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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 223 total)
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    • #56872
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Dear instructor,

      1. Malchut is the phase that the human being has reached a spiritual insight?
      ( Because before:, alef, Beth, daled is only filling the kli for own concern? Could you say that these seferot show the animalistic phase?)Do I mix up?

      2.I wonder how to find out that the intention I’ve got is not really a manipulation of my ego. Though I ofcourse I like to be in a phase of a will to receive .

      3. Ohr Hasidim? Is there an example? What I’ve seen of religious  Hasidim; The feeling is really important.

      4.Is there a difference between the name Ahavaya and Adonai ?

      Looking forward….


      • #57254

        1.  Malchut is the full desire to receive.  There is no human until that will to receive goes through many many corrections upon that will to receive.  Malchut comes at the end of the 4 phases of direct light.  There are many other operations after that.

        2.  We are 100% will to receive.  Our egos will trick us every time.  Don’t worry about that.  He is doing his job.  This is what the Creator made.  The Creator made the 100% will to receive.  Why?  Because He wants you to enjoy everything.  If you only have a small desire, you can only enjoy a little, but He wants you to enjoy everything, so He develops Malchut of Ein Sof to enjoy everything.  However, we have a problem!  We cannot enjoy endlessly in our will to receive.  So what can we do?
        For this we have to make corrections.  We will learn about this soon.

        3.  The direct light from the Creator, the light of fulfillment is called Ohr Hochma.  After we make corrections and receive only with the intention to bestow, we reflect back to the Creator Ohr Hasadim.

        4. We refer to the four letters Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey as Havaya.  In the Jewish prayer book during prayers they often say Adonai for the four letter name.


    • #56846
      Muhammad Tanim

      If I can dedicate  all my intentions to satisfy God, I will become His part. Is this conclusion correct?

    • #56775
      Muhammad Tanim

      Hello! Take my greetings. Is spirituality  higher science? Could you  please clarify me? What are the opinions of Rav Baal Ha-Suman and Rav Laitman?

    • #56774
      Muhammad Tanim

      Hello! Take my greetings. Is spirituality higher science? What does Kabbalah say? What are the opinions of Rav Baal Ha-Sulam and Rav Laitman on this issue? Could you please clarify me?

      • #56854

        Hi Muhammad,
        Yes, yes.  Baal HaSulam calibrated us to the Kabbalah of the ARI.  The ARI made a huge innovation in the wisdom of Kabbalah.  He described all of the system of reality in a very clear and pragmatic way, truly like the science of the upper worlds.

    • #56731

      I have no questions. i just have an understanding now i think. like when a puzzle is falling into place.


    • #56521

      Hi Seth. I don’t have any questions at the moment. Probably because they just haven’t formed yet. 😉 I don’t understand the complexity of the course material but I am feeling very comfortable with it. I’m not getting too involved with questioning but rather I’m letting the knowledge wash over me. I have to come back to the videos and readings several times and each time more is revealed. I’m just really content with learning Kabbalah. I feel like I’ve finally found my thing. The knowledge of Kabbalah unfolds as I progress, us both hand in hand and I have faith in that. Also, I totally understand the ‘constriction’ that happens before a new level of spirituality is achieved, how the grief of not understanding and feeling that I don’t belong, produces a longing so palpable. When I truly surrender to this longing, this not knowing, not understanding, then the painful space within me that wants filling is then filled. I have to die to self and then desire with every fibre of my being for union. It happens like this all the time, so much so, that I no longer fret when I know a big lesson is coming up because I know I’m held and that this is a process. Hope my experience helps my fellow travellers.

Viewing 6 posts - 211 through 216 (of 223 total)
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