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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #409971
      Jade Sophia

      Is the spiritual ascent accomplished only by the one soul or can individuals attain it? For example: I had an experience that absolutely confirmed to me the existence of the spiritual world, even before I knew about anything about Kabbalah. Was the experience an attainment of Nefesh, or was it a spark of the possibility to attain it and it will only be attained at the collective soul level?

      Thank you

      • #410384


        There are many peaks behind the curtain from “UFOs” to psychedelics to all kinds of phenomenon that point us toward the spiritual reality.
        The soul and specifically in our time where the situation is different than 2000 years ago or even 200 years ago when the quality of coarseness of the generation was much more primitive, the soul is attained by reconnecting the broken shattered connection between the parts of the common soul called Adam.

        You’re experience was some taste to draw you forward.


    • #409964
      Jade Sophia


      Can Behina be translated or is it a concept in itself, is it a word composed of hebrew letters? Like Aleph, Bet, Gimmel, Dalet?

      Thank you

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Jade Sophia.
    • #409962
      Boe Smith

      Kosinec mentions the creation of worlds in order to attain the thought of creation. What is he alluding to ?

      Can the Kli be equated to consciousness or the soul

      Thank you

      • #410387


        The Upper, Simple Light is unchanging.

        Each spiritual world from above to below conceals that light. All of the same spiritual objects exist in each and every spiritual world only everything is more and more concealed as the worlds descend.
        When we rise higher and higher we find ourselves in more and more true realities.

    • #408275

      I have a few questions:
      1.  Are Jews blessed with the will to receive to bestow and therefore, has a vessel all ready build into the system, and that is why Jews are the chosen ones?

      2. Do none Jews have to built a vessel first to be able to receive 100% with the intention to bestow?

      3. To build that vessel we need to desire to receive only to bestow?

      4. One of the practical way as I understood it from the study materials is that when giving to any one in anyways is to always have the other person’s interest in mind; meaning you are always given for the benefit of the other person without wanting or expecting anything back in return.  If this is done in a sincerely manner, then with time we can start to build a vessel with the will to receive to bestow.

      These are all questions.  Please help me clarify my understanding.  Thank you


      • #409765

        There was a group that reached this degree at Mt. Sinai after exiting from Egypt.   They subsequently fell from that degree, but the reshimot (records/remembrances) remain in them. This is why some people today are more disposed to this, more prepared for this.  We should remember that those people of Israel went into a 2000 year exile when the Second Temple was destroyed 2000 years ago and those sparks mingled all among the nations and now those sparks that were spread to the four corners of the world are awakening.

        Whoever this desire awakens in our time is called Jew according to how we learn from the kabbalists.  These people must connect together and draw light into the world and raise all of humanity.

        To be like the Creator is to do something for others with no self benefit which is impossible since we are created as a desire that must receive.  To correct this, we receive as we must to fulfill the Creator’s desire to give to us, but we receive, only because He wants to give, not because our egos want to receive.


    • #393611
      Raymond Franklin



      Does the Behimas correspond to the realms of atziluth, beriyah, yetzirah, and assiaah?

      • #409995

        Aren’t the ¨”Jews” only the people in the house of Judah?

      • #409973

        Thanks for your explanations. Little by little thanks to all the interactions facilitated by KabU i fill part of  something bigger than myself alone. I read and read and everyone seems putting in words my feelings and answering my questions.

      • #393633

        Yes.  Everything extends from the Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey.
        All the worlds, partzufim, sefirot, behinot, parts of the soul, etc.

    • #393378
      Petra Grajzl

      How can I give to someone fully if they have a desire that expects me to help fulfill it, but I am unable to (due to certain moral principles, etc.)? Should I find a source within myself, or should I refuse to fulfill the desire? Thank you for your time and answers.

      • #393632

        I don’t know what desires you are referring to.
        We are not talking about doing things with your body.
        We are learning spiritual principals, we will not be giving any advice on what to do with your body.
        We are learning about the inner mechanics of life.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 261 total)
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