for us.  We are connected above to those above and below to those below in the spiritual structure.  And all of this is arranged for our perfect development.  There is a unique part in the structure of the common soul called Loria and what is in our hands to do is to reveal the connection and the path that is before us.

        • #318791

          wow I can see lots going on in your head and may lots achieved into the depth of your heart,….but still that ego talking to much and knowing to much John

          we are all here for a reason, otherwise we will be in another journey!

          peace is a great quality of the creator (under my humble point of view) as peace means contentment and faith.

          all is coming right when need to come, let the qualities be applied 🙏🏼


        • #318876

          Dear Cristina,

          Yes, thank you dear One for your insightful reply.

          Of course, there has to be the show of ego, or this Aspect of the Creator, playing this role in the Divine Play, would dissolve back into the Source, the ineffable Oneness that we call the Ain Soph, the Endless, simple Light.

          For each of His infinitudes of Aspects, The Creator has scripted, every thought, every emotion, every action, every word, every written word.  Right down to the very last detail of the movement of atoms and quarks that seem to animate our corporeal bodies.  This is true for all of Creation, from the still to the vegetative, to the animate, to the speaking, and then to the awakening of the point in the heart and the journey of correction from ego to altruism.  It is Truly all in HIM.  There is no other.

          So when you write, “but still that ego talking to much and knowing to much John” referring to the illusion of the play of “John’s” ego in what I have been scripted to write, always remember that your part to play is also always scripted.  You feel what you feel, and you express what you see as Truth, as you are scripted, but there is no Actual Truth in any part of the Divine Play, except the Creator Who Created it.

          So we can all just be at Peace in this Fact and enjoy the ride.  Play your assigned part with Joy and Gratitude.  It’s all good, always.

          It’s Truly ALL in Him.  There IS no other.

          Love pervades all.


    • #316440

      HI,   I m noticing that I m looking at small incidents in a very different way, & therefore seeing they may be corrections, or teachings.

      For example, what I said before, about just being missed by the tree that fell across the road, just as I passed. I ve looked at this more deeply. If I d been 5 seconds further ahead, I wouldnt even have noticed as I d have been past it. Five seconds later, and my car would, at least, have been very badly dented, if not worse & I could have been seriously injured.

      The way I see it now, it was deliberately designed, so I would absolutely KNOW that I had been protected,    & G-D, Heshem, had created this incident as a message for me.  Would I be right in saying that – it was in looking back & examining this incident, that I allowed it to pass through the screen ? I wouldn’t use the word  “Delight “, exactly, more that its shaken me, its humbling, something to be in awe of. And, it s hard to accept, to take it in, that such a thing really is part of this new dimension of life.

      Have I understood right ?

      • #317110

        Thank you so much Seth!  What an amazing journey this is!

      • #316529

        I cannot interpret what happened to you.
        These kind of answers your soul will teach you.
        Stabilize yourself with the material so you don’t float away in imaginations and as you arrange your inner world correctly, you will process all the events of your life and understand what is happening, how the Creator is guiding everything for the good.

    • #316332

      HI again,

      More questions ! In knowing how to receive, I don’t hear mention of gratitude or acknowledgement. Isn’t acknowledgement the recognition  of reception, so surely it ought to be part of the exchange with the Creator? or is this just a “lower” step ?

      And what about prayer ? I used to be able to pray for what I needed, and now I m confused about this. Is it that if I pray for something, it comes from ego ? Surely some of our needs are real in our physical existence? And would asking delight the Creator, or not?

      • #316528

        You are in week four and you want to know where are the knives so I can do open heart surgery!
        You can spend months and years studying the sources about gratitude and the same studying about prayer.
        You can study 1000s and 1000s of pages and hear more and more concepts and it will fill you mind and you will feel that you know a lot and it won’t help you advance to the spiritual degree called adhesion with the Creator.
        The process we are going through is a practical process of transformation.
        We are studying a method passed to us by great kabbalists who reached the degrees that we want to reach.
        I cannot impress this enough and I think you will have a hard time hearing it, but immerse yourself in the materials that we are studying together.  Reread them, watch the clips again.  Write notes, make sketches, do whatever you can to be immersed in the emotional experience of what you are going through with the other students.  Your mind will expand too.  If additionally in your free time you want to search the other courses and other materials, go for it.  But if you want to advance spiritually, you need a serious foundation, there is no shortcut.  You will arrive at the goal, but you will need persistence and to follow the method.

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