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  • #28807

    Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor.

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    • #291699
      Maria Memoli

      When Baal Hasulam says that the “Left rejects” does it refer to the screen or to the level of Behina Bet?

      Is the restriction Tzimzum Aleph the screen itself?

      • #292502

        This is referring to two forces, a rejecting force and an attracting force.
        All of our reality is built of these two forces, from the smallest to the largest particle.

        Tzimtzum Aleph is on operation, the building of the screen is a subsequent action.
        You seem to have a good grasp of what is happening.

    • #290450

      Great onsides

    • #289224

      In regards the Eyn Sof, what does Kabbalah teach regarding the attainment in consciousness  upon return from the many to the One? My attention in stillness leads me to a merging with no longer any sense of separateness and relationship. In other words, I am no longer a part of, but rather the entirety of One Being.

      • #289476

        The entire reason for Creation is to make a creature who can be filled with delight, with all that the Creator bestows.
        But there are conditions.
        The first one is that if we felt that pleasure, our existence would immidiatly be nullified.
        Before any emptiness can arise, it is already filled beyond contemplation.  A person would be an angel or some other form that only carries out the commands of the Creator because a person would have no way to do anything against that incredible pleasure and fulfillment.
        So we have these states left and right, left and right, empty and full, empty and full.
        All of our work in the wisdom of kabbalah is to work on the side of the empty vessel, on the shape of that vessel.
        The light of ein sof fills all of reality equally at all times.  Our work is only from the side of the vessel how to draw the light into that vessel to format it into the right form to hold that light.
        As we do this work, we build that vessel bit by bit until we can consciously hold more and more of the endless light.

    • #286872

      I was a chemistry major back in college and I was always a visual learner. This lesson resonated with me so greatly because it was like a scientific formula that was so beautifully explained…it just clicked!

      My question is this, as a non-Jewish, non-religious person of African American descent. I had always wondered about the persecution of Jews and I am feeling that is was to suppress the “chosen” people who were originally given this knowledge in Hebrew to later teach the rest of the world the formula of how to create a better life and a better world by repairing our vessels and acquiring the  quality of bestowal. There is something here that strikes me as truth. Your thoughts? Thank you.

      • #289479

        Thank you Seth. Your response absolutely thrills me! It raised more questions and thoughts than I expected. I look forward to participating in the system of Kabbalah. For a long time I have placed  attention on making changes by placing a focus within stillness and silence and from there imagining resolution of egoistic tendencies through affirmation and a full-faith expectation of an expression of that change in my consciousness. I did not have the vocabulary of Kabbalah nor the specific methodology. Sometimes I imagine my attainment to be well beyond my degree of attainment as I work so diligently to bypass so many steps and go straight to the source. Your answer is profound. Though I find peace beyond conditions, I find that I do return to conditions, perhaps a changed man, but not a completed man. I sense empty and partially filled vessels. If I’m to understand, it is only the filled vessel from which there is no return to a prior condition?

        • #289648

          The books of kabbalah are special.  There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy in them.  Although the student does not understand what he is learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what he is learning, he awakens upon himself the Lights that surround his souls.
          The purpose of our engagement in the wisdom is not to become wise, but that the light in it will work on our matter, give a new form to our matter.
          It sounds like you invested a lot of time and attention into your practice and from it you have acquired a language to describe your inner movements.
          As you go through the materials in these courses and especially when we are reading and studying the sources that were composed by the kabbalists, make some room for what they are presenting that it can enter you and format you.  It may be difficult for you since you have so much experience in your personal practice, you may be inclined to define everything they are presenting in your own language instead of their language.
          The gates are open.  It It all develops according to desire, how much we need it.
          Wishing you success,

      • #287262

        Hi Karen,
        You are on to something.
        But who persecutes and when and what makes that happen are also laws of nature.
        The people of Israel are those people from ancient Babylon made up of all the 70 nations that were there who left with Abraham.
        Today all of those who have the desire called Yashar El, straight to the Creator are those same soul.
        We learn about all of this in our study.
        We also have a an introduction to the topic on KabU.

        • #289660

          Thanks for your response. I believe I can be receptive to a new vocabulary. The older I have become the less attached I am to a particular description or method of expressing. I am thinking a new and fresh way might be just the thing to carry me far deeper in my practice. This, I believe, is what drew me to Kabbalah at this time. Giving a new form to matter is appealing as for some time changes in consciousness have been awakening things I can only hint at describing regarding the nature of my physical experience. It’s as if I’m morphing out of the physical even while participating in physical life. It’s a wondrous thing that can hardly be shared with anyone. It’s like stepping into a heavenly state which I want to share but fall short in any effort. In many ways I’m left feeling very alone in an experience that I want everyone to have now with me, though even that aloneness is not a sadness of any kind. I am at peace. However, I do long for community. I do have a wonderful marriage and many children. Perhaps at the appropriate time, my desire for community can be met by a group I believe I can be part of in your teachings. Thank you so much. I do get so much from your replies.

        • #289670

          You are in our English language campus.  We have similar programs in Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, French and others.  The students that progress through these fundamental courses will have the opportunity to join a virutal group of friends who learn how to implement what we are studying together.  There you will be among thousands of men and woman all around the world who are studying and doing this work together.
          In the meantime I cannot impress on you enough how important and foundational all of these course materials are.
          Keep a notebook, review the material several times.  You will find that these efforts will pay off a lot as you progress.
          The taller the structure, the deeper the foundation.

    • #286301
      Nicky Boo

      Hello Teacher.

      I am from a Christian Background, though I am not Christian, my internal landscape is decorated with Christian ideas and when you talk about this process, in this lesson, I can’t help but draw parables to the story and fall of Satan/Lucifer. The idea of rejecting the light and believing you can give as the creator gives reminds me of this story as lucifer rejected God and believed he could do/give better. Do you think Christian stories like this explain some of these principles your talking about rather than having a literal devil who torments an tempts?

      Warm Regards

      • #286628

        We are studying a practical method, literally a science of the upper worlds.
        We are now in the preparation phase, learning the structure of reality, after that we will learn how all of these forces are working on us, where we are in the system and how to relate and work with them.
        After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the the wisdom fell into the domain of the powerful and egoistic rulers, religions were formed, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, etc..
        Of course we will find all kinds of things in those religions that seem familiar to what we study in the wisdom of kabbalah since they all came from there.

    • #284896

      Can I please get a sincere response? This is a sincere question. So far, I have seen nothing but cosmological models and ontological/metaphysical theories. At what point does the wisdom of Kabbalah become practical? Is that even taught in this forum? I came to Kabbalah as a sincere and true seeker without expectations, tabula rasa if you will. While I find this system interesting and can personally identify and recognize some of its aspects as truth, I’m yet to see how this system can be utilized to improve my life. Every culture has developed a system and it’s my personal belief that if there is any empirical truth it all points to the same end. My problem is that with all my years of study I’m still just as stupid and miserable as I always was. Please give me some hope that Kabbalah can uplift me, and that there is a practical teaching to go along with the theoretical constructs.

      • #285214

        Our goal is to attain Godliness. “Attainment” [Heb: Hasagah] means the ultimate degree of understanding. It derives from the phrase, Ki Tasig Yadcha [“Your hand shall attain”]. That means that before something becomes utterly lucid, as though gripped in one’s hand, Kabbalists do not consider it attained, but by other names such as understanding, comprehension, and so on.

        We are right now in a field of endless light there is nothing that changes on the side of the light.  We are before a set table filled with all of the delights.  Imagine a cat sitting in a movie theatre.  He just does not have the vessels to perceive the nuance of the acting, the visual effects, the musical score.
        And even a human.  Take a child to the opera and he will sit there bored while the adult next to him can go from tears to laughter from the depth of emotion.
        So all of our work is only to acquire vessels.  This takes time and much effort.
        This is the secret of the matter of the exile in Egypt, that the children of Israel needed to go down into that darkness in order to acquire vessels, to acquire a need for all that the Creator wants to give to them.

        What you are studying now is invaluable.  Your are beginning to organize your inner life and discover what is the matter that we are made of, what is the system that we find ourselves in, what forces are acting on us and where can we make a spiritual move.

        Stupid…this doesn’t matter at all.  It is not the wise who attains.
        It depends on the desire of the heart which develops slowly over time.
        Miserable…this is a good state, that you are not satisfied with the what the world has to offer and you need more.
        Take notes from each lesson, squeeze the juice out it, write down a few sentences from each lesson.  What  you understand from it.  Just a few words, the essence of what you got.  Do this from week to week.
        You found a true method passed from teacher to student unbroken for thousands of years.
        You found what you are looking for.
        He put your hand on the good fate, now you need to take it.
        I look forward to hearing how it is going as you progress.  We will have many more degrees of ups and downs to go though.  The righteous falls 1000times and rises.  That is our way.

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