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- This topic has 582 replies, 224 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago by
Seth – KabU Instructor.
- April 21, 2020 at 6:46 pm EDT #28807
Tony Kosinec- KabU InstructorModeratorAsk anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.
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- December 18, 2022 at 7:44 am EST #306893
ParticipantIn the “Related” video classes it’s said that whatever actions we done in this world of Machult, are not going to affect our relationship with the Creator, e.g. red string ,holy water etc.
May I ask how about mizvots, or other holiday connections such as Chanukah candle lighting?
Many thanks!
- December 19, 2022 at 8:22 am EST #307005
Seth – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Sarah,
You can put it the other way also, with the corrected intention, every act you do in this world will be spiritual.
The point is that moving molecules around in and of itself does not affect spirituality.
Our world is like an imprint, the kabbalists call it a seal, like a king would press his ring into a wax seal.
But moving the wax does not change the ring.
We don’t effect spirituality by pushing and pulling things around with our hands and feet.
We effect spirituality by a development in our heart.
Nevertheless there are customs and things that we do in this world and these can be done with no problem.
In the books of the sages, mitzvot are corrections performed on the 613 desires and the upper light (Torah) inverts the desire to be for the sake of the Creator.
- December 15, 2022 at 11:50 am EST #306688
ParticipantEvery day for weeks now i spend couple hours to read books and listen your videos. I gained some understanding about my life on the one hand. On the other hand i became extremely confused. The last days i experience a strong pressure in my heart, which is not a pleasant feeling. The last weeks i also faced difficulties in my life that are very challanging physically and mentally. I dont know yet how i will come out of this.
Right now based on what i learned; the good approach seems to me that i have to do my best, face these challanges mentally and be filled with the trust that the creator is leading me towards a new unknown reality which will be the corrected path. In trust under i mean to give the ‘control’ to these new events that occured and follow the pattern somehow consciously in order to arrive to the corrected version. Is that a right approach? from the kabbalistic perspective what can be the pressure in the heart?
- December 19, 2022 at 9:29 am EST #307008
ParticipantI see, so we do light chanukiah?
- December 19, 2022 at 12:43 pm EST #307016
Seth – KabU Instructor
If it is your custom, so do it.
We have students from every continent…not Antarctica yet but the other 6.Dozens of languages, religions and cultures. Each one can follow their culture. Together we are studying the inner meaning of the Torah which speaks about the spiritual reality and this includes all people from every culture.
- December 15, 2022 at 3:52 pm EST #306702
Seth – KabU Instructor
First we are hoping that everything will work out for you in the best way and you will be healthy and everything will be good.
What we are discovering is that the system of nature, we call the force of the Creator is developing us towards the good.
All of the harsh separation and suffering we feel is not the the Good of the Creator, but is a measure of our separation from it.
When you are on the other side of this, you will be able to look back and understand why it all happened exactly the way it is happening.
Now, in your current state, you are receiving all kinds of new emotional impressions.
As much as you can stay connected to the sources and also manage your normal life with food, exercise, family, work. Arrange your regular life in a normal, comfortable way and pass through these changes in your inner life, speak to the Creator all the time, when you are getting food, when you have time during the day. Ask about whatever you want, most important is not to lose the connection.
We are going through a historic shift in our generation and we are casting aside many useless ideas and habits that tie us to corporeal suffering. Any time that we want to build a desire for bestowal, what happens?
Our bodies that take nourishment from egoistic reception resist, fight against it.
These are normal processes and they build our inner world, our new sensory organs that will later perceive things above the body.
Have patience and good luck with everything,
- December 13, 2022 at 10:48 am EST #306541
Participant<p style=”text-align: left;”>Just so grateful this content found me in my darkest times in answer to a prayer to Creator to give freedom of consciousness to the human collective and that through grace,mercy and compassion. ❤️ Thank you for all your questions and thank you Seth for answering them.</p>
Mitakuye Oyasin
- December 15, 2022 at 3:44 pm EST #306700
Seth – KabU Instructor
- December 11, 2022 at 3:58 pm EST #306363
ParticipantSo the Creator created a creature to bring it to perfection. (Root phase) Does that mean the creature wasn’t perfect to start with? This sounds like a paradox. If the Creator is perfect how can it create something imperfect?
- December 11, 2022 at 9:11 pm EST #306378
Seth – KabU Instructor
The kabbalists ask this question and we will study it together later.
Of course it is impossible that something imperfect can extend out of the perfect Creator. So that imperfection is the measure of our distance from the perfect Creator. And by this distance, there is space for our existence, otherwise we are as a spark inside the sun, without any existence of our own. And from our efforts, we can cross this distance and build our inner sensations to come to consciously feel the Creator, to equalize ourselves with Him.
- December 11, 2022 at 11:40 am EST #306336
Leah Bergman
ParticipantPhysicists have discovered multiple dimensions. Is their discovery what kabbalists call seiforot? Or is the sefirot something completely different.
- December 11, 2022 at 9:07 pm EST #306377
Seth – KabU Instructor
I didn’t read up on their discoveries but I heard about them. From what I understand, they are saying that all possible realities exist at all times.The sefira is the smallest possible spiritual building block, there are always 10 of them together. What we discover in spirituality is that every place that you look there are the 10 sefirot…in the first sefira there are all 10. In the first sefira of the first sefira, there are all 10, etc, etc.
It’s like a holographic reality.
- December 11, 2022 at 10:19 am EST #306333
Swaggy_K_Boi Pie (KaiBeatsMC)
ParticipantHow do we become the creator of our lives, instead of being a slave and consumer of the material world? How do we create better lives for ourselves, that gets us closer to understand how to connect your mind to the universe?
- December 11, 2022 at 9:03 pm EST #306376
Seth – KabU Instructor
We are in the process of learning things that are out of this world, wonderful things, beautiful things, very big things. At the same time, we still live in this world. For example, we reveal that everything is governed by one force in absolute harmony but that is not our experience. We feel empty, we have to renew our refrigerator every week, we have to work on our relationships all the time, we have to pay bills and deal with people who are less than kind to us.
So we are not looking to just find a great slogan that sums everything up, but we are looking to attain Godliness from our current degree.
At this point we do not feel that we are 100% governed by an upper force. Not only us, everything in reality is governed by one upper force, managing everything in harmony. Of course to us it doesn’t feel that way. But the disparity that we feel is our distance from that harmony. When we reach the spiritual degree, reality itself doesn’t change, our perception changes and because of that we perceive a different reality.
So now that we have entered the study of the wisdom of kabbalah, we want to begin to feel how all of reality is a will to receive on the four degrees of inanimate, vegatative, animal and speaking. Start to feel in a calm way how all of reality is governed by the will to receive, the one creation that the Creator created.
Don’t judge it as good or bad. See what the Creator made.
This is the first step. Let me know how it’s going. After that we’ll make some new discernments.
Good luck. Have patience,
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