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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 261 total)
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    • #382359
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      The process of a souls return to an equivalence of form with the creator must therefore involve an interaction with others. The same process of bestowel from the creator to each of us is what we each need to do here in this world with those around us. Can this be acomplished by our interactions with anyone or do we look for those who are involved in the same processes. Can we advance in this with any other being or do we need to be a part of a community where all indiviuals are working in the same endeavour. Kabbalah is said to be the science of connection, but connection with whom specifically?

      • #382843


        Eventually we want that all children will be fed.  But when we get up in the morning and go to work, we earn bread to feed our children first and if we raise them well, they will also help and carry out our wish that everyone will be fed.
        This is the same in spirituality, the way that the network is structured, we start with the corrections that are closest to us and those are the ones who opened the same books and sit with the same teacher and draw the same lights that influence.
        Later the circle expands more and more.

    • #378738
      Nika Student

      We learn in the video that Giving is an intention.  Through the many “gates” of life we are learn about the world, We learn patience or remain frustrated that things are not like I imagined them,  Some may be learn respect for others, at least to the degree as people we meet are great sources of  energy for the heart and information for the mind.  If we are to reach a state of accepting everything given by life – good, bad, and the ugly – is it giving to the Creator? What is love, then? How do kabbalists sustain that “acceptance” truly, with depth of awareness in any given moment, as a ceaseless intention?

      • #381251

        It is not a scarf that we cover our eyes with and I feel bad, but I say, no it doesn’t matter what I see, I’m calling it good.
        We do start to learn that everything coming from Him is good, but I feel bad, so in between Him and me, what is going on and here is the place of our spiritual work.  The revelation of the distance between Him and me, because if I felt Him, surely I would feel only good.  It is like a marathon champion, even when he is at mile 20 and all his muscles and his lungs burn, he enjoys.
        But if I was on mile 20 and my muscles and lungs burned, I would not enjoy that at all.

    • #378274



      What does it mean:

      In 4th Phase the Kli (Malchut) pursues the the thought of Creation and not actions of Creation?

      • #381250

        At this point in the story, Malchut is going through a transformation.
        She (by the way, there is no he or she or any “creation” to really speak of yet, this is the primordial blueprint of creation and everything that will follow) feel that there is some bestowing force that is all good and she herself has been made as a receiving vessel, and while she must receive, the act of reception separates her from the Creator.  He is 100% bestowal and she is 100% reception.  And in spirituality closeness and distance are measured by quality.  If the quality is the same they are close, if the quality is different they are far.  If the qualities are as opposite as can be then they are as far apart…they are infinitely far apart.  She wants to bridge this gap so she now seeks to discover how to be like that initial thought to bestow.

      • #378275


        What book are you reading from?

        Copy paste the entire paragraph here so I can answer in context.


        • #378301

          Hello Seth,

          I have actually heard that in the  Video: Introduction to the Four Phases of Light ( 20th min 14sec )


          Kind Regards,




    • #377512
      Francois Bernard

      How do you recognize when you have passed the first degree of correction? Is it a feeling, or is there something more? Do we tame the ego by having the right intention and moving to the next level, progressing from the 125th degree to the 124th? If there are no clear boundaries, how can I be certain I am on the right path and not deceiving myself? From the “point in the heart” onwards, how does one continue this journey?

      • #377891

        Creation, meaning everything and everything is made of the same stuff.
        Everything is made out of the desire to receive.  From the smallest particle to the human being and every plant and animal in between, we all desire life force to live and be sustained.

        We can all be 100% certain that our egos are deceiving us.
        If we perceive a spiritual reality, we feel the others as ourselves, we feel that there is no individual me in the spiritual reality, I’m connected to the others in a special condition and we are all connected in other relations of circles with other groups.
        As long as we feel ourselves as individuals, it is a sign that the ego is still ruling over us.
        Yes, the kabbalists call it corrections.  A new ego is added and then the Light of the Torah corrects it and we rise to the next degree.

    • #377322
      Francois Bernard

      It makes sense. Even when I question certain things, I find them entirely comprehensible, not only intellectually but also through a sixth sense I’ve always had. I didn’t know I could use this intuition to explore spirituality. How can I buy a copy of the Zohar, the one shown by Gils in one of the videos?

    • #376289

      The 4 phases were used to make the first man and we can also use them going back up the ladder? How can they be used by us going back up?

      • #376346

        The four phases are the primordial structure of reality.
        After the four phases that we learn, there are other processes, systems and subsystems that we will learn.
        After some more actions comes the soul of Adam HaRishon, then the shattering and then the birth of the material reality which develops for billions of years until a person reached a spiritual degree and passed that knowledge until it reached us.
        We will learn the system and from learning it and working together with the other students, we will adapt ourselves to the system and rise.

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